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060108 2052242 viewsLock, 830 class unit 851 AE Goodwin built ALCo DL531 model serial 84137 repainted into Australian Railroad Group livery.

244-05242 viewsPort Augusta yard, a pair of ALF class units on the Darwin line construction shunt a rail transport waggon. ALF 20 and ALF 18 are both Morrison Knudsen rebuilds, model JT26C-2M serials 94-AN-020 and 94-AN-018.

216-12241 viewsDry Creek Motive Power Centre, fuel point roads, AN BL class BL 31 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 83-1015 with 700 class 704 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL500G serial G6059-2 rest between jobs with V/Line broad gauge N class behind them and a 930 class beside the shed.

030405 133536241 viewsWudinna, view of vertical point lever and 'dumbbell' point indicator, 5th April 2003.

030405 133624241 viewsKyancutta, road signs at the junction of the Eyre and Tod Highways, 5th April 2003.

030406 084715241 viewsTooligie, station yard overview looking north from the south end points, point lever and indicator, silo complex and outflow spouts on the left, old ballast pile on the right, former siding to the right of the mainline can still be made out for ballast loading site, 6th April 2003.

244-07241 viewsPort Augusta yard, a pair of ALF class units on the Darwin line construction are picking up a rail transport consist. ALF 20 and ALF 18 are both Morrison Knudsen rebuilds, model JT26C-2M serials 94-AN-020 and 94-AN-018.

244-10241 viewsPort Augusta yard, cab side shot of Morrison Knudsen rebuild unit ALF 18 City of Port Pirie, model JT26C-2M serial 94-AN-018 in Australian Southern livery, originally AL class AL 21.

030405 133308240 viewsWudinna, yard view looking along the mainline south with grain shed on the left and silo complexes and loading spouts on the right, old station site on the left, 5th April 2003.

030405 133604240 viewsWudinna, yard overview looking north from the southern end with the siding points and point lever and indicator, SACBH silo complexes on the left and grain shed on the right. 5th April 2003.

030405 140038240 viewsKyancutta, station located at the 203.1 km and originally opened in March 1916, train control cabin and waiting room - shelter with station name board, 5th April 2003.

030405 140050240 viewsKyancutta, yard view looking south along the narrow gauge mainline with the Eyre Highway grade crossing in the distance and one of only two electrically lit signals on the Eyre Peninsula Division. 5th April 2003.

030409 083147240 viewsKyancutta, view of the Eyre Highway grade crossing protected by 'F' type flashing lights, the searchlight signal 2 is one of only three on the Eyre Peninsula system, it is to allow Up trains to enter and shunt the yard.

051102 6623240 viewsThevenard, left hand side of Clyde Engineering EMD JL22C model unit and class leader 1601, originally NJ 1 'Ben Chifley' serial 71-728, built in 1971 at Clyde's Granville NSW workshops, started out on the Central Australia Railway for the Commonwealth Railways before being transferred to the Eyre Peninsula system in 1981, repainted and renumbered to 1601 in November 2004.

060113 2568240 viewsThevenard, the string of ENH and ENHA waggons loaded high with gypsum on train 6DD4 as the snake through the yard destined for the unloader. Bergmann Dr grade crossing. 13th January 2006.

030407 082313239 viewsWudinna, empty grain train shunts forward with a trio of former Australian National locomotives with rebuilt former AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 830 class ex 839, serial 83730, rebuilt by Port Augusta Workshops to DA class, DA 4 leading two AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 830 class units 842, serial 84140 and 851 serial 84137, 851 having been on the Eyre Peninsula since delivered in 1962, to shunt off empty waggons into the grain siding. 7th April 2003.

030409 080113239 viewsWarramboo, empty grain train stopped for a crew change. Rebuild unit DA 7 in Australian Southern orange and black livery shows its original heritage body style of an NSWGR 48 class 4813 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial 83713, rebuilt by Islington Workshops SA with long hood and parts from former 830 class 870 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial G6016-06 in 1998.

244-11239 viewsPort Augusta, Spencer Junction NR class NR 22 leads an UP short four waggon steel train off the Whyalla line. NR 22 is a Goninan built GE model Cv40-9i serial 7250-04/97-224.

030405 133016238 viewsWudinna, yard overview looking south with the radial yard crane and loading ramp and the SACBH silo complexes and loading spouts, 5th April 2003.

030406 090305238 viewsKarkoo, track condition, 6th April 2003.
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