Most viewed - 030411 |

030411 141404355 viewsNunjikompita, front view of 'station' shelter shed, the door on the left used to house the control telephone.

030411 105103337 viewsKimba Grain Bunker site, overhead mainline loading bin, looking south towards Kimba, augers from the storage area on the left.

030411 101736333 viewsKimba Grain Bunker, train loading is almost complete with triple ALCo combination of 830 classes 871 and 872 and DA 7, model DL 531G/1, converted from 4813. 11th April 2003. Geodata here.

030411 102054264 viewsKimba Grain Bunker, looking towards Kimba with Aerodrome Rd in the distance, ALCo DL531G/1 model rebuilt from an AE Goodwin made ALCo DL531 48 class 4813 serial 83713, issued to Eyre Peninsula from new in March 1966, and two 830 class units, 871 and 872 prepare to depart with a loaded. 11th April 2003. Geodata here.

030411 105119260 viewsKimba Grain Bunker site, overview of arrangement. Former Cortlinye shelter placed for crew, lighting tower for night time operation and the yellow auger goes to the over rail loadout bin.

030411 101952259 viewsKimba Grain Bunker, ALCo DL531G/1 model rebuilt from an AE Goodwin made ALCo DL531 48 class 4813 serial 83713, issued to Eyre Peninsula from new in March 1966, 11th April 2003. Geodata here.

030411 085336256 viewsBuckleboo, the end of the line looking south around the curve to the station, a once planned extension onto the Pinkawillinie lands never proceeded. Geodata here. The silos are a bit washed out due to the drizzly conditions.

030411 105041256 viewsKimba Grain Bunker site with the Cortlinye shelter placed beside the line for crews to occupy.

030411 085258253 viewsBuckleboo, the end of the line looking north, a once planned extension onto the Pinkawillinie lands never proceeded. Geodata here.

030411 101856251 viewsKimba Grain Bunker, ALCo DL531 model built by AE Goodwin NSW as 830 class 871 issued to Eyre Peninsula from new in February 1966, trailing view, 11th April 2003. Geodata here.

030411 105754249 viewsKimba, station yard view looking south from Kimba Terrace, gang shed on the right, winch waggon visible and silos on the left.

030411 101932247 viewsKimba Grain Bunker, ALCo DL531 model built by AE Goodwin NSW as 830 class 872 serial G3422-2, issued to Eyre Peninsula from new in March 1966, 11th April 2003. Geodata here.

030411 104036 Kimba loaded bunkers247 viewsKimba Grain Bunker, loaded train departing with triple ALCo combination of 830 classes 871 and 872 and DA 7, model DL 531G/1, converted from 4813. 11th April 2003.

030411 105204 Kimba bunkers245 viewsKimba Grain Bunker video overview, power plant running, best viewed in IE as chrome won't support the player.

030411 102244238 viewsKimba Grain Bunker, looking towards Kimba, grain train loading with HBN type dual service ballast / grain hopper.

030411 102212236 viewsKimba Grain Bunker, looking towards Kimba, grain train loading with HBN type dual service ballast / grain hopper.

030411 110005235 viewsKimba, rail recovery winch waggon EZWL 2, shows cabin mounted above motor, built using underframe of broad gauge horse box BH 4331. To Eyre Peninsula 1992, recoded then from AZWL. Scrapped in 2005.

030411 105925234 viewsKimba, rail recovery winch waggon EZWL 2, built using underframe of broad gauge horse box BH 4331. To Eyre Peninsula 1992, recoded then from AZWL. Scrapped in 2005.

030411 105938233 viewsKimba, rail recovery waggon set with winch waggon EZWL 2, eight ENFR type and one ENFB type waggons. The cabin is mounted above the motor, built using underframe of broad gauge horse box BH 4331. To Eyre Peninsula 1992, re-coded then from AZWL. Scrapped in 2005.

030411 105828231 viewsKimba, station yard, view of rail transport set in the loading road, winch waggon, dumbbell point indicator. Barracks visible behind indicator, station building in the distance.