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Home > Pilbara negative and digital Albums - Iron Ore > BHP_Rolling_Stock_-_Non_Ore

Last additions - BHP_Rolling_Stock_-_Non_Ore
050724 431374 viewsBing Siding, empty 116 kL Comeng NSW built tank waggon 0012 from 1972, one of three such tank waggons.Mar 09, 2017
050724 431085 viewsBing Siding, empty 116 kL Comeng NSW built tank waggon 0010 from 1972, one of three such tank waggons.Mar 09, 2017
050724 431187 viewsBing Siding, empty 116 kL Comeng WA built tank waggon 0016 from 1974-5, one of six such tank waggons.Mar 09, 2017
050724 430998 viewsBing Siding, empty 116 kL Comeng WA built tank waggon 0013 from 1974-5, one of six such tank waggons.Mar 09, 2017
050724 430891 viewsBing Siding, empty fuel tank waggon 0015, a Comeng WA built 116 kilolitre tank waggon, one of a batch of six built in 1974-75 wearing the newer corporate 'Earth' livery of BHP Billiton Iron Ore.Mar 09, 2017
050724 430788 viewsBing Siding, empty fuel tank waggon 0018, a Comeng WA built 116 kilolitre tank waggon, one of a batch of six built in 1974-75 wearing the newer corporate 'Earth' livery of BHP Billiton Iron Ore.Mar 09, 2017
050724 430686 viewsBing Siding, empty 116 kL Comeng WA built tank waggon 0017 from 1974-5, one of six such tank waggons.Mar 09, 2017
050724 424383 viewsNelson Point yard, flat waggons in service on the Pony re-laying train as transport waggons for sleepers, with a gantry car sitting atop a heavily modified and cut down Oroville waggon, with the left waggon a Scotts of Ipswich built flat waggon from in 1970 for then Mt Newman Mining Company.Mar 09, 2017
050724 423777 viewsNelson Point yard, flat waggons in service on the Pony re-laying train as transport waggons for sleepers, with a gantry car delivering concrete sleepers to replace the removed steel sleepers. The left waggon is an ex Goldsworthy Mining flat waggon with a Scotts of Ipswich built flat waggon with the gantry car on it, built in 1970 for then Mt Newman Mining Company.Mar 09, 2017
050724 423488 viewsNelson Point yard, flat waggons in service on the Pony re-laying train as transport waggons for sleepers, with a gantry car delivering concrete sleepers to replace the removed steel sleepers. The middle waggon is an ex Goldsworthy Mining flat waggon with a Scotts of Ipswich built flat either side, built in 1970 for then Mt Newman Mining Company.Mar 09, 2017
050724 422883 viewsNelson Point yard, flat waggon #6? in service on the Pony re-laying train as a transport waggon for a gantry car as pictured. Originally in service with Goldsworthy Mining as a BC or BCV box van, built by Comeng WA in 1966.Mar 09, 2017
050724 421495 viewsNelson Point yard, flat waggon #6? in service on the Pony re-laying train as a transport waggon for a gantry car as pictured. Originally in service with Goldsworthy Mining as a BC or BCV box van, built by Comeng WA in 1966.Mar 09, 2017
050724 421395 viewsNelson Point yard, Comeng NSW built 82 kilolitre water tank waggon 0001, one of two such tank waggons built in November 1970, attached to the Pony as they relay a road in the yard.Mar 09, 2017
050724 420987 viewsNelson Point yard, Comeng NSW built 82 kilolitre water tank waggon 0001, one of two such tank waggons built in November 1970, attached to the Pony as they relay a road in the yard.Mar 09, 2017
050525 299298 viewsMooka Siding, rail recovery and transport train flat waggon #24, 6005 with registered number G506005, built by Scotts of Ipswich Qld in September 1970.Mar 09, 2017
050525 299191 viewsMooka Siding, rail recovery and transport train flat waggon #23, 6208, built by Comeng WA in February 1977 under order number 07-M-282 RY.Mar 09, 2017
050525 299088 viewsMooka Siding, rail recovery and transport train flat waggon #22, 6213, built by Comeng WA in February 1977 under order number 07-M-282 RY.Mar 09, 2017
050525 298979 viewsMooka Siding, rail recovery and transport train flat waggon #21, 6007 with registered number G506007, built by Scotts of Ipswich Qld in 1970.Mar 09, 2017
050525 298874 viewsMooka Siding, rail recovery and transport train flat waggon #20, 6010, built by Scotts of Ipswich Qld in 1970.Mar 09, 2017
050525 298780 viewsMooka Siding, rail recovery and transport train flat waggon #19, 6013, built by Scotts of Ipswich Qld in 1970.Mar 09, 2017
797 files on 40 page(s) 19

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