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Most viewed - 1PM9_160530
160530 9092109 viewsParkeston, SCT train 1PM9 operates mostly empty from Perth to Melbourne, SCT crew accommodation coach PSDS class PSDS 02248 converted by Gemco WA in 2008 from former Comeng NSW built SBH class sitting car SBH 2248 for the NSWGR.
160530 9097104 viewsParkeston, SCT train 1PM9 operates mostly empty from Perth to Melbourne, PBHY type covered van PBHY 0079 Greater Freighter, built by CSR Meishan Rolling Stock Co China in 2014.
160530 9094103 viewsParkeston, SCT train 1PM9 operates mostly empty from Perth to Melbourne, PBHY type covered van PBHY 0028 Greater Freighter, one of thirty five units built by Gemco WA in 2005 without the Greater Freighter signage.
160530 9089102 viewsParkeston, SCT train 1PM9 operates mostly empty from Perth to Melbourne, second unit EDI Downer built EMD model GT46C-ACe unit SCT 006 serial 97-1730. SCT introduced these AC traction locomotives to reduce the normal power consist from three DC locos to two AC locos.
160530 9095102 viewsParkeston, SCT train 1PM9 operates mostly empty from Perth to Melbourne, PBHY type covered van PBHY 0028 Greater Freighter, one of thirty five units built by Gemco WA in 2005 without the Greater Freighter signage.
160530 9103102 viewsParkeston, SCT train 1PM9 operates mostly empty from Perth to Melbourne, PBHY type covered van PBHY 0006 Greater Freighter, one of thirty five units built by Gemco WA in 2005 with the 'Greater Freighter' signage.
160530 9090101 viewsParkeston, SCT train 1PM9 operates mostly empty from Perth to Melbourne, SCT inline refuelling waggon PQFY type PQFY 3047 originally built by Carmor Engineering SA in 1975 for Commonwealth Railways as RMX type container waggon, also carried these codes AQMX - AQSY - RQKY before SCT ownership, loaded with SCT - Logicoil AMT5 type tank-tainers TILU 102030 and TILU 102026.
160530 9098101 viewsParkeston, SCT train 1PM9 operates mostly empty from Perth to Melbourne, PBHY type covered van PBHY 0054 Greater Freighter, one of a second batch of thirty units built by Gemco WA without the Greater Freighter signage.
160530 910298 viewsParkeston, SCT train 1PM9 operates mostly empty from Perth to Melbourne, PBHY type covered van PBHY 0051 Greater Freighter, one of a second batch of thirty units built by Gemco WA without the Greater Freighter signage.
160530 908897 viewsParkeston, SCT train 1PM9 operates mostly empty from Perth to Melbourne, EDI Downer built EMD model GT46C-ACe unit SCT 004 serial 97-1728 leads the train onto the passing loop. SCT introduced these AC traction locomotives to reduce the normal power consist from three DC locos to two AC locos.
160530 909397 viewsParkeston, SCT train 1PM9 operates mostly empty from Perth to Melbourne, SCT crew accommodation coach PSDS class PSDS 02248 converted by Gemco WA in 2008 from former Comeng NSW built SBH class sitting car SBH 2248 for the NSWGR.
160530 915697 viewsParkeston, SCT train 1PM9 operates mostly empty from Perth to Melbourne, ARBY type ARBY 2682 refrigerated van, originally built by Comeng NSW in 1973 as a VFX type covered van for Commonwealth Railways, recoded to ABFX, RBFX and finally converted from ABFY by Gemco WA in 2004/05 to ARBY.
160530 908596 viewsParkeston, SCT train 1PM9 operates mostly empty from Perth to Melbourne, seen here arriving to take the loop behind EDI Downer built EMD model GT46C-ACe unit SCT 004 serial 97-1728 and SCT 006 with 66 waggons for 2479 tonnes and 1603 metres length, the former AN Parkeston yard can be seen to the right, now used by Cockburn Lime.
160530 909995 viewsParkeston, SCT train 1PM9 operates mostly empty from Perth to Melbourne, PBHY type covered van PBHY 0067 Greater Freighter, built by CSR Meishan Rolling Stock Co China in 2014.
160530 908794 viewsParkeston, SCT train 1PM9 operates mostly empty from Perth to Melbourne, seen here arriving to take the loop behind EDI Downer built EMD model GT46C-ACe unit SCT 004 serial 97-1728 and SCT 006 with 66 waggons for 2479 tonnes and 1603 metres length.
160530 910193 viewsParkeston, SCT train 1PM9 operates mostly empty from Perth to Melbourne, PBHY type covered van PBHY 0027 Greater Freighter, one of thirty five units built by Gemco WA in 2005 without the Greater Freighter signage.
160530 915593 viewsParkeston, SCT train 1PM9 operates mostly empty from Perth to Melbourne, ARFY type ARFY 2236 refrigerated van with a New Zealand built Fairfax body mounted on an original Commonwealth Railways ROX container waggon built by Comeng Victoria in 1971, recoded to ROX, RQX, AFQX, AQOY and RQOY before having the Fairfax refrigerated body added circa 1998 for SCT service.
160530 908692 viewsParkeston, SCT train 1PM9 operates mostly empty from Perth to Melbourne, seen here arriving to take the loop behind EDI Downer built EMD model GT46C-ACe unit SCT 004 serial 97-1728 and SCT 006 with 66 waggons for 2479 tonnes and 1603 metres length.
160530 910992 viewsParkeston, SCT train 1PM9 operates mostly empty from Perth to Melbourne, PWWY type PWWY 0028 one of forty well waggons built by Bradken NSW for SCT, loaded with a 48' SCT reefer SCTR 213 and a 40' 4EG1 type Sea2rail box SCFU 407125.
160530 911291 viewsParkeston, SCT train 1PM9 operates mostly empty from Perth to Melbourne, CFCLA lease CQWY type well waggon set CQWY 5004-1 with a 48' SCT reefer SCTR 316 and a Rail Containers 48' MFG1 type box SCFU 912390. The CQWY was built by Bluebird Rail Operations in South Australia in 2008 as a batch of sixty pairs.
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