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Last additions - Pilbara negative and digital Albums - Iron Ore
200412 6069121 viewsBoodarie, part of a loaded FMG train, a mismatched waggon pair, both are CRRC Yangtze Rolling Stock Co. of China builds, 7535 is a slave waggon with rotary coupler and 23.1 tonne tare and carrying the wrong number as it should be 7635, coupled to control waggon 8636 23.3 tonnes tare. Earlier on the same day I saw another 7535 coupled to a 8536. Both should be 2018 builds. 12th April 2020.Apr 26, 2020
200412 5921105 viewsBoodarie, part of a loaded FMG train, a mismatched waggon pair, both are CSR Yangtze Rolling Stock Co. of China builds, 6968 would be a 2013 built, but the 5967 should be a 2014 build and numbered in the 72xx-74xx series. 12th April 2020.Apr 26, 2020
200412 5554cr119 viewsBoodarie, part of an FMG loaded train CNR (China Northern) QRRS (Qiqihar Rolling Stock Works) built waggon pair 7419 slave waggon and 8420 control waggon, crop of the waggon details of AXLE LOAD 45 t, CAPACITY 156.1 t, VOLUME 69m³. 12th April 2020.Apr 26, 2020
200412 5554136 viewsBoodarie, part of an FMG loaded train arriving at the port CNR (China Northern) QRRS (Qiqihar Rolling Stock Works) built waggon pair 7419 slave waggon and 8420 control waggon, with both waggons tared at 23.9 tonnes, the yellow circle on 7419 indicates the rotary coupler end. 12th April 2020.Apr 26, 2020
090121 1680111 viewsBoodarie, an FMG empty train departs the port with mismatched waggon pair slave 1169 22.6 tonnes tare and control 2368 22.9 tonne tare from the original CSR Zhuzhou Rolling Stock Works in China build from 2007.Apr 26, 2020
090121 167286 viewsBoodarie, an FMG empty train departs the port with mismatched waggon pair slave 1403 22.6 tonnes tare and control 2364 22.9 tonne tare from the original CSR Zhuzhou Rolling Stock Works in China build from 2007.Apr 26, 2020
090121 1200103 viewsBoodarie, an FMG empty train with mismatched waggon pair slave 1367 22.6 tonnes tare and control 2170 22.9 tonne tare from the original CSR Zhuzhou Rolling Stock Works in China build from 2007.Apr 26, 2020
110620 228497 viewsChapman, the entire fleet of twelve FMG TK type fuel tank waggons all built in 2008 by CSR Zhuzhou Rolling Stock Works plant in China hurry south on the loaded run of the fuel train to Cloud Break mine. 20th June 2011.Apr 10, 2020
110620 2283112 viewsChapman, FMG TK type fuel tank waggon TK 02 built by China Southern CSR at their Zhuzhou Rolling Stock Works plant in China in 2008 as part of an order for twelve tanks, is on the loaded fuel train to Cloud Break. 20th June 2011.Apr 10, 2020
110620 228277 viewsChapman, FMG TK type fuel tank waggon TK 03 built by China Southern CSR at their Zhuzhou Rolling Stock Works plant in China in 2008 as part of an order for twelve tanks, is on the loaded fuel train to Cloud Break. 20th June 2011.Apr 10, 2020
110620 228181 viewsChapman, FMG TK type fuel tank waggon TK 01 built by China Southern CSR at their Zhuzhou Rolling Stock Works plant in China in 2008 as the first of an order for twelve tanks, is on the loaded fuel train to Cloud Break. 20th June 2011.Apr 10, 2020
110620 228077 viewsChapman, FMG TK type fuel tank waggon TK 11 built by China Southern CSR at their Zhuzhou Rolling Stock Works plant in China in 2008 as part of an order for twelve tanks, is on the loaded fuel train to Cloud Break. 20th June 2011.Apr 10, 2020
110620 227982 viewsChapman, FMG TK type fuel tank waggon TK 07 built by China Southern CSR at their Zhuzhou Rolling Stock Works plant in China in 2008 as part of an order for twelve tanks, is on the loaded fuel train to Cloud Break. 20th June 2011.Apr 10, 2020
110620 227876 viewsChapman, FMG TK type fuel tank waggon TK 08 built by China Southern CSR at their Zhuzhou Rolling Stock Works plant in China in 2008 as part of an order for twelve tanks, is on the loaded fuel train to Cloud Break. 20th June 2011.Apr 10, 2020
110620 227777 viewsChapman, FMG TK type fuel tank waggon TK 05 built by China Southern CSR at their Zhuzhou Rolling Stock Works plant in China in 2008 as part of an order for twelve tanks, is on the loaded fuel train to Cloud Break. 20th June 2011.Apr 10, 2020
110620 227678 viewsChapman, FMG TK type fuel tank waggon TK 04 built by China Southern CSR at their Zhuzhou Rolling Stock Works plant in China in 2008 as part of an order for twelve tanks, is on the loaded fuel train to Cloud Break. 20th June 2011.Apr 10, 2020
110620 227582 viewsChapman, FMG TK type fuel tank waggon TK 06 built by China Southern CSR at their Zhuzhou Rolling Stock Works plant in China in 2008 as part of an order for twelve tanks, is on the loaded fuel train to Cloud Break. 20th June 2011.Apr 10, 2020
110620 227483 viewsChapman, FMG TK type fuel tank waggon TK 10 built by China Southern CSR at their Zhuzhou Rolling Stock Works plant in China in 2008 as part of an order for twelve tanks, is on the loaded fuel train to Cloud Break. 20th June 2011.Apr 10, 2020
110620 227382 viewsChapman, FMG TK type fuel tank waggon TK 09 built by China Southern CSR at their Zhuzhou Rolling Stock Works plant in China in 2008 as part of an order for twelve tanks, is on the loaded fuel train to Cloud Break. 20th June 2011.Apr 10, 2020
110620 227288 viewsChapman, FMG TK type fuel tank waggon TK 12 built by China Southern CSR at their Zhuzhou Rolling Stock Works plant in China in 2008 as the final member of a order for twelve tanks, is on the loaded fuel train to Cloud Break. 20th June 2011.Apr 10, 2020
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