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Last additions - South Australia - Eyre Peninsula Negative and Digital Albums
060111 235495 viewsKyancutta, this shot shows three of the types of waggon used, former Australian National narrow gauge ENHG type bogie grain waggon ENHG 3, originally built by Moore Road Ind, Victoria as NB type NB 1398 ballast hopper for the NAR, then to standard gauge in 1975 as BA type BA 1540, recoded to AHTY in 1980, to EP April 1984, recoded to NHG type NHG 6 in May 1984, then again to ENHT type ENHT 6 in March 1985 and further rebuilt forming one half of ENHG type grain waggon in August 1986. The conversion involved splicing two AHTY-ENHT type waggons together at Port Lincoln workshops, an HCN type HCN 4 was modified at Islington Workshops in 1978-80 and started life as a Tulloch built NHB type iron ore hopper for the CR on the North Australia Railway in 1968-69, and an SAR built HAN type as they are shunted back into the grain siding for loading. 11th January 2006.Jan 27, 2015
060111 235390 viewsKyancutta, this shot shows three of the types of waggon used, former Australian National narrow gauge ENHG type bogie grain waggon ENHG 3, originally built by Moore Road Ind, Victoria as NB type NB 1398 ballast hopper for the NAR, then to standard gauge in 1975 as BA type BA 1540, recoded to AHTY in 1980, to EP April 1984, recoded to NHG type NHG 6 in May 1984, then again to ENHT type ENHT 6 in March 1985 and further rebuilt forming one half of ENHG type grain waggon in August 1986. The conversion involved splicing two AHTY-ENHT type waggons together at Port Lincoln workshops, an HCN type HCN 4, was modified at Islington Workshops in 1978-80 and started life as a Tulloch built NHB type iron ore hopper for the CR on the North Australia Railway in 1968-69, and an SAR built HAN type as they are shunted back into the grain siding for loading. 11th January 2006.Jan 27, 2015
060111 235285 viewsKyancutta, former Australian National narrow gauge ENHG type bogie grain waggon ENHG 3, originally built by Moore Road Ind, Victoria as NB type NB 1398 ballast hopper for the NAR, then to standard gauge in 1975 as BA type BA 1540, recoded to AHTY in 1980, to EP April 1984, recoded to NHG type NHG 6 in May 1984, then again to ENHT type ENHT 6 in March 1985 and further rebuilt forming one half of ENHG type grain waggon in August 1986. The conversion involved splicing two AHTY-ENHT type waggons together at Port Lincoln workshops, roll top cover visible, part of an empty train. 11th January 2006.Jan 27, 2015
060111 235183 viewsKyancutta, HCN type bogie wheat waggon HCN 3 shows signs of new panel work, was modified at Islington Workshops in 1978-80 and started life as a Tulloch built NHB type iron ore hopper for the CR on the North Australia Railway in 1968-69, and an SAR built HAN type HAN 13 part of an empty grain train. 11th January 2006.Jan 27, 2015
060111 235085 viewsKyancutta, empty grain waggons being shunted, SAR Islington Workshops built HAN type bogie wheat waggons HAN 34 with ANR logo, while HAN 15 still has the SAR logo. 11th January 2006.Jan 27, 2015
060111 234992 viewsKyancutta, ARG 900 class unit 905, originally built by AE Goodwin as 830 class unit 836 serial 83727, converted to DA class DA 6 by Australian National at Port Augusta workshops for driver only operation in 1996. Trailing unit in a north bound grain train. 11th January 2006.Jan 27, 2015
060111 234892 viewsKyancutta, ARG 1200 class unit 1203, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-427, one of fourteen originally built between 1960-65 for WAGR as their A class A 1513, fitted with dynamic brakes and financed by Western Mining Corporation, started working on the Eyre Peninsula in November 2004.Jan 27, 2015
060111 234797 viewsKyancutta, ARG 1200 class unit 1203, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-427, one of fourteen originally built between 1960-65 for WAGR as their A class A 1513, fitted with dynamic brakes and financed by Western Mining Corporation, started working on the Eyre Peninsula in November 2004.Jan 27, 2015
060111 2346101 viewsKyancutta, ARG 1200 class unit 1203, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-427, one of fourteen originally built between 1960-65 for WAGR as their A class A 1513, fitted with dynamic brakes and financed by Western Mining Corporation, started working on the Eyre Peninsula in November 2004.Jan 27, 2015
060111 234582 viewsKyancutta, ARG 1200 class unit 1203, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-427, one of fourteen originally built between 1960-65 for WAGR as their A class A 1513, fitted with dynamic brakes and financed by Western Mining Corporation, started working on the Eyre Peninsula in November 2004.Jan 27, 2015
060111 234391 viewsKyancutta, ARG 1200 class unit 1203, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-427, one of fourteen originally built between 1960-65 for WAGR as their A class A 1513, fitted with dynamic brakes and financed by Western Mining Corporation, started working on the Eyre Peninsula in November 2004.Jan 27, 2015
060111 234484 viewsKyancutta, ARG 1200 class unit 1203, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-427, one of fourteen originally built between 1960-65 for WAGR as their A class A 1513, fitted with dynamic brakes and financed by Western Mining Corporation, started working on the Eyre Peninsula in November 2004.Jan 27, 2015
060111 234185 viewsKyancutta, the concrete and steel silo complexes frame ARG 1200 class unit 1203, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-427, one of fourteen originally built between 1960-65 for WAGR as their A class A 1513, fitted with dynamic brakes and financed by Western Mining Corporation, started working on the Eyre Peninsula in November 2004 as it leads a north bound empty grain train. 11th January 2006.Jan 27, 2015
060111 234294 viewsKyancutta, the concrete and steel silo complexes frame ARG 1200 class unit 1203, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-427, one of fourteen originally built between 1960-65 for WAGR as their A class A 1513, fitted with dynamic brakes and financed by Western Mining Corporation, started working on the Eyre Peninsula in November 2004 as it leads a north bound empty grain train. 11th January 2006.Jan 27, 2015
060111 233983 viewsWarramboo, ARG 900 class unit 905, originally built by AE Goodwin as 830 class unit 836 serial 83727, converted to DA class DA 6 by Australian National at Port Augusta workshops for driver only operation in 1996. Trailing unit in a north bound grain train as it crosses Kimba Road grade crossing. 11th January 2006.Jan 27, 2015
060111 234079 viewsKyancutta, the concrete and steel silo complexes frame ARG 1200 class unit 1203, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-427, one of fourteen originally built between 1960-65 for WAGR as their A class A 1513, fitted with dynamic brakes and financed by Western Mining Corporation, started working on the Eyre Peninsula in November 2004 as it leads a north bound empty grain train. 11th January 2006.Jan 27, 2015
060111 233780 viewsWarramboo, ARG 900 class unit 905, originally built by AE Goodwin as 830 class unit 836 serial 83727, converted to DA class DA 6 by Australian National at Port Augusta workshops for driver only operation in 1996. Trailing unit in a north bound grain train. 11th January 2006.Jan 27, 2015
060111 233888 viewsWarramboo, ARG 900 class unit 905, originally built by AE Goodwin as 830 class unit 836 serial 83727, converted to DA class DA 6 by Australian National at Port Augusta workshops for driver only operation in 1996. Trailing unit in a north bound grain train as it crosses Kimba Road grade crossing. 11th January 2006.Jan 27, 2015
060111 233675 viewsWarramboo, 830 class unit 850 serial 84136 an AE Goodwin built ALCo DL531 model for the SAR and delivered new to Port Lincoln in 1962. 11th January 2006.Jan 27, 2015
060111 233589 viewsWarramboo, located at the 190.2 km and opened with the line in May 1913, with now disused station building on the left, Clyde Engineering built EMD G12C model loco 1203 serial 65-427 stands on the mainline as loading on the grain siding has started. 11th January 2006.Jan 27, 2015
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