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Home > South Australia - Eyre Peninsula Negative and Digital Albums

Most viewed - South Australia - Eyre Peninsula Negative and Digital Albums
060109 2146115 viewsWannamana, trailing view of former Australian National narrow gauge ENHG type bogie grain waggon ENHG 2, originally built by Moore Road Ind, Victoria as NB type NB 1395 ballast hopper for the NAR, then to standard gauge in 1975 as BA type BA 1539, recoded to AHTY in 1980, to EP April 1984, recoded to NHG type NHG 5 in May 1984, then again to ENHT type ENHT 5 in March 1985 and further rebuilt forming one half of ENHG type grain waggon in August 1986. The conversion involved splicing two AHTY-ENHT type waggons together at Port Lincoln workshops, part of an empty train on the curve. 9th January 2006.
060113 2465115 viewsThevenard, narrow gauge loco 1604 departs the yard with empty train 6DD3, 1604 leads a triple consist of Clyde Engineering built EMD JL22C model 1600 / NJ class combination of 1604 serial 71-731 and originally NJ 4, NJ 3 serial 71-730 and 1601 serial 71-728 the original class leader NJ 1, all three units started on the Central Australia Railway in 1971 and were transferred to the Eyre Peninsula in 1981. 1604 and 1601 both renumbered in 2004. 13th January 2006.
060113 2501115 viewsKevin, empty train 6DD3 on the stub of the now closed line to Penong shunts back onto the triangle leg to reverse the train prior to loading. 13th January 2006.
130703 0134115 viewsMurdinga, bogie grain hopper waggon HAN 18, one of sixty eight units built by South Australian Railways Islington Workshops between 1969 and 1973 as the HAN type for the Eyre Peninsula system.
130703 0142115 viewsMurdinga, bogie grain hopper waggon HAN 38, one of sixty eight units built by South Australian Railways Islington Workshops between 1969 and 1973 as the HAN type for the Eyre Peninsula system.
130706 0676115 viewsPort Lincoln, looking at the port silo storage facility from Bishop Street.
060110 2212115 viewsOn the curve near the 85 km between Yeelanna and Karkoo, ARG 1200 class unit 1204, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-428, originally built for the WAGR as the final unit of fourteen A class locomotives in 1965 and sent to the Eyre Peninsula in July 2004 leads an empty grain train. Approx. location of image.
161109 1904115 viewsMoule, gypsum waggon RSG 1, rebuilt by G&W Port Lincoln from former BHP Whyalla RSK 29 iron ore waggon, hungry boards have as been fitted to increase the volume.
030403 154241115 viewsGladstone, MKA (Morrison Knudsen Australia) rebuilt AL class AL 23 into EMD JT26C-2M model for Australian National in 1993 as the ALF class, here ALF 22 serial 94-AB-022 is second unit on a gradin train being loaded on the 3rd April 2003.
030404 082938115 viewsPort Germein, Perth bound steel and intermodal hurries through on the main behind National Rail's NR class units, showing one and a half stacking and new vehicles on flat waggons with empty steel loading on the rear. 4th April 2003.
030416 105908115 viewsManguri Siding, looking south at the end of the goods loop with a loading ramp deadend siding off to the left. Located 706.5 km from the 0 datum at Coonamia and 200 km north of Tarcoola between Wirrida and Cadney Park on the Tarcoola - Alice Springs line. GeoData location. 16th April 2003.
030405 155314114 viewsLock, yard view looking north across the grade crossing for Pilkagee Rd, 5th April 2003.
030407 094734114 viewsMinnipa, yard overview looking south, tracks from the left, No. 1 Goods Siding, Mainline, No.2 Goods Siding and No. 3 Goods Siding. Crew barracks visible on the left, rotating jib crane visible in front of concrete silo complexes. 7th April 2003.
030407 105810114 viewsPoochera goods shed road vehicle side with platform and door.
060113 2469114 viewsThevenard, narrow gauge loco 1604 departs the yard with empty train 6DD3, 1604 leads a triple consist of Clyde Engineering built EMD JL22C model 1600 / NJ class combination of 1604 serial 71-731 and originally NJ 4, NJ 3 serial 71-730 and 1601 serial 71-728 the original class leader NJ 1, all three units started on the Central Australia Railway in 1971 and were transferred to the Eyre Peninsula in 1981. 1604 and 1601 both renumbered in 2004. 13th January 2006.
060113 2473114 viewsThevenard, narrow gauge loco 1604 departs the yard with empty train 6DD3, 1604 leads a triple consist of Clyde Engineering built EMD JL22C model 1600 / NJ class combination of 1604 serial 71-731 and originally NJ 4, NJ 3 serial 71-730 and 1601 serial 71-728 the original class leader NJ 1, all three units started on the Central Australia Railway in 1971 and were transferred to the Eyre Peninsula in 1981. 1604 and 1601 both renumbered in 2004. 13th January 2006.
060113 2537114 viewsKevin, 1600 class unit 1604 in Australian Railroad Group livery a Clyde Engineering built EMD JL22C model serial 71-731, originally built as NJ class NJ 4 and built for the Central Australia Railway in 1971, transferred to the Eyre Peninsula in 1981, shunts back along the Penong line past the station building, Mallee shelter - train control cabin, as the train is reversed prior to loading on the mainline to Thevenard. 13th January 2006.
130703 0129114 viewsMurdinga, overview of the grain facilities with the single cell large Ascom silo and original concrete type bookending the horizontal grain bunker. Geo location.
130703 0141114 viewsMurdinga, bogie grain hopper waggon HAN 26, one of sixty eight units built by South Australian Railways Islington Workshops between 1969 and 1973 as the HAN type for the Eyre Peninsula system.
130705 0512114 viewsLock, grain train loading in progress with the Viterra fast flow auger in the distance, the train with 1203, 846 and 859 is about to split and shunt half the consist onto the mainline. 5th of July 2013.
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