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Home > Pilbara negative and digital Albums - Iron Ore > BHP_Rolling_Stock_-_Non_Ore

050518 212382 viewsFlash Butt yard, CFCLA hire ballast waggon CHRY type CHRY 746, shows bogie detail, Barber S-2 type bogie, with CFCLA id of CQFE 097.
050518 212486 viewsFlash Butt yard, CFCLA hire ballast waggon CHRY type CHRY 750, shows ownership plaque.
050518 212596 viewsFlash Butt yard, CFCLA hire ballast waggon CHRY type CHRY 756, shows brake rigging plate for original owner, C&NW.
050518 212688 viewsFlash Butt yard, CFCLA hire ballast waggon CHRY type CHRY 756, shows ownership plaque.
050518 212791 viewsFlash Butt yard, CFCLA hire ballast waggon CHRY type CHRY 750, shows bogie detail, AT & SF CS-3000 bogie casting with CFCLA id of CQFE 094
050518 212895 viewsFlash Butt yard, CFCLA hire ballast waggon CHRY type CHRY 750, shows bogie detail, AT & SF CS-3000 bogie casting with CFCLA id of CQFE 093
050518 212980 viewsFlash Butt yard, CFCLA hire ballast waggon CHRY type CHRY 750, shows bogie detail, AT & SF CS-3000 bogie casting with CFCLA id of CQFE 093
050518 213080 viewsFlash Butt yard, CFCLA hire ballast waggon CHRY type CHRY 759, shows bogie detail, C&NW Ride Control bogie with CFCLA id of CQFE 110.
050518 213181 viewsFlash Butt yard, CFCLA hire ballast waggon CHRY type CHRY 759, shows bogie detail, C&NW Ride Control bogie with CFCLA id of CQFE 110.
050518 213284 viewsFlash Butt yard, CFCLA hire ballast waggon CHRY type CHRY 761, shows bogie detail, ASF Ride Control bogie with CFCLA id of CQFE 111.
050518 213379 viewsFlash Butt yard, CFCLA hire ballast waggon CHRY type CHRY 761, shows bogie detail, ASF Ride Control bogie with CFCLA id of CQFE 111.
050518 213484 viewsFlash Butt yard, CFCLA hire ballast waggon CHQY type CHQY 740, shows brake rigging plate for original owner, M&ST L.
050518 213583 viewsFlash Butt yard, CFCLA hire ballast waggon CHQY type CHQY 740, shows hand brake and shunters step detail.
050518 213686 viewsFlash Butt yard, CFCLA hire ballast waggon CHRY type CHRY 753, defect card holder.
050518 213795 viewsFlash Butt yard, CFCLA hire ballast waggon CHRY type CHRY 753, STB decal.
050518 213882 viewsFlash Butt yard, CFCLA hire ballast waggon CHRY type CHRY 753, non hand brake end detail, including bogie.
050518 213977 viewsFlash Butt yard, CFCLA hire ballast waggon CHRY type CHRY 753, non hand brake end detail, including bogie.
050518 214082 viewsFlash Butt yard, CFCLA hire ballast waggon CHQY type CHQY 741, shows bogie detail, ATSF CS-3000 Ride Control Unit bogie casting with CFCLA id of CQFE 056.
050518 214191 viewsFlash Butt yard, CFCLA hire ballast waggon CHQY type CHQY 741, shows bogie detail, ASF Ride Control bogie casting with CFCLA id of CQFE 055.
050518 214297 viewsFlash Butt yard, CFCLA hire ballast waggon CHQY type CHQY 741, close up of bogie, shows bogie detail, ASF Ride Control bogie casting with CFCLA id of CQFE 055.
797 files on 40 page(s) 11

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