Most viewed - Pacific National Consist and Waggon images |
160530 924794 viewsBinduli, 7SP3 intermodal service about to pass the sticks at the end of the Binduli Triangle which is the junction for the Esperance line, Goninan built GE model Cv40-9i NR class unit NR 99 serial 7250-07/97-305 leads sister unit NR 59 serial 7250-10/97-261.
160530 925094 viewsBinduli, 7SP3 intermodal service, container waggon RQHY 7075 one of seventy eight built in 2005 by Qiqihar Rollingstock Works in China, loaded with a Tank Containers Australia 20' tanktainer and an Cronos 40' TSPD 105831 container.
160530 925894 viewsBinduli, 7SP3 intermodal service, RQZY 7953 platform 3 of 5-pack well waggon set built by Goninan NSW in 1995-96, FCL 48' FGDU 910410 with side logo painted out.
160530 926094 viewsBinduli, 7SP3 intermodal service, RQZY 7953 platform 1 of 5-pack well waggon set built by Goninan NSW in 1995-96, Linfox 48' FGDU 91081#.
160601 1009194 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 2MP5 intermodal train, crew accommodation coach RZAY 283, built by Comeng NSW in 1972 as type ARJ, stainless steel, air conditioned, first class roomette sleeping coach, converted by AN Rail Port Augusta Workshops in 1997 to RZAY.
160601 1010294 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 2MP5 intermodal train, platform 4 of 5-pack RRRY 7011 well waggon set, one of nineteen built in China at Zhuzhou Rolling Stock Works for Goninan in 2005, Linfox 46' reefer FCAD 910610.
160524 374393 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 2PM6 intermodal train, articulated 2-pack triple deck automobile waggon RMEY 2574, converted by Cheeseman Engineering in 2004 from a former 1972 vintage Comeng Victoria built GNX automobile waggon 2574, later coded ANMX and another ANMX waggon.
160524 374593 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 2PM6 intermodal train, double deck automobile waggon RMOY 01001, type leader of thirteen built by Qiqihar Rollingstock Works China in 2014 for Pacific National.
160525 447293 viewsParkeston, 3PM7 priority service train, RRQY 8516 platform 4 of 5-pack articulated skel waggon, one of thirty four sets built by Qiqihar Rollingstock Works China in 2012, 48' deck with a 48' box PVDU 480040.
160526 520193 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Melbourne bound intermodal train 4PM6 arrives with Binduli in the distance behind Goninan built GE model Cv40-9i NR class units NR 71 serial 7250-01/97-273 and NR 12 serial 7250-02/97-214.
160526 520393 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, 4PM6 intermodal train, Pacific National BRS type crew accommodation coach BRS 221, originally built by Victorian Railways Newport Workshops in November 1940 as an AS type first class sitting car for the Spirit of Progress as AS 6, in April 1983 converted to a combined sitting accommodation and a mini refreshment service as BRS type BRS 1, then in September 1985 renumbered to BRS 221. Sold to West Coast Railway mid 1990s, converted to crew car after 2004.
160528 832193 viewsParkeston, priority service 6PS7, RLUY 18691 louvre van, one of a one hundred and fifty batch order from Comeng NSW as KLY type built in 1975-76, recoded to NLKY, then NLUY, wearing Sadleirs signage and green livery.
160528 833593 viewsParkeston, 5SP5 intermodal train, crew accommodation coach RZAY 283, built by Comeng NSW in 1972 as type ARJ, stainless steel air conditioned first class roomette sleeping car, converted by AN Rail Port Augusta Workshops in 1997 to RZAY.
160528 833793 viewsParkeston, 5SP5 intermodal train, RRDY type 60' container waggon RRDY 77 appears to be a former SAR FQX / AQCX type waggon. Loaded with a GVC 42G1 type box GVCU 402624 and an old Cronos 2EG1 type box.
160528 833893 viewsParkeston, 5SP5 intermodal train, RQSY type 60' container waggon RQSY 35009, built in a batch of one hundred as OCY type container waggons by Goninan NSW in 1975. Recoded to NQOY, then to National Rail in 1994. Loaded with three 20' containers, Linfox 20' 2EG9 type FSWB 963517 and two Royal Wolf 25G1 types, RWTU 963105 and RWPU 202565. 28th of May 2016.
160523 297393 viewsParkeston, 7SP3 intermodal train, RQHY 7013 container waggon, one of 78 built by Qiqihar Rollingstock Works China in 2005. FCGU 864384 40' box and SCF side door 20' SCFU 305127.
160522 240693 viewsParkeston, 7MP7 priority service train, RRAY 7208 platform 5 of 5-pack articulated skeletal waggon set, part of one hundred built by ABB Engineering NSW 1996-2000, 40' deck with Breeze Logistics Refrigerated Transport 40' reefer BRZC 6.
160522 242093 viewsParkeston, 7MP7 priority service train, RQQY 7079 platform 5 of 5-pack articulated skeletal waggon set, 1 of 17 built by Qld Rail at Ipswich Workshops in 1995, Pacific National 46' reefer PNXR 4858.
160529 877193 viewsParkeston, 6MP4 intermodal train, RRZY 7049 platform 4 of 5-pack well waggon set, one of thirty two sets built by Goninan NSW in 1995-96 for National Rail as RQZY type, recoded to RRZY when repaired with a Sadleirs 40' box RCS 4011 and Toll 40' half height curtainsider 5TC 501.
160529 908393 viewsParkeston, 7MP7 priority service train crew accommodation coach RZBY 910, originally built in 1969 by Comeng NSW as an ER class crew coach ER 210, renumbered to ER 910 in 1974 then rebuilt at AN Rail's Port Augusta Workshops to RZBY in 1997.
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