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150619 9074101 viewsFlash Butt yard, CNR-QRRS of China built side dump waggons, built and delivered around 2011-12, waggons 0710, 0706 and 0713 await their next duty.
150619 907589 viewsFlash Butt yard, CNR-QRRS of China built side dump waggons, built and delivered around 2011-12, waggon 0710 loaded with fines for sheeting.
150619 9076100 viewsFlash Butt yard, CNR-QRRS of China built side dump waggons, built and delivered around 2011-12, waggon 0706 loaded with fines for sheeting.
150619 907786 viewsFlash Butt yard, CNR-QRRS of China built side dump waggons, built and delivered around 2011-12, waggon 0710 loaded with fines for sheeting.
150619 907882 viewsFlash Butt yard, CNR-QRRS of China built side dump waggons, built and delivered around 2011-12, waggon 0706 loaded with fines for sheeting.
150619 907988 viewsFlash Butt yard, CNR-QRRS of China built side dump waggons, built and delivered around 2011-12, waggon 0706 loaded with fines for sheeting, B end and bogie detail.
150619 908087 viewsFlash Butt yard, CNR-QRRS of China built side dump waggons, built and delivered around 2011-12, waggon 0710 loaded with fines for sheeting, A end and bogie detail.
150619 908180 viewsFlash Butt yard, CNR-QRRS of China built side dump waggons, built and delivered around 2011-12, waggon 0710 loaded with fines for sheeting, mid-section detail.
150619 9082101 viewsFlash Butt yard, CNR-QRRS of China built side dump waggons, built and delivered around 2011-12, waggon 0710 loaded with fines for sheeting, mid-section detail.
150619 9083112 viewsFlash Butt yard, CNR-QRRS of China built side dump waggons, built and delivered around 2011-12, waggon 0710 loaded with fines for sheeting, B end and bogie detail.
150619 9084221 viewsFlash Butt yard, CNR-QRRS of China built side dump waggons, built and delivered around 2011-12, waggon 0713 loaded with fines for sheeting.
150619 9085116 viewsFlash Butt yard, CNR-QRRS of China built side dump waggons, built and delivered around 2011-12, waggon 0713 loaded with fines for sheeting.
150619 9086111 viewsFlash Butt yard, CNR-QRRS of China built side dump waggons, built and delivered around 2011-12, waggon 0706 loaded with fines for sheeting.
150619 910189 viewsFlash Butt yard, CNR-QRRS of China built side dump waggons, built and delivered around 2011-12, waggon 0713 loaded with fines for sheeting, A end and bogie detail.
150619 910289 viewsFlash Butt yard, CNR-QRRS of China built side dump waggons, built and delivered around 2011-12, waggon 0713 loaded with fines for sheeting.
150620 932687 viewsQuarry 8 ballast loading area, CNR-QRRS of China built 99 tonne ballast waggons 0209 and 0220 await loading.
150620 932786 viewsQuarry 8 ballast loading area, CNR-QRRS of China built 99 tonne ballast waggon 0220 waits to be loaded.
150620 9328102 viewsQuarry 8 ballast loading area, CNR-QRRS of China built 99 tonne ballast waggon 0209 waits to be loaded.
150620 9329105 viewsQuarry 8 ballast loading area, rake of CNR-QRRS of China built 99 tonne ballast waggons with the Difco USA built long and short side dump waggons with a Dash 8 loco on the rear.
150729 9455102 viewsBing Siding, empty 82 kL Comeng NSW built tank waggon 0003 one of six such tank waggons built in 1970-71.
797 files on 40 page(s) 39

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