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Home > South Australia - Eyre Peninsula Negative and Digital Albums

Most viewed - South Australia - Eyre Peninsula Negative and Digital Albums
030415 155423131 viewsTarcoola, looking east along the mainline towards Port Augusta, Central Australian Railway coming in from the left, Trans Australian Railway is the middle road with the loop on the right. Tarcoola is the junction for the TAR and CAR railways situated 504.5 km from the 0 km datum at Coonamia outside of Port Pirie. GeoData location. 15th April 2003.
030415 171548131 viewsTarcoola, at the 504.5 km, looking east along the Central Australian line at the western yard limit and radio channel change boards, Trans Australian line is on the right. Tarcoola is the junction for the TAR and CAR railways. GeoData location. 15th April 2003.
030415 172140131 viewsTarcoola, at the 504.5 km, looking west along the Central Australian Line, Trans Australian is the middle road with the loop rejoining on the far left in the distance. Tarcoola is the junction for the TAR and CAR railways. GeoData location. 15th April 2003.
216-23130 viewsMoomba, view of surrounding sand hills
030405 140546130 viewsKyancutta, yard view looking south along the narrow gauge mainline with the siding point levers and indicators with the Eyre Highway grade crossing and one of only two electrically lit signals on the Eyre Peninsula Division. The cast iron 'Yard Limit' sign can be made out in the distance, 5th April 2003.
030406 093000130 viewsYeelanna, station located at the 81.7 km, original terminus of line in April 1909, then junction for line to Mount Hope in October 1914. Station yard overview from the south end looking north, points, lever and indicator for the grain siding with concrete silo complexes in the background. The branch line to Kapinnie and former Mount Hope is just visible through the trees on the raised embankment. 6th April 2003.
030407 120502130 viewsPoochera, the loaded train prepares to depart behind 830 class unit 851 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial 84137, 851 has spent its entire operating career on the Eyre Peninsula, it leads fellow 830 class 842 serial 84140 and a rebuilt unit DA 4, rebuilt from 830 class unit 839 by Port Augusta Workshops, retains original serial 83730 and model DL531.
030411 110106130 viewsKimba, station yard view looking south, point level is covered to allow road vehicles to travel over it as a tractor is sometimes used for shunting. The loadout spouts are evident along with the Ascom loadout silo and horizontal bunker beyond that.
030411 110227130 viewsKimba, rail recovery winch waggon EZWL 2, shows cabin mounted above motor and winch, built using underframe of broad gauge horse box BH 4331. To Eyre Peninsula 1992, recoded then from AZWL. Scrapped in 2005.
060108 2069130 viewsLock, grain train being loaded by former SAR 830 class unit 842, built by AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial 84140 in 1962, originally on broad gauge, transferred to Eyre Peninsula in October 1987 and, 1204 and sister 851.
130704 0376130 viewsKyancutta, 1200 class unit 1204 wearing current owner Genesee & Wyoming livery is a Clyde Engineering built EMD G12C model with serial 65-428 was originally built in 1965 for Western Mining Corporation and operated by the WAGR as their A class A 1514 recoded to 1204 in April 2004 and to the Eyre Peninsula in July 2004.
130708 0707130 viewsPenong Junction, location opened in February 1966, located at the 429.7 km, looking north, line curving to the left is the Kevin - Penong line, while the Port Lincoln line curves to the right.
161109 1892130 viewsMoule, train 4DD4 rumbles along the mainline behind Genesee & Wyoming locomotives Clyde Engineering EMD model JL22C units 1601 serial 71-728 and 1603 serial 71-730 and a pair of AE Goodwin ALCo model DE531 units 859 serial 84705 and 850 serial 84136 with 62 loaded waggons.
030404 131855130 viewsPort Augusta Spencer Junction yard, MKA (Morrison Knudsen Australia) rebuilt AL class AL 24 into EMD JT26C-2M model for Australian National in 1993 as the ALF class, here ALF 20 serial 94-AB-020 shunts empty rail transport waggon sets from the Darwin construction. 4th April, 2003.
030415 154518130 viewsTarcoola, at the 504.5 km, looking west along the eastern leg of the triangle, power station on the left, loop line running to the right. Tarcoola is the junction for the TAR and CAR railways situated 504 km from the 0 km datum at Coonamia. GeoData location. 15th April 2003.
030415 154528130 viewsTarcoola, at the 504.5 km, looking west along loop line, the eastern leg of the triangle running to the left, middle road is the Trans Australian Railway line while the right is the Central Australian Railway line. Tarcoola is the junction for the TAR and CAR railways situated 504 km from the 0 km datum at Coonamia. GeoData location. 15th April 2003.
030416 094308130 viewsWirrida Siding, looking south towards Tarcoola from the south end. Located at the 641 km from the 0 datum at Coonamia and 137 km north of Tarcoola between Carnes and Manguri on the Tarcoola - Alice Springs line. GeoData location. 16th April 2003.
216-32129 viewsMoomba, panorama image six.
030405 161744129 viewsLock, capacity sign mounted on former yard crane indicating 5 tons and the radius of the jib. 5th April 2003.
030406 092756129 viewsYeelanna, yard view looking south, shows mainline and grain siding running south and branch line to Kapinnie and former Mount Hope branch curving away to the right across a culvert and past a cast Yard Limit sign. 6th April 2003.
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