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Last additions - Pilbara negative and digital Albums - Iron Ore
171121 096877 viewsBarker Siding, Loram rail grinder MPC 2, driving and generator car or waggon. Looks to be a converted 85 foot waggon. This used to be operational in the US as LMIX 602. 21st November 2017.Dec 06, 2017
171121 096970 viewsBarker Siding, Loram rail grinder MPC 2, driving and generator end of a converted 85 foot waggon. 21st November 2017.Dec 06, 2017
171121 096770 viewsBarker Siding, Loram rail grinder MPC 2, grinder cart. 21st November 2017.Dec 06, 2017
171121 096682 viewsBarker Siding, Loram rail grinder MPC 2, control and grinder car. 21st November 2017.Dec 06, 2017
171121 096581 viewsBarker Siding which is the ballast loading point, one of two FMG ballast plough waggons BP 02, built in China by CSR at the Yangtze Rolling Stock Company in 2010 on the south end of a ballast rake. 21st November 2017.Dec 06, 2017
171121 096474 viewsBarker Siding, Loram rail grinder MPC 2, control and grinder car. 21st November 2017.Dec 06, 2017
171121 096092 viewsBarker Siding, FMG's ballast loading single ended siding, stabled are the Loram MPC 2 grinder and the FMG ballast waggon set. 21st November 2017.Dec 06, 2017
171121 096382 viewsBarker Siding, Loram rail grinder MPC 2, grinder cart. 21st November 2017.Dec 06, 2017
171018 0959111 viewsTad Yard and Roy Hill's General Eclectic ES44ACi model unit RHA 1020 serial number 64301 idles away on the fuel train with tank waggons TA 1010 and TA 1003 which were built by China Southern Rail at their Zhuzhou works. This ES44ACi unit was built in February 2016 as Erie Pennsylvania, USA. 18th October 2017.Dec 06, 2017
171018 095890 viewsTad Yard and Roy Hill's General Eclectic ES44ACi model unit RHA 1020 serial number 64301 idles away on the fuel train with tank waggons TA 1010 and TA 1003 which were built by China Southern Rail at their Zhuzhou works. This ES44ACi unit was built in February 2016 as Erie Pennsylvania, USA. 18th October 2017.Dec 06, 2017
171018 095793 viewsTad Yard, overview of Roy Hill's fuel tanks and waggon loading gantry with a fuel train being loaded headed up by ES44ACi unit RHA 1020 serial number 64301 and sister units RHA 1015 serial number 63826 with RHA 1017 serial number 63828 awaiting their next call to duty. All three RHA units were built in Erie Pennsylvania, USA by General Electric. 17th October 2018.Dec 06, 2017
171018 095693 viewsTad Yard, overview of Roy Hill's fuel tanks and waggon loading gantry with a fuel train being loaded headed up by ES44ACi unit RHA 1020 serial number 64301 built in Erie Pennsylvania, USA by GE. 17th October 2018.Dec 06, 2017
171018 095498 viewsTad Yard, overview of Roy Hill's fuel tanks and waggon loading gantry with a fuel train being loaded headed up by ES44ACi unit RHA 1020 serial number 64301 built in Erie Pennsylvania, USA by GE. 17th October 2018.Dec 06, 2017
171018 0953111 viewsTad Yard and Roy Hill's General Eclectic ES44ACi model unit RHA 1017 serial number 63828 idles away in between duties. This ES44ACi unit was built in September 2015 as Erie Pennsylvania, USA. 18th October 2017.Dec 06, 2017
171018 0952111 viewsTad Yard and Roy Hill's General Eclectic ES44ACi model units RHA 1017 serial number 63828 and RHA 1015 serial number 63826 idle away in between duties. These ES44ACi units were built in September 2015 at Erie Pennsylvania, USA. 18th October 2017.Dec 06, 2017
170915 0724134 viewsGreat Northern Highway 18.2 km grade crossing, empty Roy Hill fuel train powers away north from the highway towards Tad Yard with General Electric built ES44ACi unit RHA 1019 leading eleven of Roy Hill's twelve tank waggons. 15th September 2017. View map here.Dec 06, 2017
170915 0722123 viewsAt the 18.2 km as part of the empty Roy Hill fuel train, TA type diesel fuel tank waggon TA 1003 built by CSR Yangtze Rolling Stock Co China with a capacity of 96000 litres. 15th September 2017. View map here.Dec 06, 2017
170915 0721126 viewsAt the 18.2 km as part of the empty Roy Hill fuel train, TA type diesel fuel tank waggon TA 1004 built by CSR Yangtze Rolling Stock Co China with a capacity of 96000 litres. 15th September 2017. View map here.Dec 06, 2017
170915 0719124 viewsAt the 18.2 km as part of the empty Roy Hill fuel train, TA type diesel fuel tank waggon TA 1012 built by CSR Yangtze Rolling Stock Co China with a capacity of 96000 litres. 15th September 2017. View map here.Dec 06, 2017
170915 0720118 viewsAt the 18.2 km as part of the empty Roy Hill fuel train, TA type diesel fuel tank waggon TA 1008 built by CSR Yangtze Rolling Stock Co China with a capacity of 96000 litres. 15th September 2017. View map here.Dec 06, 2017
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