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Home > Pilbara negative and digital Albums - Iron Ore > 05-2015

150505 7936273 viewsFMG Solomon Line, looking east across valley at massive earth fill for rail line. Geodata: -22.0351433 118.7568750 .
150505 7937280 viewsFMG Solomon Line, looking east across earth fill abutment with culverts, sign indicating Babangarra Creek. Geodata: -22.0522533 118.7402133 .
150505 7940244 viewsFMG Solomon Line, looking east, earth fill abutment embankment for rail line, Jingarri Creek. Geodata: -22.0545750 118.7278517 .
150505 7942256 viewsFMG Solomon Line, looking east, earth fill abutment embankment for rail line, Jingarri Creek, expanded view from 7940, shows access road. Geodata: -22.0545750 118.7278517 .
150505 7943224 viewsFMG Solomon Line, looking west, earth fill abutment embankment for rail line, Jingarri Creek, view from the western side. Geodata: -22.0525633 118.7199633 .
150505 7944239 viewsFMG Solomon Line, looking west, earth fill abutment embankment for rail line, Jingarri Creek, view from the western side, expanded view from 7942, access road visible at left. Geodata: -22.0525633 118.7199633 .
150505 7947251 viewsFMG Solomon Line, looking east from the 215.586 km grade crossing. Geodata: -22.0534583 118.6860400 .
150505 7948271 viewsFMG Solomon Line track - rail detail, H VT 136 RE PG4 2010 XII, H for head hardened, VT for vacuum degassing, the diamond logo PZH indicates it is manufactured by Pangang Group Steel Vanadium & Titanium Co. Ltd, is 136 pounds per yard weight, RE meets AREMA (American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association) standards, PG4 indicates tensile strength of 1300 MPa, and a rolled date of 2010, December.
150505 7949268 viewsFMG Solomon Line track - sleeper detail. The logo stamped in the sleeper is for Austrak the manufacturer and the running number for the quality control.
150505 7950243 viewsFMG Solomon Line, looking west along elevated section of track, repeater tower in distance. Geodata: -22.0398833 118.6280733 .
150505 7951267 viewsFMG Solomon Line, looking back east from the same spot as 7950. Repeater tower in distance. Geodata: -22.0398833 118.6280733 .
150505 7953250 viewsFMG Solomon Line, looking west with cutting to the right, 227.5 km grade crossing in the distance, track is curving away to the left in the background. Geodata: -22.0200283 118.5880600 .
150505 7956329 viewsFMG Solomon Line, a pair of General Electric Dash 9-44CW locomotives 005 serial 58182 and 006 serial 58183 struggle upgrade with a loaded train at the 227 km bound for Port Hedland, the train is being assisted in the rear. Geodata: -22.0189283 118.5861050 .
150505 7959244 viewsFMG Solomon Line, a pair of General Electric Dash 9-44CW locomotives 005 serial 58182 and 006 serial 58183 struggle upgrade with a loaded train at the 227 km bound for Port Hedland, the train is being assisted in the rear. Geodata: -22.0189283 118.5861050 .
150505 7963293 viewsFMG Solomon Line, a pair of General Electric Dash 9-44CW locomotives 005 serial 58182 and 006 serial 58183 struggle upgrade with a loaded train at the 227 km bound for Port Hedland, the bank engines assisting in the rear can just be seen. Geodata: -22.0189283 118.5861050 .
150505 7976262 viewsFMG Solomon Line, waggon pair 3005 and 4006, built in 2009 by CSR Yangtze Rolling Stock Co. Ltd, loaded with fines ore. Geodata: -22.0187350 118.5850917 .
150505 7978215 viewsFMG Solomon Line, waggon 3005, tare weight of 21.8 tonnes, yellow circle indicates rotary coupling, built in 2009 by CSR Yangtze Rolling Stock Co. Ltd, loaded with fines ore. Geodata: -22.0187350 118.5850917 .
150505 7979253 viewsFMG Solomon Line, waggon 4006, tare weight of 22 tonnes, built in 2009 by CSR Yangtze Rolling Stock Co. Ltd, loaded with fines ore. Geodata: -22.0187350 118.5850917 .
150505 79821037 viewsFMG Solomon Line, bank engines Progress Rail EMD SD70ACe/LCi unit 716 serial 20118693-008 and EMD SD90MAC unit 901 serial 976833-1, this unit has been repowered with an 16-710G3 prime mover, cross the 227.5 km grade crossing as they shove the loaded train upgrade at an increasing speed as the front of the train has topped the grade. Geodata: -22.0187117 118.5850933 .
150505 7986328 viewsFMG Solomon Line, bank engines Progress Rail EMD SD70ACe/LCi unit 716 serial 20118693-008 and EMD SD90MAC unit 901 serial 976833-1, this unit has been repowered with an 16-710G3 prime mover, at the 227 km as they bank the loaded train upgrade at an increasing speed as the front of the train has topped the grade. Geodata: -22.0187117 118.5850933 .
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