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Most viewed - 030409
030409 081031236 viewsWarramboo, empty grain train powers away towards Kyancutta behind DA class DA 7 leading two 830 class units 872 and 871.
030409 083158223 viewsKyancutta, station located at the 203.1 km and originally opened in March 1916, yard overview looking north, grain loop, mainline and goods / grain loop, Ascom silo complex on the left and SACBH concrete silo complex on the right.
030409 155530174 viewsMoody Tank, signage outlining function.
030409 121224167 viewsKielpa, a few kilometres south of the former Konanda siding loaded grain train with 830 class unit 851 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial 84137, 851 has spent its entire operating career on the Eyre Peninsula, leads fellow 830 class 842 serial 84140 and a rebuilt unit DA 4, rebuilt from 830 class unit 839 by Port Augusta Workshops, retains original serial 83730 and model DL531 with the first twelve waggons behind the locos XNW type powers away from a crew change.
030409 120856166 viewsKielpa, DA class unit DA 4 a former Australian National locomotive rebuilt from former AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 830 class ex 839 serial 83730, rebuilt by Port Augusta Workshops to DA class.
030409 122808165 viewsKielpa, loaded grain train with 830 class unit 851 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial 84137, 851 has spent its entire operating career on the Eyre Peninsula, leads fellow 830 class 842 serial 84140 and a rebuilt unit DA 4 rumbles over the north end points heading south.
030409 120830164 viewsKielpa, former Australian National locomotive AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 830 class unit 842 serial 84140.
030409 084552160 viewsKyancutta, empty grain train runs through the yard behind rebuild DA class unit DA 7 in Australian Southern orange and black livery leading a pair of AE Goodwin built ALCo model DL531 830 class units 872 and 871 with a string of grain waggons.
030409 104357160 viewsWaddikee station located at the 218.3 km and opened in September 1921, yard overview with loaded train operating south to Cummins behind 830 class units 851 and 842 and DA class DA 4.
030409 110601160 viewsCaralue, loaded grain train working south of the former station site while one driver has a smoke, 830 class unit 851 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial 84137, 851 has spent its entire operating career on the Eyre Peninsula, it leads fellow 830 class 842 serial 84140 and a rebuilt unit DA 4, rebuilt from 830 class unit 839 by Port Augusta Workshops, retains original serial 83730 and model DL531.
030409 153932160 viewsMoody Tank, a loaded grain train storms around the curve behind 830 class unit 851 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial 84137, fellow 830 class 842 serial 84140 and a rebuilt DA class unit DA 4.
030409 084542159 viewsKyancutta, empty grain train runs through the yard behind rebuild DA class unit DA 7 in Australian Southern orange and black livery leading a pair of AE Goodwin built ALCo model DL531 830 class units 872 and 871 with a string of grain waggons.
030409 084713159 viewsKyancutta, XNW type bogie grain hopper waggon XNW 12 on the rear of a string of twelve such waggons, Comeng Qld built XNG type bogie waggon for Norseman Goldmines NL, then WAGR owned and coded XNA then in 1994 converted to XNW grain waggons. They arrived on the Eyre Peninsula system from 2001.
030409 113015157 viewsDarke Peake, the end of the triangle looking west is in this cutting.
030409 122448157 viewsKielpa, located at the 185.3 km and opened in July 1913, yard overview looking south from the north end.
030409 140747157 viewsWharminda, former Australian National DA class locomotive DA 4 is a rebuilt former AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 830 class ex 839, serial 83730, it was rebuilt by Port Augusta Workshops to DA class.
030409 084719156 viewsKyancutta, XNW type bogie grain hopper waggon XNW 12 on the rear of a string of twelve such waggons, Comeng Qld built XNG type bogie waggon for Norseman Goldmines NL, then WAGR owned and coded XNA then in 1994 converted to XNW grain waggons. They arrived on the Eyre Peninsula system from 2001.
030409 112310156 viewsDarke Peake, yard view looking south with grain loading spouts and silos on the goods and grain loop at left, mainline on the right.
030409 115636156 viewsDarke Peake, at the 195 km Dog Fence Road grade crossing loaded grain train with 830 class unit 851 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial 84137, 851 has spent its entire operating career on the Eyre Peninsula, leads fellow 830 class 842 serial 84140 and a rebuilt unit DA 4, rebuilt from 830 class unit 839 by Port Augusta Workshops, retains original serial 83730 and model DL531 with the first twelve waggons behind the locos XNW type.
030409 125206156 viewsRudall, station overview of yard looking north from the south end, points to the right for the goods and grain siding, the former station loop, now stub siding on the left, crew barracks and station building further on can be made out, horizontal grain bunker on the right with concrete silo complexes behind.
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