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Most viewed - 2MP5_210407
210407 984952 viewsParkeston, 2MP5 intermodal train, CQWY type well waggon pair CQWY 5015, platform 1 with Aurizon 48' MFGB type container AEHQ 100608. The CQWY well waggon pairs were built by Bluebird Rail Operations SA in a batch of sixty pairs in 2008 for CFCLA.
210407 986145 viewsParkeston, 2MP5 intermodal train, CQWY type well waggon 5047 well 1 with a RAND Refrigerated Logistics 46' MPR1 type reefer RAND 165. The CQWY well waggon pairs were built by Bluebird Rail Operations SA in a batch of sixty pairs in 2008 for CFCLA.
210407 987545 viewsParkeston, 2MP5 intermodal train, RRXY 9, platform 1 with a CARU Specialized Leasing 40' 4FG1 type container SLZU 760214. The RRXY type 5-pack well waggon set is one of eleven built by Bradken Qld in 2002 for Toll from a Williams-Worley design.
210407 990342 viewsParkeston, 2MP5 intermodal train, RQHY type 3 TEU container waggon RQHY 7007, built by Qiqihar Rollingstock Works in China as part of a seventy eight unit order in 2005/06 for Pacific National. Loaded with two 20' containers, 25G1 type Containers First WMSU 962237 and FCL's FCGU 960470.
210407 990542 viewsParkeston, 2MP5 intermodal train, RRQY type articulated five-unit container waggon set RRQY 8316 platform 2, built by Qiqihar Rollingstock Works in China as part of a forty one unit order in 2005/06 for Pacific National.
210407 990842 viewsParkeston, 2MP5 intermodal train, RRQY type articulated five-unit container waggon set RRQY 8316 platform 5, built by Qiqihar Rollingstock Works in China as part of a forty one unit order in 2005/06 for Pacific National.
210407 986241 viewsParkeston, 2MP5 intermodal train, RRRY 7017, platform with 46' RFRG type reefer container ARLS 435. The RRRY type five pack bar coupled waggon set is one of nineteen built in China at Zhuzhou Rolling Stock Works for Goninan in 2005.
210407 991241 viewsParkeston, 2MP5 intermodal train, CQWY type well waggon CQWY 5034 well 2, the well waggon pairs were built by Bluebird Rail Operations SA in a batch of sixty pairs in 2008 for CFCLA.
210407 987240 viewsParkeston, 2MP5 intermodal train, RRXY 9, platform 4 with an Austrans 40' 4EG1 type container AUSU 409608. The RRXY type 5-pack well waggon set is one of eleven built by Bradken Qld in 2002 for Toll from a Williams-Worley design.
210407 990940 viewsParkeston, 2MP5 intermodal train, RQJW type jumbo container waggon RQJW 21976, originally built by Mittagong Engineering NSW in 1980 as the first waggon of a batch of twenty JCW 80' jumbo container waggons. Recoded to NQJW then to National Rail as RQJW in 1994.
210407 991440 viewsParkeston, 2MP5 intermodal train, CQWY type well waggon CQWY 5035 well 2, the well waggon pairs were built by Bluebird Rail Operations SA in a batch of sixty pairs in 2008 for CFCLA.
210407 987639 viewsParkeston, 2MP5 intermodal train, CQWY type well waggon 5055 well 2 with a Sea2Rail 40' 4EG1 type container with Austrans AUSU 408247. The CQWY well waggon pairs were built by Bluebird Rail Operations SA in a batch of sixty pairs in 2008 for CFCLA.
210407 989238 viewsParkeston, 2MP5 intermodal train, CQWY type well waggon CQWY 5019 well 1, the well waggon pairs were built by Bluebird Rail Operations SA in a batch of sixty pairs in 2008 for CFCLA. Loaded with a Royal Wolf 48' MFGB type container RWTU 922144.
210407 990238 viewsParkeston, 2MP5 intermodal train, RQHY type 3 TEU container waggon RQHY 7055, built by Qiqihar Rollingstock Works in China as part of a seventy eight unit order in 2005/06 for Pacific National. Loaded with two FCL 20' containers FCGU 960460 and FCGU 960473.
210407 991338 viewsParkeston, 2MP5 intermodal train, CQWY type well waggon CQWY 5034 well 1, the well waggon pairs were built by Bluebird Rail Operations SA in a batch of sixty pairs in 2008 for CFCLA.
210407 989337 viewsParkeston, 2MP5 intermodal train, CQWY type well waggon CQWY 5060 well 1, the final set of well waggon pairs were built by Bluebird Rail Operations SA in a batch of sixty pairs in 2008 for CFCLA. Loaded with an RFRG 46' Lindsay Transport reefer LTCD 462074.
210407 989637 viewsParkeston, 2MP5 intermodal train, RQFY type flat waggon RQFY 99 is a VQFX type skeletal container waggon built by Victorian Railways Bendigo Workshops in 1980 in a batch of seventy five. Recoded to VQFY in 1985, then to RQFY in 1994, then National Rail RQFF in 1995.
210407 986436 viewsParkeston, 2MP5 intermodal train, RRRY 7017, platform with CS Leasing 40' 4FG1 type container SLZU 750109. The RRRY type five pack bar coupled waggon set is one of nineteen built in China at Zhuzhou Rolling Stock Works for Goninan in 2005.
210407 988436 viewsParkeston, 2MP5 intermodal train, RQSY type container waggon RQSY 34387 was originally built by Goninan NSW as an OCY type in a batch of one hundred in 1974/75. Recoded to NQOY, then NQSY, then to National Rail as RQSY in 1994. Loaded with a Kent Moving and Storage 20' 25G1 type container KENU 100445 and a 40' 4FG1 type container for CS Leasing SLZU 760025.
210407 988936 viewsParkeston, 2MP5 intermodal train, RRZY 7049 platform 2 of 5-pack well waggon set. Originally was an RQZY type, a five unit bar coupled well container waggon built as one of a batch of thirty two by Goninan NSW for National Rail in 1995/96. Recoded to RRZY when repaired. Loaded with a Toll 48' MEG1 type container TCML 48525.
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