Most viewed - 1PM5_160523 |

160523 2729251 viewsParkeston, 1PM5 intermodal train, RRRY 7001 type leader of nineteen 5-pack well waggon sets built in China at Zhuzhou Rolling Stock Works for Goninan in 2005 with a variety of containers double stacked.

160523 2708183 viewsParkeston, Pacific National train 1PM5 right on departure time with a pair of Goninan built GE model Cv40-9i NR class units NR 102 serial 7250-07/97-302 and NR 106 serial 7250-08/97-308 and two crew coaches.

160523 2723181 viewsParkeston, 1PM5 intermodal train, RQZY 7057 one of thirty two 5-pack well waggon sets built by Goninan in 1995 for National Rail in 1995-96, with mostly 46' double stacked reefers.

160523 2722171 viewsParkeston, 1PM5 intermodal train, RRXY 4 a 5-pack well waggon set, one of eleven built by Bradken Qld in 2002 for Toll from a Williams-Worley design with a motley load of double stacked boxes off all decrees.

160523 2724160 viewsParkeston, 1PM5 intermodal train, RRZY 7044 one of thirty two 5-pack well waggon sets built by Goninan in 1995-96 for National Rail, originally coded RQZY, with all sorts of containers.

160523 2716155 viewsParkeston, intermodal train 1PM5, RQFY 80 container waggon, built by Victorian Railways Bendigo Workshops in 1980 as a batch of seventy five VQFX type skeletal container waggons, recoded to VQFY c1985, then RQFY May 1994, May 1995 to RQFF, then 2CM bogies fitted in Aug 1995 and current code Feb 1996. Royal Wolf 20' box RWTU 969778 and a 40' FD type flatrack with Simon tarp.

160523 2725153 viewsParkeston, 1PM5 intermodal train, RQZY 7037 one of thirty two 5-pack well waggon sets built by Goninan in 1995 for National Rail in 1995-96, with 46' reefers and 48' containers double stacked.

160523 2721149 viewsParkeston, view along the back of 1PM5 intermodal train of the double stack wall.

160523 2709147 viewsParkeston, Pacific National train 1PM5 right on departure time with a pair of Goninan built GE model Cv40-9i NR class units NR 102 serial 7250-07/97-302 and NR 106 serial 7250-08/97-308 and two crew coaches.

160523 2718147 viewsParkeston, intermodal train 1PM5, RQBY 15032 container waggon, one of seventy that Comeng NSW built as OCY type container flat waggon in 1974-75, recoded to NQOY, then NQSY and NQBY loaded here with C Box 20' box CBXU 458562, a Cronos 20' bulker BSPD 0842692 and a SCF 20' box SCFU 006284.

160523 2719146 viewsParkeston, 1PM5 intermodal train, RRQY 7324 5 pack articulated skel waggon set built by Qiqihar Rollingstock Works China in 2005 for Pacific National, with three FCL 48' boxes, a 40' flatrack and a 48' Linfox box.

160523 2720145 viewsParkeston, 1PM5 intermodal train, RRAY 7197 5-pack articulated skel waggon set, one of 100 built by ABB Engineering NSW 1996-2000, with two Toll 40' boxes, K+S Freighters 40' box and two 40' flatracks.

160523 2717144 viewsParkeston, intermodal train 1PM5, RQSY 34458 container waggon, SCF 20' box SCFU 206934 and a Simon 40' FD type flatrack with Simon tarp.

160523 2726144 viewsParkeston, 1PM5 intermodal train, RRZY 7022 one of twenty six 5-pack well waggon sets built by Goninan in 1995-96 for National Rail, with mostly 48' containers.

160523 2713142 viewsParkeston, view of articulated 5-pack centre well waggon set RQLY 1007, one of fourteen built by AN Rail Islington Workshops 1991 as AQLY type, loaded with Cronos and Toll 40' boxes, train 1PM5.

160523 2727142 viewsParkeston, 1PM5 intermodal train, RRXY 11 a 5-pack well waggon set, last of eleven built by Bradken Qld in 2002 for Toll from a Williams-Worley design with a mostly Toll 48' stacked boxes.

160523 2728140 viewsParkeston, 1PM5 intermodal train, RQZY 7047 one of thirty two 5-pack well waggon sets built by Goninan in 1995 for National Rail in 1995-96, with Toll and Sadleirs 48' double stacked containers.

160523 2711136 viewsParkeston, train 1PM5 crew accommodation coach RZAY 985, built by Comeng NSW in 1972 as ARJ 285, rebuilt by AN Port Augusta Workshops into RZAY 1997.

160523 2712135 viewsParkeston, train 1PM5 crew accommodation coach RZEY 2 'ALLAMBI' built by South Australian Railways Islington Workshops in 1972 as a corten steel roomette sleeper Allambi to replace original, coded in 1987 as JRB 1.

160523 2715133 viewsParkeston, view of the centre well of articulated 5-pack centre well waggon set RQLY 1007, one of fourteen built by AN Rail Islington Workshops 1991 as AQLY, loaded with Toll 40' box TRRC 410627, train 1PM5.