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Last additions - 0232
232-1796 viewsYandi One backtrack, following a cyclone shutdown of the mainline and severe flooding around Yandi a 'mixed' freight train was operated to Yandi to deliver food, mail and diesel fuel to the mine and camp. Here BHP Iron Ore CM40-8M unit 5639 'Corunna Downs' serial 8281-03 / 92-128 idles away in the backtrack awaiting its path back to Port Hedland with flat waggon 6703, four fuel tank waggons and a broken ore waggon. February 1997. GeoData.Mar 21, 2016
232-16108 viewsYandi One backtrack, following a cyclone shutdown of the mainline and severe flooding around Yandi a 'mixed' freight train was operated to Yandi to deliver food, mail and diesel fuel to the mine and camp. Here BHP Iron Ore CM40-8M unit 5639 'Corunna Downs' serial 8281-03 / 92-128 idles away in the backtrack awaiting its path back to Port Hedland with flat waggon 6703, four fuel tank waggons and a broken ore waggon. February 1997. GeoData.Mar 21, 2016
232-14107 viewsYandi One backtrack, following a cyclone shutdown of the mainline and severe flooding around Yandi a 'mixed' freight train was operated to Yandi to deliver food, mail and diesel fuel to the mine and camp. Here BHP Iron Ore CM40-8M unit 5639 'Corunna Downs' serial 8281-03 / 92-128 idles away in the backtrack awaiting its path back to Port Hedland with flat waggon 6703, four fuel tank waggons and a broken ore waggon. February 1997. GeoData.Mar 21, 2016
232-1599 viewsYandi One backtrack, following a cyclone shutdown of the mainline and severe flooding around Yandi a 'mixed' freight train was operated to Yandi to deliver food, mail and diesel fuel to the mine and camp. Here BHP Iron Ore empty 82 kL Comeng NSW built tank waggon 0004 one of six such tank waggons built in 1970-71. February 1997. GeoData.Mar 21, 2016
232-12114 viewsYandi One backtrack, following a cyclone shutdown of the mainline and severe flooding around Yandi a 'mixed' freight train was operated to Yandi to deliver food, mail and diesel fuel to the mine and camp. Here BHP Iron Ore CM40-8M unit 5639 'Corunna Downs' serial 8281-03 / 92-128 idles away in the backtrack awaiting its path back to Port Hedland with flat waggon 6703, four fuel tank waggons and a broken ore waggon. February 1997. GeoData.Mar 21, 2016
232-13189 viewsYandi One backtrack, following a cyclone shutdown of the mainline and severe flooding around Yandi a 'mixed' freight train was operated to Yandi to deliver food, mail and diesel fuel to the mine and camp. Here BHP Iron Ore 50 ton waggon 6703, one of three 'special' waggons converted from Magor USA built ore waggons by the Mt Newman Workshops. February 1997. GeoData.Mar 21, 2016
232-1193 viewsYandi One backtrack, following a cyclone shutdown of the mainline and severe flooding around Yandi a 'mixed' freight train was operated to Yandi to deliver food, mail and diesel fuel to the mine and camp. Here BHP Iron Ore CM40-8M unit 5639 'Corunna Downs' serial 8281-03 / 92-128 idles away in the backtrack awaiting its path back to Port Hedland with flat waggon 6703, four fuel tank waggons and a broken ore waggon. February 1997. GeoData.Mar 21, 2016
232-10120 viewsYandi One backtrack, following a cyclone shutdown of the mainline and severe flooding around Yandi a 'mixed' freight train was operated to Yandi to deliver food, mail and diesel fuel to the mine and camp. Here BHP Iron Ore CM40-8M unit 5639 'Corunna Downs' serial 8281-03 / 92-128 idles away in the backtrack awaiting its path back to Port Hedland with flat waggon 6703, four fuel tank waggons and a broken ore waggon. February 1997. GeoData.Mar 21, 2016
232-08162 viewsYandi One balloon loop, mid-train remote units of train no. 1718 which is partway through loading, BHP Iron Ore unit 5659 'Kobe' serial 8412-04 / 94-150 leads cab-less unit 5665, both are Goninan rebuild CM40-8M GE units, 59 is still in the teal and marigold logo livery. 3rd of February 1997. GeoData.Mar 21, 2016
232-093737 viewsYandi One balloon loop, BHP Iron Ore waggon 2343 built by Comeng WA as one of the second batch of one hundred and eighty three waggons built between 1969 and 1970. The white body panel signifies the rotary coupler end. February 1997. GeoData.Mar 21, 2016
232-07347 viewsYandi One balloon loop cabless BHP Iron Ore Goninan rebuild CM40-8ML (L for LocoTrol) GE unit 5665 'Rotterdam' serial 8412-10 / 94-156 in the mid-train remote power of train no. 1718 which is partway through loading on the afternoon of 3rd of February 1997. GeoData.Mar 21, 2016
232-06140 viewsYandi One balloon loop, mid-train remote units of train no. 1718 which is partway through loading, BHP Iron Ore unit 5659 'Kobe' serial 8412-04 / 94-150 leads cabless unit 5665, both are Goninan rebuild CM40-8M GE units, 59 is still in the teal and marigold logo livery. 3rd of February 1997. GeoData.Mar 21, 2016
232-0498 viewsYandi Two, view west from near the 311.6 km grade crossing, train can be seen loading on the right. February 1997. GeoData.Mar 21, 2016
232-05142 viewsYandi One balloon loop, mid-train remote units of train no. 1718 which is partway through loading, BHP Iron Ore unit 5659 'Kobe' serial 8412-04 / 94-150 leads cab-less unit 5665 'Rotterdam' serial 8412-10 / 94-156, both are Goninan rebuild CM40-8M GE units with 65 having an L on its' designation as cabless with LocoTrol. 3rd February 1997. GeoData.Mar 21, 2016
232-0394 viewsYandi Two, view to the stockpile looking west from near the 311.6 km grade crossing. A train can be seen loading on the right. February 1997. GeoData.Mar 21, 2016
232-0295 viewsYandi Two entry portal for the loadout tunnel entry sign. February 1997. GeoData.Mar 21, 2016
232-01102 viewsYandi Two entry portal for the loadout tunnel with dust extraction pipes. February 1997. GeoData.Mar 21, 2016
232-00131 viewsYandi Two crushing and screening plant, built and operated by Henry Walker for BHP Iron Ore, overview from the radial stacker feed conveyor. From the left is the primary crusher, the dual secondary crushers can be made out behind the tertiary crushers in the middle and the screenhouse is the large building tot he right, the conveyor leading to the right is CV210. February 1997. GeoData.Mar 21, 2016
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