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Most viewed - 060110
060110 2238118 viewsLock, ARG 1200 class unit 1204, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-428, originally built for the WAGR as the final unit of fourteen A class locomotives in 1965 and sent to the Eyre Peninsula in July 2004. Approx. location of image.
060110 2187117 viewsYeelanna, empty grain arriving to shunt off empty hoppers, behind ARG 1200 class unit 1204, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-428, originally built for the WAGR as the final unit of fourteen A class locomotives in 1965. Sent to the Eyre Peninsula in July 2004. Approx. location of image.
060110 2235114 viewsKarkoo, empty grain train behind ARG 1200 class unit 1204, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-428, originally built for the WAGR as the final unit of fourteen A class locomotives in 1965 and sent to the Eyre Peninsula in July 2004 and two 830 class AE Goodwin built ALCo model DL531 units 842 serial 84140 ex SAR broad gauge and to Eyre Peninsula in October 1987, and 851 serial 84137 new to Eyre Peninsula in 1962. Approx. location of image.
060110 2242112 viewsLock, grain train loading underway behind ARG 1200 class unit 1204, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-428, originally built for the WAGR as the final unit of fourteen A class locomotives in 1965 and sent to the Eyre Peninsula in July 2004 and two 830 class AE Goodwin built ALCo model DL531 units 842 serial 84140 ex SAR broad gauge and to Eyre Peninsula in October 1987, and 851 serial 84137 new to Eyre Peninsula in 1962. Approx. location of image.
060110 2212110 viewsOn the curve near the 85 km between Yeelanna and Karkoo, ARG 1200 class unit 1204, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-428, originally built for the WAGR as the final unit of fourteen A class locomotives in 1965 and sent to the Eyre Peninsula in July 2004 leads an empty grain train. Approx. location of image.
060110 2241110 viewsLock, grain train loading underway behind ARG 1200 class unit 1204, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-428, originally built for the WAGR as the final unit of fourteen A class locomotives in 1965 and sent to the Eyre Peninsula in July 2004 and two 830 class AE Goodwin built ALCo model DL531 units 842 serial 84140 ex SAR broad gauge and to Eyre Peninsula in October 1987, and 851 serial 84137 new to Eyre Peninsula in 1962. Approx. location of image.
060110 2236109 viewsLock, grain train loading underway behind ARG 1200 class unit 1204, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-428, originally built for the WAGR as the final unit of fourteen A class locomotives in 1965 and sent to the Eyre Peninsula in July 2004 and two 830 class AE Goodwin built ALCo model DL531 units 842 serial 84140 ex SAR broad gauge and to Eyre Peninsula in October 1987, and 851 serial 84137 new to Eyre Peninsula in 1962. Approx. location of image.
060110 2186108 viewsNear the 78 km, empty grain train with ARG 1200 class unit 1204, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-428, originally built for the WAGR as the final unit of fourteen A class locomotives in 1965 and sent to the Eyre Peninsula in July 2004 and two 830 class AE Goodwin built ALCo model DL531 units 842 serial 84140 ex SAR broad gauge to Eyre Peninsula in October 1987, and 851 serial 84137 new to Eyre Peninsula in 1962. Approx. location of image.
060110 2192108 viewsYeelanna, the second person watches ARG 1200 class unit 1204, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-428, originally built for the WAGR as the final unit of fourteen A class locomotives in 1965 and sent to the Eyre Peninsula in July 2004 as it shunts forward to cut out the empty cars for the siding. Approx. location of image.
060110 2218108 viewsAt the Procter Rd grade crossing about halfway between Yeelanna and Karkoo, empty grain train behind ARG 1200 class unit 1204, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-428, originally built for the WAGR as the final unit of fourteen A class locomotives in 1965 and sent to the Eyre Peninsula in July 2004 and two 830 class AE Goodwin built ALCo model DL531 units with the road competition from a Llewelyn Transport road train with a Freightliner prime mover. Approx. location of image.
060110 2220108 viewsAt the Procter Rd grade crossing about halfway between Yeelanna and Karkoo, empty grain train behind ARG 1200 class unit 1204, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-428, originally built for the WAGR as the final unit of fourteen A class locomotives in 1965 and sent to the Eyre Peninsula in July 2004 and two 830 class AE Goodwin built ALCo model DL531 units with the road competition from a Llewelyn Transport road train with a Freightliner prime mover. Approx. location of image.
060110 2182107 viewsNear the 78 km, empty grain train with ARG 1200 class unit 1204, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-428, originally built for the WAGR as the final unit of fourteen A class locomotives in 1965 and sent to the Eyre Peninsula in July 2004 and two 830 class AE Goodwin built ALCo model DL531 units 842 serial 84140 ex SAR broad gauge to Eyre Peninsula in October 1987, and 851 serial 84137 new to Eyre Peninsula in 1962. Approx. location of image.
060110 2198107 viewsYeelanna, ARG 1200 class unit 1204, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-428, originally built for the WAGR as the final unit of fourteen A class locomotives in 1965 and sent to the Eyre Peninsula in July 2004 shunts a rake of waggons into the grain siding. Approx. location of image.
060110 2221107 viewsAt the Procter Rd grade crossing about halfway between Yeelanna and Karkoo, empty grain train behind ARG 1200 class unit 1204, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-428, originally built for the WAGR as the final unit of fourteen A class locomotives in 1965 and sent to the Eyre Peninsula in July 2004 and two 830 class AE Goodwin built ALCo model DL531 units 842 serial 84140 ex SAR broad gauge and to Eyre Peninsula in October 1987, and 851 serial 84137 new to Eyre Peninsula in 1962. Approx. location of image.
060110 2228107 viewsKarkoo, empty grain train behind ARG 1200 class unit 1204, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-428, originally built for the WAGR as the final unit of fourteen A class locomotives in 1965 and sent to the Eyre Peninsula in July 2004 and two 830 class AE Goodwin built ALCo model DL531 units 842 serial 84140 ex SAR broad gauge and to Eyre Peninsula in October 1987, and 851 serial 84137 new to Eyre Peninsula in 1962. Approx. location of image.
060110 2231107 viewsKarkoo, empty grain train behind ARG 1200 class unit 1204, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-428, originally built for the WAGR as the final unit of fourteen A class locomotives in 1965 and sent to the Eyre Peninsula in July 2004 and two 830 class AE Goodwin built ALCo model DL531 units 842 serial 84140 ex SAR broad gauge and to Eyre Peninsula in October 1987, and 851 serial 84137 new to Eyre Peninsula in 1962. Approx. location of image.
060110 2172106 viewsCummins, empty grain train departing yard on the Penong mainline behind ARG 1200 class unit 1204, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-428, originally built for the WAGR as the final unit of fourteen A class locomotives in 1965 and sent to the Eyre Peninsula in July 2004 and two 830 class AE Goodwin built ALCo model DL531 units 842 serial 84140 ex SAR broad gauge to Eyre Peninsula in October 1987, and 851 serial 84137 new to Eyre Peninsula in 1962. Approx. location of image.
060110 2185106 viewsNear the 78 km, empty grain train with ARG 1200 class unit 1204, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-428, originally built for the WAGR as the final unit of fourteen A class locomotives in 1965 and sent to the Eyre Peninsula in July 2004 and two 830 class AE Goodwin built ALCo model DL531 units 842 serial 84140 ex SAR broad gauge to Eyre Peninsula in October 1987, and 851 serial 84137 new to Eyre Peninsula in 1962. Approx. location of image.
060110 2202106 viewsYeelanna, yard overview as ARG 1200 class unit 1204, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-428, originally built for the WAGR as the final unit of fourteen A class locomotives in 1965 and sent to the Eyre Peninsula in July 2004 stands with a rake of waggons into the grain siding with the 5 ton crane also visible as the locos are cut off with the remainder of the train holding the mainline. Off to the right is the former triangle. Approx. location of image.
060110 2213106 viewsOn the curve near the 85 km between Yeelanna and Karkoo, ARG 1200 class unit 1204, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-428, originally built for the WAGR as the final unit of fourteen A class locomotives in 1965 and sent to the Eyre Peninsula in July 2004 leads an empty grain train. Approx. location of image.
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