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040408 170024237 viewsBing Siding, Difco Ohio USA 1966 built short side dump waggon 4 loaded with rip-rap, originally built for Goldsworthy Mining as no. 4, one five such waggons built for Goldsworthy Mining.
040408 170040141 viewsBing Siding, Difco Ohio USA built side dump waggons, three short and one long all loaded with fines. In 1966 five short side dump waggons were originally built for Goldsworthy Mining, here we see no. 2, 3 and 1 on the rear and Mt Newman Mining long side dump waggon 701.
040419 102034269 viewsAbydos back track, riveted flat waggon 202 with three water tanks fitted, 3/4 view from handbrake end, originally part of the 'camp train', modified by Mt Newman Mining railway workshops.
040419 102104137 viewsAbydos back track, riveted flat waggon 202 with three water tanks fitted, view of handbrake end, originally part of the 'camp train', modified by Mt Newman Mining railway workshops.
040419 102145141 viewsAbydos back track, riveted flat waggon 202 with three water tanks fitted, view of non-handbrake end, originally part of the 'camp train', modified by Mt Newman Mining railway workshops.
040419 102228158 viewsAbydos back track, riveted flat waggon 202 with three water tanks fitted, 3/4 view from non-handbrake end, shows access ladder profiles, originally part of the 'camp train', modified by Mt Newman Mining railway workshops.
040419 102309285 viewsAbydos back track, riveted flat waggon 202 with three water tanks fitted, side view, shows access ladder profiles, originally part of the 'camp train', modified by Mt Newman Mining railway workshops.
040502 085548181 viewsMooka Siding, trailing view of the 'Pony' heading south, 50 ton waggon 6703, one of three 'special' waggons converted from Magor USA built ore waggons, loaded with concrete sleepers is closet to camera.
040502 085554175 viewsMooka Siding, trailing view of the 'Pony' heading south, 50 ton waggon 6701, one of three 'special' waggons converted from Magor USA built ore waggons, loaded with concrete sleepers is in the middle with former Goldsworthy flat waggon 8704 closet to camera.
040502 085614159 viewsMooka Siding, trailing view of the 'Pony' heading south, with the Harsco Pony track re-laying machine on the rear.
040502 085622155 viewsMooka Siding, trailing view of the 'Pony' heading south, with the Harsco Pony track re-laying machine on the rear.
040530 143906193 viewsNelson Point, compressor waggon set No. 6, made from a pair of cut down Magor USA built 91 ton ore waggons, originally ex Oroville Dam, California.
040616 162128169 viewsNelson Point, the Sundowner coach, originally built by E. G. Budd in 1939 numbered 301 as the Silver Star as a diner-parlour-observation coach on the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad's General Pershing Zephyr train from the 1930s and 1940s. Donated to Mt Newman Mining Co. by AMAX an original joint venture partner to commemorate the projects first 100 million tonnes of iron ore railed between Mount Whaleback mine and the Port Hedland port.
040616 162136152 viewsNelson Point, the Sundowner coach, originally built by E. G. Budd in 1939 numbered 301 as the Silver Star as a diner-parlour-observation coach on the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad's General Pershing Zephyr train from the 1930s and 1940s. Donated to Mt Newman Mining Co. by AMAX an original joint venture partner to commemorate the projects first 100 million tonnes of iron ore railed between Mount Whaleback mine and the Port Hedland port.
040616 162154153 viewsNelson Point, the Sundowner coach, originally built by E. G. Budd in 1939 numbered 301 as the Silver Star as a diner-parlour-observation coach on the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad's General Pershing Zephyr train from the 1930s and 1940s. Donated to Mt Newman Mining Co. by AMAX an original joint venture partner to commemorate the projects first 100 million tonnes of iron ore railed between Mount Whaleback mine and the Port Hedland port.
040616 162210220 viewsNelson Point, the Sundowner coach, originally built by E. G. Budd in 1939 numbered 301 as the Silver Star as a diner-parlour-observation coach on the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad's General Pershing Zephyr train from the 1930s and 1940s. Donated to Mt Newman Mining Co. by AMAX an original joint venture partner to commemorate the projects first 100 million tonnes of iron ore railed between Mount Whaleback mine and the Port Hedland port.
040616 162224136 viewsNelson Point, the Sundowner coach, originally built by E. G. Budd in 1939 numbered 301 as the Silver Star as a diner-parlour-observation coach on the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad's General Pershing Zephyr train from the 1930s and 1940s. Donated to Mt Newman Mining Co. by AMAX an original joint venture partner to commemorate the projects first 100 million tonnes of iron ore railed between Mount Whaleback mine and the Port Hedland port.
040616 162244154 viewsNelson Point, the Sundowner coach, originally built by E. G. Budd in 1939 numbered 301 as the Silver Star as a diner-parlour-observation coach on the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad's General Pershing Zephyr train from the 1930s and 1940s. Donated to Mt Newman Mining Co. by AMAX an original joint venture partner to commemorate the projects first 100 million tonnes of iron ore railed between Mount Whaleback mine and the Port Hedland port.
040616 162248136 viewsNelson Point, the Sundowner coach, originally built by E. G. Budd in 1939 numbered 301 as the Silver Star as a diner-parlour-observation coach on the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad's General Pershing Zephyr train from the 1930s and 1940s. Donated to Mt Newman Mining Co. by AMAX an original joint venture partner to commemorate the projects first 100 million tonnes of iron ore railed between Mount Whaleback mine and the Port Hedland port.
040627 080053173 viewsNelson Point, fuel tank waggon 0020 82 kL capacity, built by Comeng NSW for BP as RTD 2, last of two such tanks, used on Mt Newman line, unsure when converted to 0020.
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