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Home > Pilbara negative and digital Albums - Iron Ore > 0256

Last additions - 0256
256-1743 viewsMaitland Siding, early morning loaded train waiting for a meet with an empty behind the quad CM40-8M working of 9414, 9420, 9410 and 9425. May 2002.Nov 20, 2021
256-1642 viewsMaitland Siding, early morning loaded train waiting for a meet with an empty behind the quad CM40-8M working of 9414, 9420, 9410 and 9425. May 2002.Nov 20, 2021
256-1539 viewsMaitland Siding, early morning loaded train waiting for a meet with an empty behind the quad CM40-8M working of 9414, 9420, 9410 and 9425. May 2002.Nov 20, 2021
256-1435 views89.6 km, Toyota Landcruiser HJ75, waiting for a train. May 2002.Nov 20, 2021
256-1334 viewsMaitland Siding on the Cape Lambert to Deepdale railway has a late afternoon empty train with the quad CM40-8M working of 9425, 9410, 9420 and 9414 in the siding waiting for a cross with an opposing loaded train. At the time of this image Siding 3 or Murray Camp was unable to cross ore trains so Siding One - Harding or Siding Two - Maitland were used. May 2002.Nov 20, 2021
256-1243 viewsMaitland Siding on the Cape Lambert to Deepdale railway has a late afternoon empty train with the quad CM40-8M working of 9425, 9410, 9420 and 9414 in the siding waiting for a cross with an opposing loaded train. At the time of this image Siding 3 or Murray Camp was unable to cross ore trains so Siding One - Harding or Siding Two - Maitland were used. May 2002.Nov 20, 2021
256-1135 viewsMaitland Siding on the Cape Lambert to Deepdale railway has a late afternoon empty train with the quad CM40-8M working of 9425, 9410, 9420 and 9414 in the siding waiting for a cross with an opposing loaded train. At the time of this image Siding 3 or Murray Camp was unable to cross ore trains so Siding One - Harding or Siding Two - Maitland were used. May 2002.Nov 20, 2021
256-1039 viewsMaitland Siding on the Cape Lambert to Deepdale railway has a late afternoon empty train with the quad CM40-8M working of 9425, 9410, 9420 and 9414 in the siding waiting for a cross with an opposing loaded train. At the time of this image Siding 3 or Murray Camp was unable to cross ore trains so Siding One - Harding or Siding Two - Maitland were used. May 2002.Nov 20, 2021
256-0937 viewsMaitland Siding on the Cape Lambert to Deepdale railway has a late afternoon empty train with the quad CM40-8M working of 9425, 9410, 9420 and 9414 in the siding waiting for a cross with an opposing loaded train. At the time of this image Siding 3 or Murray Camp was unable to cross ore trains so Siding One - Harding or Siding Two - Maitland were used. May 2002.Nov 20, 2021
256-0842 viewsMaitland Siding on the Cape Lambert to Deepdale railway has a late afternoon empty train with the quad CM40-8M working of 9425, 9410, 9420 and 9414 in the siding waiting for a cross with an opposing loaded train. At the time of this image Siding 3 or Murray Camp was unable to cross ore trains so Siding One - Harding or Siding Two - Maitland were used. May 2002.Nov 20, 2021
256-0746 viewsMaitland Siding located between the 92.8 and 95.1 km on the Cape Lambert line, view of the south end points and swing nose frog with dragging detector bars, solar panel and cabinets for signal and point control with an empty train sitting in the passing track awaiting a meet. May 2002.Nov 20, 2021
256-0640 viewsMaitland Siding located between the 92.8 and 95.1 km on the Cape Lambert line, view of the south end points and swing nose frog with dragging detector bars, solar panel and cabinets for signal and point control with an empty train sitting in the passing track awaiting a meet. May 2002.Nov 20, 2021
256-0534 viewsMaitland Siding located between the 92.8 and 95.1 km on the Cape Lambert line, view of the south end points and swing nose frog with dragging detector bars, solar panel and cabinets for signal and point control with an empty train sitting in the passing track awaiting a meet. May 2002.Nov 20, 2021
256-0450 viewsMaitland Siding on the Cape Lambert to Deepdale railway has a late afternoon empty train with the quad CM40-8M working of 9425, 9410, 9420 and 9414 in the siding waiting for a cross with an opposing loaded train. At the time of this image Siding 3 or Murray Camp was unable to cross ore trains so Siding One - Harding or Siding Two - Maitland were used. May 2002.Nov 20, 2021
256-0337 viewsMaitland Siding on the Cape Lambert to Deepdale railway has a late afternoon empty train with the quad CM40-8M working of 9425, 9410, 9420 and 9414 in the siding waiting for a cross with an opposing loaded train. At the time of this image Siding 3 or Murray Camp was unable to cross ore trains so Siding One - Harding or Siding Two - Maitland were used. May 2002.Nov 20, 2021
256-0234 viewsMaitland Siding on the Cape Lambert to Deepdale railway has a late afternoon empty train with the quad CM40-8M working of 9425, 9410, 9420 and 9414 in the siding waiting for a cross with an opposing loaded train. At the time of this image Siding 3 or Murray Camp was unable to cross ore trains so Siding One - Harding or Siding Two - Maitland were used. May 2002.Nov 20, 2021
256-0147 viewsMaitland Siding on the Cape Lambert to Deepdale railway has a late afternoon empty train with the quad CM40-8M working of 9425, 9410, 9420 and 9414 in the siding waiting for a cross with an opposing loaded train. At the time of this image Siding 3 or Murray Camp was unable to cross ore trains so Siding One - Harding or Siding Two - Maitland were used. May 2002.Nov 20, 2021
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