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Home > South Australia - Eyre Peninsula Negative and Digital Albums

Most viewed - South Australia - Eyre Peninsula Negative and Digital Albums
030403 111511176 viewsKapunda view south from the station building looking at the silos.
030406 115158175 viewsPort Lincoln loco workshops, still in former owner AN livery, Australian Southern 830 class locomotive 865 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial 84711, roster shot coupled to sister unit. 6th April 2003.
060111 2255175 viewsTooligie, a kilometre south with empty grain train ARG 1200 class unit 1203, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-427, one of fourteen originally built between 1960-65 for WAGR as their A class A 1513, fitted with dynamic brakes and financed by Western Mining Corporation, started working on the Eyre Peninsula in November 2004 leads an empty grain train north. 11th January 2006.
060113 2419175 viewsCeduna, loaded gypsum train 6DD2 stirs up the dust behind the triple Clyde Engineering EMD JL22C model 1600 / NJ class combination of 1604 serial 71-731 and originally NJ 4, NJ 3 serial 71-730 and 1601 serial 71-728 class leader NJ 1, all three units started on the Central Australia Railway in 1971 and were transferred to the Eyre Peninsula in 1981. 08:10 AM on the Friday the 13th January 2006.
030406 114756174 viewsPort Lincoln loco workshops, wearing Australian Southern livery rebuild ALCo locomotive unit DA 7 started life as NSWGR 48 class 4813 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial 83713, rebuilt by Islington Workshops with long hood and parts from former 830 class 870 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial G6016-06 in 1998. B end roster view looking forward. 6th April 2003.
030406 115134174 viewsPort Lincoln loco workshops, cab side view of DA 4, former Australian National locomotive rebuilt from former AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 830 class ex 839, serial 83730, rebuilt by Port Augusta Workshops to DA class. 6th April, 2003.
030409 155530174 viewsMoody Tank, signage outlining function.
060109 2098174 viewsKyancutta at the 198 km, ARG 1200 class unit 1204, a Clyde Engineering built EMD model G12C serial 65-428 and the final of fourteen originally built between 1960-65 for WAGR as their A class unit A 1514, fitted with dynamic brakes and financed by Western Mining Corporation was transferred to the Eyre Peninsula in August 2004, due to cab air conditioning problems it is second unit with ALCo 830 class 851 behind it with a north bound empty grain train. 9th January 2006.
215-29173 viewsKeswick, the Australian National Adelaide interstate passenger terminal with the Indian Pacific arriving behind EL class EL 62 Goninan built General Electric CM30-8 serial 8013-07/90-114 with a GM class as second unit.
060113 2422172 viewsCeduna, loaded gypsum train 6DD2 stirs up the dust behind the triple Clyde Engineering EMD JL22C model 1600 / NJ class combination of 1604 serial 71-731 and originally NJ 4, NJ 3 serial 71-730 and 1601 serial 71-728 class leader NJ 1, all three units started on the Central Australia Railway in 1971 and were transferred to the Eyre Peninsula in 1981. 08:10 AM on the Friday the 13th January 2006.
060110 2164172 viewsCummins, view across Railway Terrace of empty grain train shunting the Cummins Bunker track to pick up empty hoppers, behind ARG 1200 class unit 1204, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-428, originally built for the WAGR as the final unit of fourteen A class locomotives in 1965 and sent to the Eyre Peninsula in July 2004 and two 830 class AE Goodwin built ALCo model DL531 units 842 serial 84140 ex SAR broad gauge to Eyre Peninsula in October 1987, and 851 serial 84137 new to Eyre Peninsula in 1962. Approx. location of image.
060109 2100171 viewsKyancutta, Kyancutta Tanks Rd grade crossing, ASR 830 class unit 842, an AE Goodwin built ALCo DL531 model loco serial 84140 leads EMD unit 1204 due to air-conditioning trouble and sister ALCo 851 as the empty north bound grain train pauses for a crew change. 9th January 2006.
130708 0987171 viewsThevenard workshop environs finds two Kinki Sharyo built NH type ore waggons bookending an Kinki Sharyo built NHA type ore waggon NHA 992, all for the NAR now on the Eyre Peninsula system and now coded ENH and ENHA types, ENH 40 with hungry boards and ENHA 4 and ENH 3 both without still wearing the former owner livery of Australian National.
030406 115702170 viewsPort Lincoln, derailment damaged HCN type bogie wheat waggon HCN 18, modified at Islington Workshops in 1978-80 which started life as a Tulloch built NHB type iron ore hopper for the CR on the North Australia Railway in 1968-69. It was scrapped in May 2003, not long after this image was taken. 6th April 2003.
030409 121224170 viewsKielpa, a few kilometres south of the former Konanda siding loaded grain train with 830 class unit 851 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial 84137, 851 has spent its entire operating career on the Eyre Peninsula, leads fellow 830 class 842 serial 84140 and a rebuilt unit DA 4, rebuilt from 830 class unit 839 by Port Augusta Workshops, retains original serial 83730 and model DL531 with the first twelve waggons behind the locos XNW type powers away from a crew change.
030403 132438170 viewsEudunda, elevated water tank.
060113 2426169 viewsCeduna, loaded gypsum train 6DD2 behind the triple Clyde Engineering EMD JL22C model 1600 / NJ class combination of 1604 serial 71-731 and originally NJ 4, NJ 3 serial 71-730 and 1601 serial 71-728 class leader NJ 1, all three units started on the Central Australia Railway in 1971 and were transferred to the Eyre Peninsula in 1981. 08:10 AM on the Friday the 13th January 2006.
060110 2158169 viewsNear the 64 km between Pillana and Cummins, empty grain train behind ARG 1200 class unit 1204, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-428, originally built for the WAGR as the final unit of fourteen A class locomotives in 1965 then sent to the Eyre Peninsula in July 2004, and two 830 class AE Goodwin built ALCo model DL531 units 842 serial 84140 ex SAR broad gauge to Eyre Peninsula in October 1987, and 851 serial 84137 new to Eyre Peninsula in 1962. Approx. location of photo.
060110 2159169 viewsNear the 64 km between Pillana and Cummins, empty grain train behind ARG 1200 class unit 1204, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-428, originally built for the WAGR as the final unit of fourteen A class locomotives in 1965 then sent to the Eyre Peninsula in July 2004, and two 830 class AE Goodwin built ALCo model DL531 units 842 serial 84140 ex SAR broad gauge to Eyre Peninsula in October 1987, and 851 serial 84137 new to Eyre Peninsula in 1962. Approx. location of photo.
030409 122808168 viewsKielpa, loaded grain train with 830 class unit 851 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial 84137, 851 has spent its entire operating career on the Eyre Peninsula, leads fellow 830 class 842 serial 84140 and a rebuilt unit DA 4 rumbles over the north end points heading south.
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