Most viewed - 6MP4_160529 |

160529 877793 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RRQY 7324 platform 5 of 5-pack articulated skel waggon set built by Qiqihar Rollingstock Works China in 2005 in a batch of twenty nine for Pacific National with a 40' 4PSG type curtinsider Royal Wolf RWTU 903123.

160529 884193 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RQQY 7076

160529 880192 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RRXY 8 platform 1 of 5-pack well waggon set, one of eleven built by Bradken Qld in 2002 for Toll from a Williams-Worley design with a 48' Pacific National box PNXD 4143.

160529 882292 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RQPW 60066

160529 883089 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RRXY 3 platform 5 of 5-pack well waggon set, one of eleven built by Bradken Qld in 2002 for Toll from a Williams-Worley design with a 46' ARLS reefer ARLS 465.

160529 878988 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RQZY 7045 platform 5 of 5-pack well waggon set, one of thirty two sets built by Goninan NSW in 1995-96 for National Rail loaded with 46' Pacific National MPR1 type reefer PNXR 4835 and a Toll 40' half height curtainsider 5TC 514.

160529 880987 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, view looking towards the front from RRXY 8 5-pack well waggon set, one of eleven built by Bradken Qld in 2002 for Toll from a Williams-Worley.

160529 882387 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RRGY 7144

160529 879286 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RQZY 7045 platform 2 of 5-pack well waggon set, one of thirty two sets built by Goninan NSW in 1995-96 for National Rail with an SCF 40' half height SCFU 607064 and a Linfox 53' PFG1 DRC 5450.

160529 880386 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RRXY 8 shows the bar coupling and pipes between platform 2 and 3 of 5-pack well waggon set, one of eleven built by Bradken Qld in 2002 for Toll from a Williams-Worley design.

160529 880486 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RRXY 8 shows the bar coupling and pipes between platform 3 and 4 of 5-pack well waggon set, one of eleven built by Bradken Qld in 2002 for Toll from a Williams-Worley design.

160529 884786 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RRAY 7232

160529 882985 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RRKY 2050

160529 883485 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RRXY 3 platform 1 of 5-pack well waggon set, one of eleven built by Bradken Qld in 2002 for Toll from a Williams-Worley design with a 40' Rail Containers box SCFU TSPD 412256.

160529 885585 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RRGY 7130

160529 878284 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RQLY 1007 an articulated five unit container waggon with centre well, one of a batch of fourteen built by AN Rail Islington Workshops in 1991 as AQLY type, platform 3 centre well loaded with Royal Wolf 20' 25G1 type box RWPU 302904 and a Rail Containers 20' 2NG2 type side door container TSBD 310056.

160529 880084 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RQAY 21943 container waggon, one of a hundred waggons built in 1981 by EPT NSW as type NQAY, recoded to RQAY in 1994.

160529 883384 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RRXY 3 platform 2 of 5-pack well waggon set, one of eleven built by Bradken Qld in 2002 for Toll from a Williams-Worley design with a 40' Rail Containers box SCFU 410204 in the well and 48' Pacific National box PNXL 4301 on top.

160529 886384 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RRQY 8313

160529 881683 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RQFY 7 container waggon, built by Victorian Railways Bendigo Workshops in April 1978 in a batch of forty QMX type skeletal container waggons, in July 1980 re-coded to VQFX, in October 1994 re-coded to RQFX and 2CM bogies fitted.