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Home > South Australia - Eyre Peninsula Negative and Digital Albums

Most viewed - South Australia - Eyre Peninsula Negative and Digital Albums
030415 140027150 viewsKingoonya, located at the 426.5 km on the Trans Australian Railway, top of loading ramp and crane. Located on the north side of the line. GeoData location.
030415 140558150 viewsKingoonya, located at the 426.5 km on the Trans Australian Railway, looking east from the western end of the 1800 metre long crossing location, interlocking hut with searchlight signal, solar array, point indicator and dual control point machine. The timber sleepers for the point work clearly evident, town off to the right. GeoData location.
030415 141326150 viewsKingoonya, located at the 426.5 km on the Trans Australian Railway, looking south with loading ramp, cattle yards and loading race, power station, standpipe and tanks stand. GeoData location.
217-22149 viewsDry Creek Motive Power Centre, fuel point roads, AN BL class BL 31 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 83-1015, side view.
030406 114230149 viewsPort Lincoln loco workshops, builders plate for NJ class NJ 4 Clyde Engineering EMD model JL22C serial 71-731. 6th April 2003.
030406 141824149 viewsKapinnie, station yard overview looking east towards Yeelanna, from the terminus end of line with dwarf point lever and indicator, concrete silo complexes with outflow spouts, scotch block visible on siding. 6th April 2003.
030406 142210149 viewsKapinnie, yard view of former goods shed, loading ramp, concrete silo complex beside it. 6th April 2003.
030409 112928149 viewsDarke Peake, looking further along the triangle track looking west.
030409 113246149 viewsDarke Peake, ballast loading ramp and retaining wall looking west, station site is behind photographer.
030409 121232149 viewsKielpa, a few kilometres south of the former Konanda siding loaded grain train with 830 class unit 851 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial 84137, 851 has spent its entire operating career on the Eyre Peninsula, leads fellow 830 class 842 serial 84140 and a rebuilt unit DA 4, rebuilt from 830 class unit 839 by Port Augusta Workshops, retains original serial 83730 and model DL531 with the first twelve waggons behind the locos XNW type powers away from a crew change.
030409 122746149 viewsKielpa, loaded grain train with 830 class unit 851 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial 84137, 851 has spent its entire operating career on the Eyre Peninsula, leads fellow 830 class 842 serial 84140 and a rebuilt unit DA 4 rumbles over the north end points heading south.
030409 124518149 viewsRudall, located at the 172.7 km and opened in July 1913, station building view of the new one built in 1966.
030409 141620149 viewsWharminda, loaded grain train prepares to depart having attached extra loading behind 830 class unit 851 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial 84137, 851 has spent its entire operating career on the Eyre Peninsula, with fellow 830 class 842 serial 84140 and a rebuilt unit DA 4.
030409 153916149 viewsMoody Tank, a loaded grain train storms around the curve behind 830 class unit 851 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial 84137, fellow 830 class 842 serial 84140 and a rebuilt DA class unit DA 4.
060111 2252149 viewsTooligie, Mac's Road grade crossing at the 110 km, ARG 1200 class unit 1203, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-427, one of fourteen originally built between 1960-65 for WAGR as their A class A 1513, fitted with dynamic brakes and financed by Western Mining Corporation, started working on the Eyre Peninsula in November 2004 leads an empty grain train north. 11th January 2006.
060113 2416149 viewsCeduna, loaded gypsum train 6DD2 powers along the grades outside of town behind the triple 1600 / NJ class combination of 1604, NJ 3 and 1601 at 08:10 AM on the Friday the 13th January 2006.
244-34149 viewsPort Lincoln loco workshops, wearing Australian Southern livery rebuild ALCo DA 7 started life as NSWGR 48 class 4813 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial 83713, rebuilt by Islington Workshops with long hood and parts from former 830 class 870 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial G6016-06 in 1998. Cab side view. 6th April 2003.
030415 150437149 viewsFerguson, located at the 469 km on the Trans Australian Railway, looking west along the 1800 metre long crossing loop, siding point work on timber sleepers for west end of goods siding with the remains of another set of points. GeoData location.
030406 110810148 viewsCoomunga, stabled on the siding, Transfield track machine ballast regulator. 6th April 2003.
030409 110624148 viewsCaralue, loaded grain train working south of the former station site 830 class unit 851 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial 84137, 851 has spent its entire operating career on the Eyre Peninsula, it leads fellow 830 class 842 serial 84140 and a rebuilt unit DA 4, rebuilt from 830 class unit 839 by Port Augusta Workshops, retains original serial 83730 and model DL531.
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