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Last additions - South Australia - Eyre Peninsula Negative and Digital Albums
130705 0529114 viewsLock, 1203, 846 and 859 shunt their loading grain train out of the siding onto the mainline. Genesee & Wyoming locomotive AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 unit 859 'City of Port Lincoln' serial 84705, built in 1963, 859 started life at Peterborough, spent some years in Tasmania and even spent time in Perth on standard gauge in 2002 before being repainted and transferred to the Eyre Peninsula system in 2003. 5th of July 2013.Jan 27, 2015
130705 0526101 viewsLock, 1203, 846 and 859 shunt their loading grain train out of the siding onto the mainline. Genesee & Wyoming locomotive AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 unit 859 'City of Port Lincoln' serial 84705, built in 1963, 859 started life at Peterborough, spent some years in Tasmania and even spent time in Perth on standard gauge in 2002 before being repainted and transferred to the Eyre Peninsula system in 2003. The barracks are just visible at left. 5th of July 2013.Jan 27, 2015
130705 0527103 viewsLock, 1203, 846 and 859 shunt their loading grain train out of the siding onto the mainline. Genesee & Wyoming locomotive AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 unit 859 'City of Port Lincoln' serial 84705, built in 1963, 859 started life at Peterborough, spent some years in Tasmania and even spent time in Perth on standard gauge in 2002 before being repainted and transferred to the Eyre Peninsula system in 2003. 5th of July 2013.Jan 27, 2015
130705 0524109 viewsLock, HCN type bogie grain hopper waggon HCN 39, originally an NHB type hopper NHB 1573 built by Tulloch Ltd for the Commonwealth Railways North Australia Railway. One of forty rebuilt by Islington Workshops 1978-79 to the HCN type with a 36 ton rating, increased to 40 tonnes in 1984. Fitted with a Moose Metalworks roll-top cover. 5th July 2013.Jan 27, 2015
130705 0525109 viewsLock, HBN type dual use ballast / grain hopper waggons, HBN 5. One of seventeen built by South Australian Railways Islington Workshops in 1968 with a 25 ton capacity, increased to 34 tons in 1974. HBN 1-11 fitted with removable tops and roll-top hatches in 1999-2000. 5th July 2013.Jan 27, 2015
130705 0522110 viewsLock, 1203, 846 and 859 shunt their loading grain train out of the siding onto the mainline. Genesee & Wyoming locomotive AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 unit 859 'City of Port Lincoln' serial 84705, built in 1963, 859 started life at Peterborough, spent some years in Tasmania and even spent time in Perth on standard gauge in 2002 before being repainted and transferred to the Eyre Peninsula system in 2003. 5th of July 2013.Jan 27, 2015
130705 0523124 viewsLock, 1203, 846 and 859 shunt their loading grain train out of the siding onto the mainline. Genesee & Wyoming locomotive AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 unit 859 'City of Port Lincoln' serial 84705, built in 1963, 859 started life at Peterborough, spent some years in Tasmania and even spent time in Perth on standard gauge in 2002 before being repainted and transferred to the Eyre Peninsula system in 2003. 5th of July 2013.Jan 27, 2015
130705 0521129 viewsLock, Genesee & Wyoming locomotive AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 unit 859 'City of Port Lincoln' serial 84705, built in 1963, 859 started life at Peterborough, spent some years in Tasmania and even spent time in Perth on standard gauge in 2002 before being repainted and transferred to the Eyre Peninsula system in 2003. 5th of July 2013.Jan 27, 2015
130705 0520117 viewsLock, former Australian National narrow gauge 830 class locomotive 846, an AE Goodwin built ALCo DL531 model with serial 84715 built new for the SAR in 1963 and delivered to Adelaide Division on broad gauge, transferred to Tasmania on narrow gauge in 1982, then back to SA on standard gauge in 1989 and then Whyalla in 2008 on narrow gauge. In 2012 is was delivered to Port Lincoln, the last loco delivered to the Eyre Peninsula and wearing Genesee & Wyoming decals on former AN livery. 5th July 2013.Jan 27, 2015
130705 0519129 viewsLock, former Australian National narrow gauge 830 class locomotive 846, an AE Goodwin built ALCo DL531 model with serial 84715 built new for the SAR in 1963 and delivered to Adelaide Division on broad gauge, transferred to Tasmania on narrow gauge in 1982, then back to SA on standard gauge in 1989 and then Whyalla in 2008 on narrow gauge. In 2012 is was delivered to Port Lincoln, the last loco delivered to the Eyre Peninsula and wearing Genesee & Wyoming decals on former AN livery. 5th July 2013.Jan 27, 2015
130705 0518119 viewsLock, grain train loading in progress with the Viterra fast flow auger in the distance, the train with 1203, 846 and 859 is about to split and shunt half the consist onto the mainline. 5th of July 2013.Jan 27, 2015
130705 0517116 viewsLock, grain train loading in progress with the Viterra fast flow auger in the distance, the train with 1203, 846 and 859 is about to split and shunt half the consist onto the mainline. 5th of July 2013.Jan 27, 2015
130705 0516107 viewsLock, grain train loading in progress with the Viterra fast flow auger in the distance, the train with 1203, 846 and 859 is about to split and shunt half the consist onto the mainline. 5th of July 2013.Jan 27, 2015
130705 0515121 viewsLock, grain train loading in progress with the Viterra fast flow auger in the distance, the train with 1203, 846 and 859 is about to split and shunt half the consist onto the mainline. 5th of July 2013.Jan 27, 2015
130705 0514143 viewsLock, grain train loading in progress with the Viterra fast flow auger in the distance, the train with 1203, 846 and 859 is about to split and shunt half the consist onto the mainline. 5th of July 2013.Jan 27, 2015
130705 0513120 viewsLock, grain train loading in progress with the Viterra fast flow auger in the distance, the train with 1203, 846 and 859 is about to split and shunt half the consist onto the mainline. 5th of July 2013.Jan 27, 2015
130705 0512114 viewsLock, grain train loading in progress with the Viterra fast flow auger in the distance, the train with 1203, 846 and 859 is about to split and shunt half the consist onto the mainline. 5th of July 2013.Jan 27, 2015
130705 0511127 viewsLock, grain train loading in progress with the Viterra fast flow auger in the distance, the train with 1203, 846 and 859 is about to split and shunt half the consist onto the mainline. 5th of July 2013.Jan 27, 2015
130705 0510126 viewsLock, the heavy fog has lifted and EMD 1200 class unit 1203 is leading the loading of a grain train on the grain loop road with two ALCo DL531 units 846 and 859.Jan 27, 2015
130704 0506123 viewsMoule, view of the massive silo complex of Thevenard in the distance across the water, they are approximately 13 km away, location here. 4th July 2013.Jan 27, 2015
2177 files on 109 page(s) 44

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