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060110 2186113 viewsNear the 78 km, empty grain train with ARG 1200 class unit 1204, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-428, originally built for the WAGR as the final unit of fourteen A class locomotives in 1965 and sent to the Eyre Peninsula in July 2004 and two 830 class AE Goodwin built ALCo model DL531 units 842 serial 84140 ex SAR broad gauge to Eyre Peninsula in October 1987, and 851 serial 84137 new to Eyre Peninsula in 1962. Approx. location of image.

060110 2220113 viewsAt the Procter Rd grade crossing about halfway between Yeelanna and Karkoo, empty grain train behind ARG 1200 class unit 1204, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-428, originally built for the WAGR as the final unit of fourteen A class locomotives in 1965 and sent to the Eyre Peninsula in July 2004 and two 830 class AE Goodwin built ALCo model DL531 units with the road competition from a Llewelyn Transport road train with a Freightliner prime mover. Approx. location of image.

060110 2241113 viewsLock, grain train loading underway behind ARG 1200 class unit 1204, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-428, originally built for the WAGR as the final unit of fourteen A class locomotives in 1965 and sent to the Eyre Peninsula in July 2004 and two 830 class AE Goodwin built ALCo model DL531 units 842 serial 84140 ex SAR broad gauge and to Eyre Peninsula in October 1987, and 851 serial 84137 new to Eyre Peninsula in 1962. Approx. location of image.

244-28113 viewsPort Lincoln loco workshops, builders plate for NJ class NJ 4 Clyde Engineering EMD model JL22C serial 71-731. 6th April 2003.

030403 154951113 viewsGladstone, former South Australian Railways AE Goodwin built DL500G ALCo designated the 700 class, class leader 701 serial G6042-2, B end cab side shot, leads a grain train being loaded on the 3rd April 2003.

030404 083001113 viewsPort Germein, Perth bound steel and intermodal hurries through on the main with empty steel loading on the rear. 4th April 2003.

030405 153114112 viewsMcLachlan, station located at the 156 km, originally opened in September 1914 and called 97 Miles till 1915, closed in August 1972, view looking south with remains of loading ramp at left and square W boards for 'whistle', 5th April 2003.

030407 104934112 viewsPoochera, south western elevation of goods shed and platform with rotating jib crane in the distance, loaded rake of grain waggons awaits pickup to the left. 7th April 2003.

030407 105354112 viewsPoochera, yard overview looking south from the north end grain siding points, crane and goods shed just visible on the left of the goods siding, loaded grain rake on the grain siding with the Ascom silo complex to the right of the waggons. 7th April 2003.

030407 114338112 viewsPoochera, empty grain train arrives behind a trio of former Australian National Co-Co locomotives with rebuilt former AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 830 class ex 839, serial no. 83730, rebuilt by Port Augusta Workshops to DA class, DA 4 leading two AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 830 class units 842, serial no. 84140 and 851 serial no. 84137, 851 having been on the Eyre Peninsula since delivered in 1962, to shunt off empty waggons and pick up the loaded ones. 7th April 2003.

060109 2114112 viewsKyancutta, ASR 830 class unit 842, an AE Goodwin built ALCo DL531 model loco serial 84140 leads EMD unit 1204 due to air-conditioning trouble and sister ALCo 851 as they shunt across Museum Terrace to place empty grain waggons on the silo loop. 9th January 2006.

060111 2396112 viewsWannamana, ARG 1200 class unit 1203, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-427, one of fourteen originally built between 1960-65 for WAGR as their A class A 1513, fitted with dynamic brakes and financed by Western Mining Corporation, started working on the Eyre Peninsula in November 2004 here leading a north bound empty grain train heading to Wudinna. Wannamana was located at the 210 km and opened in January 1927, this scene is some 79 years later. The siding was closed in April 1957. 11th January 2006.

060113 2449112 viewsThevenard, class leader 1601, a Clyde Engineering built EMD model JL22C serial 71-728, originally built for the Central Australia Railway in 1971 as NJ class leader NJ 1 'Ben Chifley' and transferred to the Eyre Peninsula in 1981. 13th January 2006.

060113 2471112 viewsThevenard, narrow gauge loco 1604 departs the yard with empty train 6DD3, 1604 leads a triple consist of Clyde Engineering built EMD JL22C model 1600 / NJ class combination of 1604 serial 71-731 and originally NJ 4, NJ 3 serial 71-730 and 1601 serial 71-728 the original class leader NJ 1, all three units started on the Central Australia Railway in 1971 and were transferred to the Eyre Peninsula in 1981. 1604 and 1601 both renumbered in 2004. 13th January 2006.

130705 0528112 viewsLock, 1203, 846 and 859 shunt their loading grain train out of the siding onto the mainline. Genesee & Wyoming locomotive AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 unit 859 'City of Port Lincoln' serial 84705, built in 1963, 859 started life at Peterborough, spent some years in Tasmania and even spent time in Perth on standard gauge in 2002 before being repainted and transferred to the Eyre Peninsula system in 2003. 5th of July 2013.

060110 2189112 viewsYeelanna, the second person watches ARG 1200 class unit 1204, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-428, originally built for the WAGR as the final unit of fourteen A class locomotives in 1965 and sent to the Eyre Peninsula in July 2004 as it shunts forward to cut out the empty cars for the siding. Approx. location of image.

060110 2213112 viewsOn the curve near the 85 km between Yeelanna and Karkoo, ARG 1200 class unit 1204, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-428, originally built for the WAGR as the final unit of fourteen A class locomotives in 1965 and sent to the Eyre Peninsula in July 2004 leads an empty grain train. Approx. location of image.

060110 2228112 viewsKarkoo, empty grain train behind ARG 1200 class unit 1204, a Clyde Engineering EMD model G12C serial 65-428, originally built for the WAGR as the final unit of fourteen A class locomotives in 1965 and sent to the Eyre Peninsula in July 2004 and two 830 class AE Goodwin built ALCo model DL531 units 842 serial 84140 ex SAR broad gauge and to Eyre Peninsula in October 1987, and 851 serial 84137 new to Eyre Peninsula in 1962. Approx. location of image.

030404 071014112 viewsPort Germein, ute and camp in the morning. 4th April 2003.

030404 082831112 viewsPort Germein, Perth bound steel and intermodal hurries through on the main behind National Rail's Goninan built GE Cv40-9i model NR class units NR 30 serial 7250-06 / 97-236 and a sister unit. 4th April 2003.
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