Most viewed - South Australia - Eyre Peninsula Negative and Digital Albums |

161109 1900127 viewsMoule, former BHP RSK type iron ore waggon, modified by G&W Port Lincoln to cart gypsum and coded RSG type, RSG 2, note the riveted body, fitted with hungry boards and loaded with gypsum.

161109 1906127 viewsMoule, originally Kinki Sharyo built NHA type NHA 977 for the NAR in 1968, to EP Division 1978, rebuilt with extended sides for gypsum traffic and recoded to ENHA type leader ENHA 1 in 1984. Having been refurbished and decked out in current owner Genesee & Wyoming orange loaded with gypsum.

244-30127 viewsPort Lincoln loco workshops, still wearing the former owners AN livery, Australian Southern 830 class 871 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial G3422-01, this unit has been on the Eyre Peninsula Division since new in January 1966, seen here coupled to sister units. 6th April 2003.

244-33127 viewsPort Lincoln loco workshops, wearing Australian Southern livery rebuild ALCo DA 7 started life as NSWGR 48 class 4813 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial 83713, rebuilt by Islington Workshops with long hood and parts from former 830 class 870 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial G6016-06 in 1998. B end roster view looking forward. 6th April 2003.

030404 104048127 viewsPort Augusta Spencer Junction yard, RQKY type 60' container flat waggon fitted with aligned bogies RQKY 2690 was originally built by Perry Engineering SA in 1974 in a batch of forty five RM type container waggon, fitted with aligned bogies and recoded to AQPY type. Seen here with a Mayne Logistics 48' DRC 382 container on top of a 40' half height tarped load. 4th April 2003.

216-21126 viewsDry Creek Motive Power Centre, view looking north as a track tamper arrives into Dry Creek Yard.

030405 151532126 viewsKopi, station located at the 175.2 km and originally opened in December 1925 and closed in August 1980, remains of loading ramp, 5th April 2003.

030406 091716126 viewsYeelanna, close up of the 5 ton jib crane on the goods loading ramp, circa 1936. The triangle north leg originally ran through the gap beside the big trees on the right. 6th April 2003.

030406 092548126 viewsYeelanna, yard view looking south along the mainline, with points and converging track from the station siding visible on the right, and the points, lever and indicator for the diverging line to Kapinnie and former Mount Hope branch curving to the right. 6th April 2003.

030406 092656126 viewsYeelanna, track view of gaps in rail on the grain and goods siding. 6th April 2003.

030406 095220126 viewsCummins, second hand train control shed and waiting shelter sitting on the site of the former gangers trolley shed. 6th April 2003.

030407 094128126 viewsMinnipa, station yard overview looking north from the south end of yard down mainline, concrete silo complexes and out-flow spouts on the left with sidings running behind camera. Train control booth and shelter can be made out behind the second point lever - indicator. 7th April , 2003.

030407 094425126 viewsMinnipa, yard view of loading ramp and former site of goods shed, rotating jib crane and road vehicle weighbridge scale room and grain truck sampling building in the background. 7th April, 2003.

060108 2081126 viewsLock, engines run around the consist to complete loading, 830 class unit 851 AE Goodwin built ALCo DL531 model serial 84137 repainted into Australian Railroad Group livery, 1200 class unit 1204 and 830 class 842.

060108 2083126 viewsLock, engines run around the consist to complete loading, 830 class unit 851 AE Goodwin built ALCo DL531 model serial 84137 repainted into Australian Railroad Group livery, 1200 class unit 1204 and 830 class 842.

060108 2085126 viewsLock, grain train loading almost completed as 830 class unit 851 an AE Goodwin built ALCo DL531 model serial 84137 and repainted into Australian Railroad Group livery with EMD 1200 class unit 1204 and sister 830 class 842 prepare their train for departure. 8th January 2006.

060113 2453126 viewsThevenard Maintenance Centre overview, sanding tower in front of workshop, ENH type hopper waggon. Empty train 6DD3 sneaks beside the no longer rail served grain silos at left. 13th January 2006.

060113 2539126 viewsKevin, 1600 class unit 1604 in Australian Railroad Group livery a Clyde Engineering built EMD JL22C model serial 71-731, originally built as NJ class NJ 4 and built for the Central Australia Railway in 1971, transferred to the Eyre Peninsula in 1981, shunts back along the Penong line with the points indicator set for the siding and the goods siding on the right of the train. Kevin station area, as the train is reversed prior to loading on the mainline to Thevenard. 13th January 2006.

130703 0125126 viewsMurdinga, loading of grain from the Ascom out loading spout, looking south from Railway Tce. Geo location. 3rd July 2013.

130705 0510126 viewsLock, the heavy fog has lifted and EMD 1200 class unit 1203 is leading the loading of a grain train on the grain loop road with two ALCo DL531 units 846 and 859.
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