Last additions - 05-2015 |

150523 8229137 viewsNelson Point Yard, I Area, waggon scrapping by Sims Metal, Goninan rebuild CM40-8M 5665 shunts the waggons, its life also about to come to an end.Jan 30, 2016

150523 8224123 viewsNelson Point Yard, BHP Billiton diesel fuel tank waggon 0033 with safety slogan 'Don't drive tired', total capacity of 117 m3 for a nominal capacity of 113 m3 built in China by CNR - QRRS.Jan 30, 2016

150523 8223130 viewsNelson Point Yard, BHP Billiton diesel fuel tank waggon 0037 with safety slogan 'Safety is a core value', total capacity of 117 m3 for a nominal capacity of 113 m3 built in China by CNR - QRRS.Jan 30, 2016

150523 8221121 viewsNelson Point Yard, BHP Billiton diesel fuel tank waggon 0037 with safety slogan 'Safety is a core value', total capacity of 117 m3 for a nominal capacity of 113 m3 built in China by CNR - QRRS.Jan 30, 2016

150523 8220130 viewsNelson Point Yard, BHP Billiton diesel fuel tank waggon 0043 with safety slogan 'ASAP - As safe as possible', total capacity of 117 m3 for a nominal capacity of 113 m3 built in China by CNR - QRRS.Jan 30, 2016

150523 8219131 viewsNelson Point Yard, BHP Billiton diesel fuel tank waggon 0024, total capacity of 117 m3 for a nominal capacity of 113 m3 built in China by CNR - QRRS.Jan 30, 2016

150523 8214124 viewsNelson Point Yard, BHP Billiton diesel fuel tank waggon 0034, view of B End, built in China by CNR - QRRS.Jan 30, 2016

150523 8218211 viewsNelson Point Yard, BHP Billiton diesel fuel tank waggon 0021, total capacity of 117 m3 for a nominal capacity of 113 m3 built in China by CNR - QRRS.Jan 30, 2016

150523 8217133 viewsNelson Point Yard, BHP Billiton diesel fuel tank waggon 0044 with safety slogan 'Don't drive distracted', total capacity of 117 m3 for a nominal capacity of 113 m3 built in China by CNR - QRRS.Jan 30, 2016

150523 8216128 viewsNelson Point Yard, BHP Billiton diesel fuel tank waggon 0032 with safety slogan 'Start with safety', total capacity of 117 m3 for a nominal capacity of 113 m3 built in China by CNR - QRRS.Jan 30, 2016

150523 8215140 viewsNelson Point Yard, BHP Billiton diesel fuel tank waggon 0034 with safety slogan 'Thank Safe + Work Safe = Go Home Safe', total capacity of 117 m3 for a nominal capacity of 113 m3 built in China by CNR - QRRS.Jan 30, 2016

150523 8204255 viewsNelson Point Yard, BHP Billiton SD70ACe unit 4368 is on the fuel tank shunt, is a unit from the last order of eighteen SD70ACe units for BHP Billiton built at Electro-Motive in London Ontario, serial 20098203-013.Jan 30, 2016

150523 8213144 viewsNelson Point Yard, BHP Billiton diesel fuel tank waggon 0031, view of A End, tare of 38.6 tonnes, total capacity of 117 m3 for a nominal capacity of 113 m3 built in China by CNR - QRRS.Jan 30, 2016

150523 8209134 viewsNelson Point Yard, BHP Billiton diesel fuel tank waggon 0034 with safety slogan 'Thank Safe + Work Safe = Go Home Safe', total capacity of 117 m3 for a nominal capacity of 113 m3 built in China by CNR - QRRS.Jan 30, 2016

150523 8207142 viewsNelson Point Yard, BHP Billiton diesel fuel tank waggon 0031 with safety slogan 'Safety - It's your life', total capacity of 117 m3 for a nominal capacity of 113 m3 built in China by CNR - QRRS.Jan 30, 2016

150523 8205153 viewsNelson Point Yard, parked beside the Locomotive Service Shop, new style BHP Billiton diesel fuel tank waggon 0035 with safety slogan 'Take time to work safety', total capacity of 117 m3 for a nominal capacity of 113 m3 built in China by CNR - QRRS and fitted with ECPB coupled to original fuel tank waggon number 0013 built by Comeng with a 113649 litre capacity.Jan 30, 2016

150523 8198168 viewsNelson Point Yard, BHP Billiton SD70ACe unit 4334 'Wheelara' serial 20078915-001 built by Electro-Motive, London Ontario and Goninan rebuild CM40-8MEFI model unit 5666 'Taranto' serial 8412-11/94-157 wait on a loaded train in the arrival yard.Jan 30, 2016

150523 8202150 viewsNelson Point Yard, BHP Billiton SD70ACe unit 4368 is on the fuel tank shunt, is a unit from the last order of eighteen SD70ACe units for BHP Billiton built at Electro-Motive London Ontario, serial 20098203-013.Jan 30, 2016

150523 8201263 viewsNelson Point Yard, parked beside the Locomotive Service Shop, BHP Billiton diesel fuel tank waggon 0035 with safety slogan 'Take time to work safety', total capacity of 117 m3 for a nominal capacity of 113 m3 built in China by CNR - QRRS.Jan 30, 2016

150523 8200216 viewsNelson Point Yard, overview of both trains from images 8197 and 8198.Jan 30, 2016