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Home > Pilbara negative and digital Albums - Iron Ore > 0249

Last additions - 0249
249-37100 viewsBurrup Peninsula gas plant, view of storage tanks, plant and visitors centre. Approximate location. 18th December 1999.Nov 12, 2020
249-3664 viewsBurrup Peninsula gas plant, view of plant. Approximate location. 18th December 1999.Nov 12, 2020
249-3563 viewsBurrup Peninsula gas plant, view of plant and flare tower. Approximate location. 18th December 1999.Nov 12, 2020
249-3469 viewsLoaded Hamersley Iron ore waggon pair Tomlinson Steel WA built 5708 and Nippon Sharyo Japan built 906. Approximate location. 18th December 1999.Nov 12, 2020
249-33109 viewsLoaded Hamersley Iron ore waggon pair National Steel USA built 5126 and Nippon Sharyo Japan built 770. Approximate location. 18th December 1999.Nov 12, 2020
249-32106 viewsA loaded Hamersley Iron train runs across the plains north of Dugite Siding near the 70 km as it nears the destination of its cargo behind the standard pair of GE built Dash 9-44CW locomotives 7084 serial 47763 and 7079 serial 47758 both in the original Pepsi Can livery. Approximate location. 18th December 1999.Nov 12, 2020
249-31197 viewsA loaded Hamersley Iron train runs across the plains north of Dugite Siding near the 70 km as it nears the destination of its cargo behind the standard pair of GE built Dash 9-44CW locomotives 7084 serial 47763 and 7079 serial 47758 both in the original Pepsi Can livery. Approximate location. 18th December 1999.Nov 12, 2020
249-30109 viewsA loaded Hamersley Iron train runs across the plains north of Dugite Siding near the 70 km as it nears the destination of its cargo behind the standard pair of GE built Dash 9-44CW locomotives 7084 serial 47763 and 7079 serial 47758 both in the original Pepsi Can livery. Approximate location. 18th December 1999.Nov 12, 2020
249-29105 viewsA loaded Hamersley Iron train runs across the plains north of Dugite Siding near the 70 km as it nears the destination of its cargo behind the standard pair of GE built Dash 9-44CW locomotives 7084 serial 47763 and 7079 serial 47758 both in the original Pepsi Can livery. Approximate location. 18th December 1999.Nov 12, 2020
249-2871 viewsA loaded Hamersley Iron train runs across the plains north of Dugite Siding near the 70 km as it nears the destination of its cargo behind the standard pair of GE built Dash 9-44CW locomotives 7084 serial 47763 and 7079 serial 47758 both in the original Pepsi Can livery. Approximate location. 18th December 1999.Nov 12, 2020
249-2768 viewsA loaded Hamersley Iron train runs across the plains north of Dugite Siding near the 70 km as it nears the destination of its cargo. Approximate location. 18th December 1999.Nov 12, 2020
249-2654 viewsA loaded Hamersley Iron train runs across the plains north of Dugite Siding near the 70 km as it nears the destination of its cargo. Approximate location. 18th December 1999.Nov 12, 2020
249-2564 viewsFortescue River Bridge on the Robe River line at the 115.8 km in flood looking upstream to the east from the middle of the bridge following Cyclone John on 18th December 1999. Approximate location.Nov 12, 2020
249-2461 viewsFortescue River Bridge on the Robe River line at the 115.8 km in flood looking downstream to the west from the middle of the bridge following Cyclone John on 18th December 1999. Approximate location.Nov 12, 2020
249-2360 viewsFortescue River Bridge on the Robe River line at the 115.8 km in flood looking downstream to the west following Cyclone John on 18th December 1999. Approximate location.Nov 12, 2020
249-2271 viewsFortescue River Bridge on the Robe River line at the 115.8 km in flood looking upstream following Cyclone John on 18th December 1999. Approximate location.Nov 12, 2020
249-2169 viewsFortescue River Bridge on the Robe River line at the 115.8 km in flood looking south following Cyclone John on 18th December 1999. Approximate location.Nov 12, 2020
249-2071 viewsFortescue River Bridge on the Robe River line at the 115.8 km in flood looking south following Cyclone John on 18th December 1999. Approximate location.Nov 12, 2020
249-1962 viewsTable Hill on the Robe River railway line, a microwave radio communications site powered by solar panels. Approximate location.Nov 12, 2020
249-1868 viewsTable Hill on the Robe River railway line, a microwave radio communications site powered by solar panels. Approximate location.Nov 12, 2020
37 files on 2 page(s) 1

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