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Last additions - Pilbara negative and digital Albums - Iron Ore
248-1144 viewsDingo Siding on the Hamersley Iron railway at the 39 km with an empty train headed up by a pair of General Electric built Dash 9-44CW units 7077 serial 47756 from the original first order in the Pepsi Can livery and 9408 serial 54158 from the fourth order in the Pilbara Rail livery with Robe ownership markings. Approximate location. 24th April 2004.Nov 03, 2020
248-1039 viewsDingo Siding on the Hamersley Iron railway at the 39 km with an empty train headed up by a pair of General Electric built Dash 9-44CW units 9408 serial 54158 from the fourth order in 2003 wearing the Pilbara Rail livery with Robe ownership markings. The blue 230 sign is the indication that there is 230 waggons in clear at that point. Approximate location. 24th April 2004.Nov 03, 2020
248-0941 viewsDingo Siding on the Hamersley Iron railway at the 39 km with an empty train headed up by a pair of General Electric built Dash 9-44CW units 7077 serial 47756 from the original first order in the Pepsi Can livery and 9408 serial 54158 from the fourth order in the Pilbara Rail livery with Robe ownership markings. The signal marker boards are in the distance. Approximate location. 24th April 2004.Nov 03, 2020
248-0844 viewsDingo Siding on the Hamersley Iron railway at the 39 km with an empty train headed up by a pair of General Electric built Dash 9-44CW units 7077 serial 47756 from the original first order in the Pepsi Can livery and 9408 serial 54158 from the fourth order in the Pilbara Rail livery with Robe ownership markings. Approximate location. 24th April 2004.Nov 03, 2020
248-0757 viewsDingo Siding on the Hamersley Iron railway at the 39 km with an empty train headed up by a pair of General Electric built Dash 9-44CW units 9408 serial 54158 from the fourth order in 2003 wearing the Pilbara Rail livery with Robe ownership markings. Approximate location. 24th April 2004.Nov 03, 2020
248-0649 viewsDingo Siding on the Hamersley Iron railway at the 39 km with an empty train headed up by a pair of General Electric built Dash 9-44CW units 9408 serial 54158 from the fourth order in 2003 wearing the Pilbara Rail livery with Robe ownership markings. The blue 230 sign is the indication that there is 230 waggons in clear at that point. Approximate location. 24th April 2004.Nov 03, 2020
248-0545 viewsDingo Siding on the Hamersley Iron railway at the 39 km with an empty train headed up by a pair of General Electric built Dash 9-44CW units 9408 serial 54158 from the fourth order in 2003 wearing the Pilbara Rail livery with Robe ownership markings. Approximate location. 24th April 2004.Nov 03, 2020
248-0447 viewsDingo Siding on the Hamersley Iron railway at the 39 km with an empty train headed up by a pair of General Electric built Dash 9-44CW units 9408 serial 54158 from the fourth order in 2003 wearing the Pilbara Rail livery with Robe ownership markings. Approximate location. 24th April 2004.Nov 03, 2020
248-0356 viewsDingo Siding on the Hamersley Iron railway at the 39 km with an empty train headed up by a pair of General Electric built Dash 9-44CW units 7077 serial 47756 from the original first order in the Pepsi Can livery from 1994 still looking good some ten years later. Approximate location. 24th April 2004.Nov 03, 2020
248-0242 viewsDingo Siding on the Hamersley Iron railway at the 39 km with an empty train headed up by a pair of General Electric built Dash 9-44CW units 7077 serial 47756 from the original first order in the Pepsi Can livery from 1994 still looking good some ten years later. Approximate location. 24th April 2004.Nov 03, 2020
248-0162 viewsDingo Siding on the Hamersley Iron railway at the 39 km with an empty train headed up by a pair of General Electric built Dash 9-44CW units 7077 serial 47756 from the original first order in the Pepsi Can livery and 9408 serial 54158 from the fourth order in the Pilbara Rail livery with Robe ownership markings. Approximate location. 24th April 2004.Nov 03, 2020
247-3787 viewsNear Cooya Pooya at the 37.5 km on the Robe River Cape Lambert line an empty train passes under the town water supply pipeline and pass through Lockyer Gap behind the standard Robe power of quad CM40-8M or Dash 8 locomotives led by 9425 with 9410, 9420 and last unit 9414 which is a Goninan WA ALCo to GE rebuild CM40-8M with serial 8206-11 / 91-124 from November 1991 riding on Dofasco bogies and was originally an AE Goodwin built M636 ALCo built new for Robe in December 1971 and numbered 262.005, later numbered 1714. Location is here.22nd May 2002.Oct 28, 2020
247-3657 viewsNear Cooya Pooya at the 37.5 km on the Robe River Cape Lambert line an empty train passes under the town water supply pipeline and pass through Lockyer Gap behind the standard Robe power of quad CM40-8M or Dash 8 locomotives led by 9425 with 9410, 9420 and last unit 9414 which is a Goninan WA ALCo to GE rebuild CM40-8M with serial 8206-11 / 91-124 from November 1991 riding on Dofasco bogies and was originally an AE Goodwin built M636 ALCo built new for Robe in December 1971 and numbered 262.005, later numbered 1714. Location is here.22nd May 2002.Oct 28, 2020
247-3552 viewsNear Cooya Pooya at the 37.5 km on the Robe River Cape Lambert line an empty train passes under the town water supply pipeline and pass through Lockyer Gap behind the standard Robe power of quad CM40-8M or Dash 8 locomotives led by 9425 with 9410, 9420 and last unit 9414 which is a Goninan WA ALCo to GE rebuild CM40-8M with serial 8206-11 / 91-124 from November 1991 riding on Dofasco bogies and was originally an AE Goodwin built M636 ALCo built new for Robe in December 1971 and numbered 262.005, later numbered 1714. Location is here.22nd May 2002.Oct 28, 2020
247-3453 viewsNear Cooya Pooya at the 37.5 km on the Robe River Cape Lambert line an empty train passes under the town water supply pipeline and pass through Lockyer Gap behind the standard Robe power of quad CM40-8M or Dash 8 locomotives led by 9425 with 9410, 9420 and last unit 9414 which is a Goninan WA ALCo to GE rebuild CM40-8M with serial 8206-11 / 91-124 from November 1991 riding on Dofasco bogies and was originally an AE Goodwin built M636 ALCo built new for Robe in December 1971 and numbered 262.005, later numbered 1714. Location is here.22nd May 2002.Oct 28, 2020
247-3365 viewsNear Cooya Pooya at the 37.5 km on the Robe River Cape Lambert line an empty train passes under the town water supply pipeline and pass through Lockyer Gap behind the standard Robe power of quad CM40-8M or Dash 8 locomotives led by 9425 which is a Goninan WA ALCo to GE rebuild CM40-8M with serial 6266-8 / 89-85 from August 1989 and was originally an AE Goodwin built M636 ALCo serial C-6041-4 new for Mt Newman Mining (later BHP Iron Ore) in April 1970 and numbered 5468, sold to Robe and delivered by road 17th August 1982, compare to second unit 9410 with a Comeng style large flat fuel tank. Location is here.22nd May 2002.Oct 28, 2020
247-3259 viewsNear Cooya Pooya at the 37.5 km on the Robe River Cape Lambert line an empty train is about to pass under the town water supply pipeline and pass through Lockyer Gap behind the standard Robe power of quad CM40-8M or Dash 8 locomotives led by 9425 which is a Goninan WA ALCo to GE rebuild CM40-8M with serial 6266-8 / 89-85 from August 1989 riding on Hi-Ad bogies and was originally an AE Goodwin built M636 ALCo serial C-6041-4 and built new for Mt Newman Mining (later BHP Iron Ore) in April 1970 and numbered 5468, sold to Robe and delivered by road 17th August 1982. Location is here.22nd May 2002.Oct 28, 2020
247-3153 viewsNear Cooya Pooya at the 37.5 km on the Robe River Cape Lambert line an empty train is about to pass under the town water supply pipeline and pass through Lockyer Gap behind the standard Robe power of quad CM40-8M or Dash 8 locomotives led by 9425 which is a Goninan WA ALCo to GE rebuild CM40-8M with serial 6266-8 / 89-85 from August 1989 riding on Hi-Ad bogies and was originally an AE Goodwin built M636 ALCo serial C-6041-4 and built new for Mt Newman Mining (later BHP Iron Ore) in April 1970 and numbered 5468, sold to Robe and delivered by road 17th August 1982. Location is here.22nd May 2002.Oct 28, 2020
247-3042 viewsNear Cooya Pooya at the 37.5 km on the Robe River Cape Lambert line an empty train is about to pass under the town water supply pipeline and pass through Lockyer Gap behind the standard Robe power of quad CM40-8M or Dash 8. Location is here.22nd May 2002.Oct 28, 2020
247-2949 viewsCape Lambert fuel point, Robe River locomotive 9410 which is a Goninan WA ALCo to GE rebuild CM40-8M with serial 2160-03 / 96-202 from March 1996 riding on Dofasco bogies and was originally a Comeng NSW built M636 ALCo serial C-6096-5 and built new for Mt Newman Mining (later BHP Iron Ore) in November 1975 and numbered 5500. Everything below the frame is ALCo, with the Comeng build style flat fuel tank, while above is GE and Pilbara Cab. Approximate location of the locos is here. 22nd May 2002.Oct 28, 2020
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