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Most viewed - Current_Wittenoom_Images
160103 DJI 0074211 viewsColonial Mill and mine ruins located within Wittenoom Gorge. Concrete foundations remain of the once impressive crusher, mill, dryer and bagging plant. See images of the site intact here . Geodata: -22.3090405 118.3190116 .
160101 9792209 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, view inside the drive, mine adit no. 2. Geodata: 22°19'28.8"S 118°19'41.7"E .
160103 DJI 0062206 viewsColonial Mill ruins located within Wittenoom Gorge. Concrete foundations remain of the once impressive crusher and mill plant. See images of the site intact here , Geodata: -22.311648, 118.318664.
160103 DJI 0056201 viewsColonial Mill and mine ruins located within Wittenoom Gorge. Concrete foundations remain of the once impressive crusher, mill, dryer and bagging plant. See images of the site intact here . Geodata: -22.3107510 118.3185928 .
160101 9771199 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, asbestos mining remains, concrete slab for railway workshops, track set in concrete. Location of image is here.
160103 DJI 0058193 viewsColonial Mill and mine ruins located within Wittenoom Gorge. The large concrete area on the upper level is the former mining offices and railway workshops, a sharp eye will see the sealed mine entry with a red door. Concrete foundations remain of the once impressive crusher, mill, dryer and bagging plant. See images of the site intact here , 194-08 shows the sealed red entry point. Geodata: -22.3112605 118.3190326 .
160103 DJI 0065191 viewsColonial Mill and mine ruins located within Wittenoom Gorge. A number of mine adits or entry points are visible on this level along with the large amount of tailings, office structures and railway points and track visible. See images of the site intact here , 194-08 shows the sealed red entry point. Geodata: -22.314205, 118.317905.
160103 DJI 0067191 viewsColonial Mill and mine ruins located within Wittenoom Gorge. The large concrete area on the upper level is the former mining offices and railway workshops, a sharp eye will see the sealed mine entry with a red door. The tracks for the battery loco charging and maintenance area also stand out. See images of the site intact here , 194-13 onwards shows the loco area. Geodata: -22.312705, 118.319078.
160103 DJI 0059190 viewsColonial Mill ruins located within Wittenoom Gorge. Concrete foundations remain of the once impressive crusher, mill, dryer and bagging plant. See images of the site intact here , Geodata: -22.3112605 118.3190326 .
160101 9783188 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, view inside the drive, mine adit no. 5.
160101 9774187 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, asbestos mining remains, mine drive adit No.6 concrete entry structure. Geodata.
160103 9833186 viewsLocated in the bush near Colonial Mill is this relic of a Fordson One Man Power Grader originally supplied by Lynas Motors Ltd. An old newspaper article on these graders can be found here . Geodata: -22.3057767 118.3247750 .
160101 DJI 0019185 viewsWittenoom Gorge, view from above looking north over the former settlement, tailings from East Gorge visible on the right and Club Pool where the tree line ends in the middle. Geodata.
160103 DJI 0070185 viewsColonial Mill and mine ruins located within Wittenoom Gorge. The large concrete area on the upper level is the former mining offices and railway workshops, a sharp eye will see the sealed mine entry with a red door. See images of the site intact here , 194-08 shows the sealed red entry point. Geodata: -22.3112605 118.3190326 .
160101 9775184 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, asbestos mining remains, mine drive adit No.6 concrete entry structure. Geodata.
160101 9782183 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, mine adit no. 5.
160101 DJI 0013182 viewsWittenoom Gorge, view from above the Gorge Mine area and pool, looking south west, campers at pool, the track continues on for a little further than here, and then foot access can be gained into gorge in Karijini National Park. Geodata.
160101 9769181 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, asbestos mining remains, concrete slab for railway workshops, track set in concrete. Location of image is here.
160103 DJI 0055181 viewsColonial Mill and mine ruins located within Wittenoom Gorge. Concrete foundations remain of the once impressive crusher, mill, dryer and bagging plant. See images of the site intact here . Geodata: -22.3107554 118.3185943 .
160103 DJI 0060181 viewsColonial Mill ruins located within Wittenoom Gorge. Concrete foundations remain of the once impressive dryer and bagging plant. See images of the site intact here , Geodata: -22.311257, 118.319031.
165 files on 9 page(s) 2

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