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Home > Pilbara negative and digital Albums - Iron Ore > BHP_Rolling_Stock_-_Non_Ore

Last additions - BHP_Rolling_Stock_-_Non_Ore
050522 2725100 viewsGoldsworthy Junction, rail recovery and transport train flat waggon #15, 6206 built by Comeng WA in January 1977 under order number 07-M-282 RY.Mar 09, 2017
050315 024284 viewsRedbank Bridge, elevated view of empty 116 kL fuel tanks all built by Comeng in both NSW and WA, 0010 and others in the BHP blue and white livery.Mar 09, 2017
050315 024189 viewsRedbank Bridge, elevated view of empty 116 kL fuel tanks all built by Comeng in both NSW and WA, 0011 and others in the BHP blue and white livery.Mar 09, 2017
050315 024085 viewsRedbank Bridge, elevated view of empty 116 kL fuel tanks all built by Comeng in both NSW and WA, 0013 and others in the BHP blue and white livery.Mar 09, 2017
050315 023992 viewsRedbank Bridge, elevated view of empty 116 kL fuel tanks all built by Comeng in both NSW and WA, 0014 and 0013 and others in the BHP blue and white livery.Mar 09, 2017
050315 023890 viewsRedbank Bridge, elevated view of empty 116 kL fuel tanks all built by Comeng in both NSW and WA, 0016 and 0014 and others in the BHP blue and white livery.Mar 09, 2017
050315 023793 viewsRedbank Bridge, elevated view of empty 116 kL fuel tanks all built by Comeng in both NSW and WA, 0012 and 0016 and others in the BHP blue and white livery.Mar 09, 2017
050315 0236100 viewsRedbank Bridge, elevated view of empty 116 kL fuel tanks all built by Comeng in both NSW and WA, 0017 and 0012 and others in the BHP blue and white livery.Mar 09, 2017
050315 0235102 viewsRedbank Bridge, elevated view of empty 116 kL fuel tanks all built by Comeng in both NSW and WA, 0015 in the Earth livery and 0017 and others in the BHP blue and white livery.Mar 09, 2017
050315 0234109 viewsRedbank Bridge, elevated view of empty 116 kL fuel tanks all built by Comeng in both NSW and WA, 0015 in the Earth livery and 0017 and others in the BHP blue and white livery.Mar 09, 2017
050315 0233116 viewsRedbank Bridge, elevated view of empty 116 kL fuel tanks all built by Comeng in both NSW and WA, on the rear of a loaded ore train arriving into Nelson Point yard, waggons include 0018, 0015, 0017, 0012, 0016, 0014, 0013, 0011 and 0010.Mar 09, 2017
040502 085622149 viewsMooka Siding, trailing view of the 'Pony' heading south, with the Harsco Pony track re-laying machine on the rear.Mar 09, 2017
040502 085614156 viewsMooka Siding, trailing view of the 'Pony' heading south, with the Harsco Pony track re-laying machine on the rear.Mar 09, 2017
040502 085554167 viewsMooka Siding, trailing view of the 'Pony' heading south, 50 ton waggon 6701, one of three 'special' waggons converted from Magor USA built ore waggons, loaded with concrete sleepers is in the middle with former Goldsworthy flat waggon 8704 closet to camera. Mar 09, 2017
040502 085548170 viewsMooka Siding, trailing view of the 'Pony' heading south, 50 ton waggon 6703, one of three 'special' waggons converted from Magor USA built ore waggons, loaded with concrete sleepers is closet to camera. Mar 09, 2017
040408 170024233 viewsBing Siding, Difco Ohio USA 1966 built short side dump waggon 4 loaded with rip-rap, originally built for Goldsworthy Mining as no. 4, one five such waggons built for Goldsworthy Mining.Mar 09, 2017
040408 170040139 viewsBing Siding, Difco Ohio USA built side dump waggons, three short and one long all loaded with fines. In 1966 five short side dump waggons were originally built for Goldsworthy Mining, here we see no. 2, 3 and 1 on the rear and Mt Newman Mining long side dump waggon 701.Mar 09, 2017
051001 5741100 viewsBoodarie, the Steel Train or rail recovery and transport train, cut down by Mt Newman Mining workshops, a Magor USA built former Oroville Dam 91 ton ore waggon 665, seen here being used as the crib waggon on the end of the steel train.Jan 18, 2017
051001 574089 viewsBoodarie, the Steel Train or rail recovery and transport train, cut down by Mt Newman Mining workshops, a Magor USA built former Oroville Dam 91 ton ore waggon 665, seen here being used as the crib waggon on the end of the steel train.Jan 18, 2017
051001 573993 viewsBoodarie, the Steel Train or rail recovery and transport train, flat waggon #30, 6702, heavily cut down and modified Magor USA ore waggon by Mt Newman Mining workshops, converted to a 50 tonne waggon and designated the winch waggon with generator set to power the winch and the crib car.Jan 18, 2017
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