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Last additions - Pilbara negative and digital Albums - Iron Ore
080621 2792119 viewsWalla back track, BHP track machine TM04 a Plasser Australia unit model 09-3X serial M489. 21st June 2008.Apr 09, 2020
070622 0224116 viewsMooka in the back track siding, BHP Iron Ore's track recording vehicle, EM80 which is a Plasser & Theurer EM-80 model and still wearing the old BHP blue and white livery, this unit was delivered in Mt Newman Mining orange and white.Apr 09, 2020
070622 0223117 viewsMooka in the back track siding, BHP Iron Ore's track recording vehicle, EM80 which is a Plasser & Theurer EM-80 model and still wearing the old BHP blue and white livery, this unit was delivered in Mt Newman Mining orange and white.Apr 09, 2020
070622 0222102 viewsMooka in the back track siding, BHP Iron Ore's track recording vehicle, EM80 which is a Plasser & Theurer EM-80 model and still wearing the old BHP blue and white livery, this unit was delivered in Mt Newman Mining orange and white.Apr 09, 2020
6993 001148 viewsWelshpool, Goninan Open Day 27th August, 1988. Mt Newman Mining's Goninan new build GE CM39-8 model loco 5630 'Zeus' serial 5831-09 / 88-079.
Jim Bisdee photo.
Feb 12, 2020
6994 001131 viewsWelshpool, Goninan Open Day 27th August, 1988. Builders Plate detail for Mt Newman Mining's Goninan new build GE CM39-8 model loco 5630 'Zeus' serial 5831-09 / 88-079.
Jim Bisdee photo.
Feb 12, 2020
6992 001132 viewsWelshpool, Goninan Open Day 27th August, 1988. Mt Newman Mining's Goninan new build GE CM39-8 model loco 5630 'Zeus' serial 5831-09 / 88-079.
Jim Bisdee photo.
Feb 12, 2020
6990 001122 viewsWelshpool, Goninan Open Day 27th August, 1988. Rear view of the pilot and radiator wing section of Mt Newman Mining's Goninan new build GE CM39-8 model loco 5630 'Zeus' serial 5831-09 / 88-079.
Jim Bisdee photo.
Feb 12, 2020
6989 001130 viewsWelshpool, Goninan Open Day 27th August, 1988. Mt Newman Mining's Goninan new build GE CM39-8 model loco 5630 'Zeus' serial 5831-09 / 88-079.
Jim Bisdee photo.
Feb 12, 2020
6988 001123 viewsWelshpool, Goninan Open Day 27th August, 1988. Front on view of Mt Newman Mining's Goninan new build GE CM39-8 model loco 5630 'Zeus' serial 5831-09 / 88-079.
Jim Bisdee photo.
Feb 12, 2020
6987 001121 viewsWelshpool, Goninan Open Day 27th August, 1988. Mt Newman Mining's Goninan new build GE CM39-8 model loco 5630 'Zeus' serial 5831-09 / 88-079.
Jim Bisdee photo.
Feb 12, 2020
6986 001147 viewsWelshpool, Goninan Open Day 27th August, 1988. Mt Newman Mining's Goninan new build GE CM39-8 model loco 5630 'Zeus' serial 5831-09 / 88-079.
Jim Bisdee photo.
Feb 12, 2020
6984 001141 viewsWelshpool, Goninan Open Day 27th August, 1988. New GE 7FDL-16 prime mover awaiting fitting to one of the new CM39-8 units.
Jim Bisdee photo.
Feb 12, 2020
6983 001130 viewsWelshpool, Goninan Open Day 27th August, 1988. View of the assembly floor area, brand new GE CM39-8 locomotive 5631 serial 5831-10 / 88-080 under construction for Mt Newman Mining masked up ready for painting with sister unit 5632 inline behind it.
Jim Bisdee photo.
Feb 12, 2020
6982 001110 viewsWelshpool, Goninan Open Day 27th August, 1988. Radiator section and frame for new build CM39-8 unit 5633 in the early stages of assembly.
Jim Bisdee photo.
Feb 12, 2020
6981 001118 viewsWelshpool, Goninan Open Day 27th August, 1988. View from No.2 end of under construction GE CM39-8 locomotive 5631 serial 5831-10 / 88-080 being built for Mt Newman Mining, masked up ready for painting.
Jim Bisdee photo.
Feb 12, 2020
6980 001118 viewsWelshpool, Goninan Open Day 27th August, 1988. View from No.2 end of under construction GE CM39-8 locomotive 5632 serial 5831-11 / 88-081 being built for Mt Newman Mining.
Jim Bisdee photo.
Feb 12, 2020
6979 001121 viewsWelshpool, Goninan Open Day 27th August, 1988. New bogie and traction motor for the GE CM39-8 units.
Jim Bisdee photo.
Feb 12, 2020
1062 001318 viewsWelshpool, Goninan, Mt Newman Mining's GE C36-7M rebuild unit 5509 serial 4839-05 / 87-074 being road hauled to Port Hedland by Bell on a ninety four wheel float. This unit was rebuild from AE Goodwin ALCo C636 unit 5452 serial G6012-1. May 1987.
Jim Bisdee photo.
Feb 12, 2020
1061 001262 viewsWelshpool, Goninan, Mt Newman Mining's AE Goodwin built ALCo C636 model 5465 serial G6041-1 sits on a road transport float out the front of the workshops, this unit went on to be rebuilt into a GE C36-7M unit 5512. December 1987.
Jim Bisdee photo.
Feb 12, 2020
3720 files on 186 page(s) 53

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