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Home > South Australia - Eyre Peninsula Negative and Digital Albums

Most viewed - South Australia - Eyre Peninsula Negative and Digital Albums
060109 2116143 viewsKyancutta, ARG's Clyde Engineering built EMD G12C 1200 class unit 1204 serial 65-428 was originally built for the WAGR as their A class unit A 1514. Due to air-conditioning trouble it is in the shafts as they shunt across Museum Terrace to place empty grain waggons on the silo loop. 9th January 2006.
130708 0706143 viewsPenong Junction, location opened in February 1966, located at the 429.7 km, looking at the Mallee shelter shed - combined train control room, junction points and point indicator, Penong line curving around to the left.
030404 131510143 viewsPort Augusta, Spencer Junction shunt loco 830 class unit 863 serial 84709 is an AE Goodwin built ALCo DL531 model and entered service in June 1963. 4th April 2003.
030415 171516143 viewsTarcoola, at the 504.5 km, looking west along the Trans Australian line, Central Australian line on the right at the western yard limit and radio channel change boards. Tarcoola is the junction for the TAR and CAR railways. GeoData location. 15th April 2003.
030416 094500143 viewsWirrida Siding, train control phone booth 'pillbox'. Located at the 641 km from the 0 datum at Coonamia and 137 km north of Tarcoola between Carnes and Manguri on the Tarcoola - Alice Springs line. GeoData location. 16th April 2003.
030406 094331142 viewsCummins, yard view looking south along the grain siding with the points, lever and indicator for the goods loading ramp siding, formation of former triangle can be seen as the mound curving away to the right. 6th April 2003.
030409 113518142 viewsDarke Peake, looking south along the 'mainline' past the standpipe site.
030409 125006142 viewsRudall, view across the mainline looking at the stub of the station loop and also where the maintenance barracks were located.
060109 2107142 viewsKyancutta, Kyancutta Tanks Rd grade crossing, ASR 830 class unit 842, an AE Goodwin built ALCo DL531 model loco serial 84140 leads EMD unit 1204 due to air-conditioning trouble and sister ALCo 851 lift the empty north bound grain train away from crew change. 9th January 2006.
130705 0514142 viewsLock, grain train loading in progress with the Viterra fast flow auger in the distance, the train with 1203, 846 and 859 is about to split and shunt half the consist onto the mainline. 5th of July 2013.
030415 135950142 viewsKingoonya, located at the 426.5 km on the Trans Australian Railway, loading ramp and crane. GeoData location.
030405 165918141 viewsWudinna, internal view of the train control cabin with desk and phone box for receiving train orders, 5th April 2003
030406 142828141 viewsKapinnie, phone number board inside the train control cabin. 6th April 2003.
030409 120804141 viewsKielpa, a few kilometres south of the former Konanda siding loaded grain train with 830 class unit 851 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial 84137, 851 has spent its entire operating career on the Eyre Peninsula, leads fellow 830 class 842 serial 84140 and a rebuilt unit DA 4, rebuilt from 830 class unit 839 by Port Augusta Workshops, retains original serial 83730 and model DL531 with the first twelve waggons behind the locos XNW type slows to a stop for a crew change.
030409 140558141 viewsWharminda, loaded grain train arrives behind 830 class unit 851 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial 84137, 851 has spent its entire operating career on the Eyre Peninsula, with fellow 830 class 842 serial 84140 and a rebuilt unit DA 4 as they stop to pick up loaded waggons.
030411 154532141 viewsWirrulla , yard overview looking north from the Port Lincoln end.
130704 0370141 viewsKyancutta, south bound loaded grain train has stopped here to collect a loaded rack of fourteen grain waggons from the Ascom silo complex, Clyde Engineering built EMD G12C model 1204 serial 65-428 leads the train and was originally built in 1965 for Western Mining Corporation and operated by the WAGR as their A class A 1514.
244-22141 viewsPort Lincoln loco workshops, still wearing the former owners AN livery, Australian Southern NJ class leader NJ 1 'Ben Chifley' Clyde Engineering EMD model JL22C serial 71-728, cab front view. 6th April, 2003
030415 150040141 viewsFerguson, located at the 469 km on the Trans Australian Railway, looking east at the east end of the 1800 metre long crossing loop, point work on timber sleepers, interlocking hut with dual control point machine, indicator and lever on the right. GeoData location.
030415 155956141 viewsTarcoola, at the 504.5 km, works compound see old livestock waggons converted to storage shed for gas bottles and the like. GeoData location. 15th April 2003.
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