Most viewed - South Australia - Eyre Peninsula Negative and Digital Albums |

030406 114422161 viewsPort Lincoln loco workshops, still wearing the former owner's AN livery, Australian Southern locomotive 830 class 871 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial G3422-01 with the check letter of G, this unit has been on the Eyre Peninsula Division since new in January 1966, seen here coupled to sister units. 6th April 2003.

030409 084713161 viewsKyancutta, XNW type bogie grain hopper waggon XNW 12 on the rear of a string of twelve such waggons, Comeng Qld built XNG type bogie waggon for Norseman Goldmines NL, then WAGR owned and coded XNA then in 1994 converted to XNW grain waggons. They arrived on the Eyre Peninsula system from 2001.

060109 2092161 viewsKyancutta at the 198 km, ASR 830 class unit 842, an AE Goodwin built ALCo DL531 model loco serial 84140 leads EMD unit 1204 due to air-conditioning trouble and sister ALCo 851 across a dry salt soak with a north bound empty grain train. 9th January 2006.

060110 2168161 viewsCummins, trailing view of empty grain train running down the yard along the Penong mainline behind ARG 1200 class unit 1204, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-428, originally built for the WAGR as the final unit of fourteen A class locomotives in 1965 and sent to the Eyre Peninsula in July 2004 and two 830 class AE Goodwin built ALCo model DL531 units 842 serial 84140 ex SAR broad gauge to Eyre Peninsula in October 1987, and 851 serial 84137 new to Eyre Peninsula in 1962. Approx. location of image.

030415 140420161 viewsKingoonya, located at the 426.5 km on the Trans Australian Railway, looking east along the loop siding with the mainline on the right and points and sidings off to the left, loading ramp and crane in distance, town located to the right. GeoData location.

030406 110950160 viewsCoomunga, station located at the 21.6 km, opened in November 1907, used these days as a track maintenance siding. Yard overview looking south from the north end points, track machines on the left. 6th April 2003.

030406 113830160 viewsPort Lincoln loco workshops, still wearing the former owner's AN livery, Australian Southern locomotive 830 class 869 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial G6016-05 with the check letter of B, sandwiched between two NJ class units. 6th April 2003.

030409 104357160 viewsWaddikee station located at the 218.3 km and opened in September 1921, yard overview with loaded train operating south to Cummins behind 830 class units 851 and 842 and DA class DA 4.

030409 122448160 viewsKielpa, located at the 185.3 km and opened in July 1913, yard overview looking south from the north end.

030409 153932160 viewsMoody Tank, a loaded grain train storms around the curve behind 830 class unit 851 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial 84137, fellow 830 class 842 serial 84140 and a rebuilt DA class unit DA 4.

030406 115530159 viewsPort Lincoln, derailment damaged SAR Islington Workshops built HAN type bogie wheat waggon HAN 4, close up of non-handbrake end damage, stored at the workshops yards. 6th April 2003.

030409 084542159 viewsKyancutta, empty grain train runs through the yard behind rebuild DA class unit DA 7 in Australian Southern orange and black livery leading a pair of AE Goodwin built ALCo model DL531 830 class units 872 and 871 with a string of grain waggons.

030409 125206159 viewsRudall, station overview of yard looking north from the south end, points to the right for the goods and grain siding, the former station loop, now stub siding on the left, crew barracks and station building further on can be made out, horizontal grain bunker on the right with concrete silo complexes behind.

051102 6632159 viewsThevenard, cab side view of NJ class Clyde Engineering EMD JL22C model unit NJ 6 serial 71-733, built in 1971 at Clyde's Granville NSW workshops, started out on the Central Australia Railway for the Commonwealth Railways before being transferred to the Eyre Peninsula system in 1981. Still in AN green but lettered for Australian Southern Railroad.

030409 135737158 viewsWharminda, located at the 140.5 km and opened in July 1913, yard overview looking south from the north end, horizontal grain bunker with concrete silo complex behind, loaded grain waggons awaiting pick up.

060111 2247158 viewsTooligie, Mac's Road grade crossing at the 110 km, ARG 1200 class unit 1203, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-427, one of fourteen originally built between 1960-65 for WAGR as their A class A 1513, fitted with dynamic brakes and financed by Western Mining Corporation, started working on the Eyre Peninsula in November 2004 leads an empty grain train north. 11th January 2006.

060110 2152158 viewsPillana, former station site, 59 km, empty grain train behind ARG 1200 class unit 1204, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-428, originally built for the WAGR as the final unit of fourteen A class locomotives in 1965 then sent to the Eyre Peninsula in July 2004, and two 830 class AE Goodwin built ALCo model DL531 units 842 serial 84140 ex SAR broad gauge to Eyre Peninsula in October 1987, and 851 serial 84137 new to Eyre Peninsula in 1962. Approx. location of photo.

030415 140953158 viewsKingoonya, located at the 426.5 km on the Trans Australian Railway, looking north at the sidings, power station with cattle yards on the right. GeoData location.

030415 141151158 viewsKingoonya, located at the 426.5 km on the Trans Australian Railway, looking north east at the cattle yard loading race. GeoData location.

030406 114700157 viewsPort Lincoln loco workshops, wearing Australian Southern livery rebuild ALCo locomotive unit DA 7 started life as NSWGR 48 class 4813 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial 83713, rebuilt by Islington Workshops with long hood and parts from former 830 class 870 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial G6016-06 in 1998. Cab front view. 6th April 2003.
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