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Home > South Australia - Eyre Peninsula Negative and Digital Albums > 030405

030405 132808224 viewsWudinna, train control cabin and waiting room, elevation from north west, 5th April 2003.
030405 132832228 viewsWudinna, yard view looking along the mainline south with Naylor Tce in the background with grain shed on the left and silo complex and loading spout on the right, 5th April, 2003.
030405 132854243 viewsWudinna, train control cabin and waiting room, elevation from south west, 5th April 2003.
030405 132926234 viewsWudinna, hand operated 5 ton revolving jib yard crane and plinth, 5th April 2003.
030405 132956241 viewsWudinna, view of the 5 ton revolving jib yard crane and loading ramp with the SACBH silo complex behind and the narrow gauge siding in the foreground, 5th April 2003.
030405 133016238 viewsWudinna, yard overview looking south with the radial yard crane and loading ramp and the SACBH silo complexes and loading spouts, 5th April 2003.
030405 133054233 viewsWudinna, yard view across mainline and siding with loading ramp, SACBH silo complex behind, 5th April 2003.
030405 133308240 viewsWudinna, yard view looking along the mainline south with grain shed on the left and silo complexes and loading spouts on the right, old station site on the left, 5th April 2003.
030405 133514234 viewsWudinna, track view looking south across the grade crossing for Naylor Tce with the toe of the siding points and point lever with indicator, 5th April 2003.
030405 133536241 viewsWudinna, view of vertical point lever and 'dumbbell' point indicator, 5th April 2003.
030405 133604240 viewsWudinna, yard overview looking north from the southern end with the siding points and point lever and indicator, SACBH silo complexes on the left and grain shed on the right. 5th April 2003.
030405 133624241 viewsKyancutta, road signs at the junction of the Eyre and Tod Highways, 5th April 2003.
030405 140038237 viewsKyancutta, station located at the 203.1 km and originally opened in March 1916, train control cabin and waiting room - shelter with station name board, 5th April 2003.
030405 140050240 viewsKyancutta, yard view looking south along the narrow gauge mainline with the Eyre Highway grade crossing in the distance and one of only two electrically lit signals on the Eyre Peninsula Division. 5th April 2003.
030405 140102251 viewsKyancutta, yard view looking south along the narrow gauge mainline with the siding point levers and indicators with the Eyre Highway grade crossing and one of only three electrically lit signals on the Eyre Peninsula Division. The cast iron 'Yard Limit' sign can be made out in the distance, 5th April 2003.
030405 140124233 viewsKyancutta, yard view looking north along the mainline with silo out-loading spouts on each siding, 5th April 2003.
030405 140236223 viewsKyancutta, track view of timber and steel sleepers with bolted rail joins, and a 10 km/h speed restriction, 5th April 2003.
030405 140252218 viewsKyancutta, yard view of the Ascom Jumbo silo complex and outflow spout, looking south, 5th April 2003.
030405 140314225 viewsKyancutta, yard view of concrete silo complex for SACBH and outflow spout, looking south, 5th April 2003.
030405 140326220 viewsKyancutta, yard view looking south with both silo complexes and their respective sidings either side of the mainline, looking south, 5th April 2003.
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