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Home > Pilbara negative and digital Albums - Iron Ore > 05-08_2017

170726 9424145 viewsRedbank on the edge of Nelson Point, a loaded BHP iron ore train from Yandi arrives on the west mainline behind Electro Motive built SD70ACe unit 4331 'Withnell' serial 20066862-060 leading an SD70ACe/LC with another two SD70ACe/LC units in the middle of the 264 waggon consist. 26th July 2017.
170726 9429152 viewsRedbank, a loaded BHP iron ore train from Yandi arrives past the arrival signals for Nelson Point yard on the west mainline behind Electro Motive built SD70ACe unit 4331 'Withnell' serial 20066862-060 leading an SD70ACe/LC with another two SD70ACe/LC units in the middle of the 264 waggon consist. 26th July 2017.
170726 9430150 viewsRedbank, a loaded BHP iron ore train from Yandi arrives into Nelson Point yard on the west mainline with mid-train remote units built by Progress Rail as SD70ACe unit 4377 serial 20108424-004 leading an SD70ACe/LC unit 4345. 26th July 2017.
170726 9434176 viewsKanyirri yard, a short FMG shunt train departs the yard and heads to the car dumper balloons behind Progress Rail built SD70ACe/LCi unit 702 serial 20118611-002 and ten pairs of ore waggons. 26th July 2017.
170726 9445153 viewsFinucane Island, sitting on the CD4 road, a loaded BHP iron ore train behind Progress Rail Muncie USA built SD70ACe/LCi unit 4475 'Mick Le Flohic' serial 20148001-008 with a sister unit as they await entry into he car dumper to unload. 26th July 2017.
170726 9447140 viewsFinucane Island, running around the balloon loop with an empty BHP iron ore train behind Progress Rail Muncie USA built SD70ACe/LCi unit 4413 serial 20118685-011 with a sister unit as they head back to be provisioned at Boodarie. 26th July 2017.
170726 9457142 viewsBoodarie, FMG ore waggon pair 2800 (control) and 1799 (slave) of the original design and loaded with fines ore shows evidence of side wall panel replacement and new relining dates. 26th July 2017.
170726 9461151 viewsBoodarie, a loaded FMG iron ore train round the large curve at the 5 km as the train is passing under the Great Northern Highway behind Progress Rail Muncie USA built SD70ACe/LCi unit 717 serial 20118693-009 and sister 718 as they head for the car dumper unloading balloon loops. 26th July 2017.
170726 9504164 viewsBoodarie, an empty train departs the unloader balloon loops and heads back to Thomas Yard behind NS Juniata Shops USA rebuild EMD SD9043MAC unit 906 serial 976833-09, which was originally a Union Pacific SD90MAC-H2 #8530 prior to rebuild, leads an SD70ACe/LCi unit in the last rays of daylight. 26th July 2017.
170727 9516145 viewsNelson Point, BHP empty fuel train sits in the middle yard waiting to shunt the waggons across to the gantry to be reloaded for their next run to the mine, behind Progress Rail Muncie USA built EMD unit SD70ACe/LCi 4468 serial 20148001-001 and eleven 100,000 litre tank waggons. 27th July 2017.
170727 9526141 viewsBoodarie Yard, BHP 's service facility for the Finucane Island operations, on the left are the fuelling and sanding roads, workshops and shed and then the departure roads, on the right are the mainlines, behind the workshops the FMG car dumpers can be made out. 27th July 2017.
170727 9535149 viewsCanning, the north end of a duplicated section sees loaded FMG iron ore train heading to the port behind General Electric built Dash 9-44CW unit 002 serial 57095 and an EMD SD70ACe/LCi unit. GeoData.
170727 9567583 viewsOn Abydos Station, cattle not rail, empty FMG fuel train passes a derailment clean-up site at the 81 km behind NS Juniata Shops rebuilt EMD SD90MAC-H model 901 serial 976833-01 which had the 265-H engine replaced in 2013 with a 710, it leads SD70ACe/LCi unit 715 and twenty four empty fuel tank waggons. GeoData.
170727 9620143 viewsWoodstock Siding, a loaded BHP iron ore train passes under the Roy Hill overpass behind Progress Rail Muncie USA built EMD SD70ACe/LCi unit 4466 serial 20138907-017 and sister 4367. 27th July 2017. GeoData.
170727 9627142 viewsWoodstock Siding, a Roy Hill ballast train works north as it is about to cross BHP's Woodstock running lines, General Electric Erie built model ES44ACi unit RHA 1006 serial 62578 leads a side dump, ten ballast hoppers and a ballast plough with a sister unit on the rear. 27th July 2017. GeoData.
170727 9630140 viewsWoodstock Siding, a Roy Hill ballast train works north General Electric Erie built model ES44ACi unit RHA 1006 serial 62578 leads a side dump. 27th July 2017. GeoData.
170727 9643139 viewsWoodstock Siding, a Roy Hill ballast train works north with rear end locomotive General Electric Erie built model ES44ACi unit RHA 1020 serial 64301 trailing the ballast plough. 27th July 2017. GeoData.
170728 09682147 viewsCape Lambert South Yard, and empty train await departure time behind Rio Tinto 8109 serial 58005 a General Electric built ES44DCi unit with sister 8178 in Rio stripes and stablemate 9433. 28th July 2017. GeoData.
170728 09697138 viewsArches Siding on the Robe line sees empty train behind Rio Tinto 8109 serial 58005 a General Electric built ES44DCi unit with sister 8178 in Rio stripes and stablemate 9433 on approach to the 25 km grade crossing. 28th July 2017. GeoData.
170728 09716139 views38 km on approach to Harding Siding an empty train rounds the curve under the Water Corp pipe bridge lead by Rio Tinto stripe liveried unit 8147 serial 58728 an General Electric built ES44DCi unit with a sister unit 8149 sandwiching 7065 a Dash 9-44CW unit. 28th July 2017. GeoData.
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