Most viewed - 05-2015 |

150523 8279153 viewsFinucane Island, a pair of Yandi Fines loaded Comeng built original style ore waggons, numbers 1438 and 1483 both date from a couple of orders from 1974. Both waggons have had the end sills filled in as a capacity improvement and both show signs of having been re-sheeted and repaired. 1483 is riding on light weight 38 tonne bogies. Geodata: -20.3363567 118.5497550 .

150523 8205152 viewsNelson Point Yard, parked beside the Locomotive Service Shop, new style BHP Billiton diesel fuel tank waggon 0035 with safety slogan 'Take time to work safety', total capacity of 117 m3 for a nominal capacity of 113 m3 built in China by CNR - QRRS and fitted with ECPB coupled to original fuel tank waggon number 0013 built by Comeng with a 113649 litre capacity.

150508 8111151 viewsFMG Solomon Line, empty train lead by triple combination of General Electric Dash 9-44CW 004 serial 58181, EMD SD90MAC-H 916 serial 976833-22 and EMD SD70ACe 710 serial 20118693-002 power through the hills around the Bea Bea Creek area. Geodata: -22.0528200 118.7132450 .

150523 8236150 viewsNelson Point Yard, BHP Billiton SD70ACe unit leads a rake towards the dumpers. Lead unit 4327 'Hamersley' is from an order originally being built by Electro-Motive, London Ontario for BNSF, an US class 1 railroad, but BHP secured 10 of them during construction, this unit 4327 serial no. 20066862-056 was destined to be BNSF 9185 before coming to BHP, passes SD70ACe unit 4368 on the fuel tank shunt, a unit from the last order of 18 SD70ACe units for BHP Billiton from Electro-Motive, London Ontario, serial no. 20098203-013.

150523 8202149 viewsNelson Point Yard, BHP Billiton SD70ACe unit 4368 is on the fuel tank shunt, is a unit from the last order of eighteen SD70ACe units for BHP Billiton built at Electro-Motive London Ontario, serial 20098203-013.

150523 8232147 viewsNelson Point Yard, I Area, waggon scrapping by Sims Metal, a fork lift carries waggon no. 3340, one of 350 waggons built in Romania of which only about 60 made it into service, the rest rusting away in a caged embargo area out on the Broome Road until they were scrapped some years ago. There is a connection with these waggons and Lang Hancock and his former mine McCamey's Monster, now known as Jimblebar.

150523 8246145 viewsNelson Point Yard, loaded ore waggon 2330, a CNR built QRRS style waggon built in 2014 out of T4003 stainless steel which does away with the need to paint the waggon interiors to prevent wear. The white circle around the corner from the number indicates the rotary coupler end, the number for this waggon also indicates it is a replacement for an original Comeng built waggon. Capacity 138.4 T, Tare 21.6 T and Volume 62 m3.

150523 8213143 viewsNelson Point Yard, BHP Billiton diesel fuel tank waggon 0031, view of A End, tare of 38.6 tonnes, total capacity of 117 m3 for a nominal capacity of 113 m3 built in China by CNR - QRRS.

150523 8207141 viewsNelson Point Yard, BHP Billiton diesel fuel tank waggon 0031 with safety slogan 'Safety - It's your life', total capacity of 117 m3 for a nominal capacity of 113 m3 built in China by CNR - QRRS.

150523 8244141 viewsNelson Point Yard, loaded ore waggon 6531, a Golynx style waggon built by Goninan in 2007 with asset number of 2038898 out of 5Cr12Ti stainless steel which does away with the need to paint the waggon interiors to prevent wear.

150523 8215138 viewsNelson Point Yard, BHP Billiton diesel fuel tank waggon 0034 with safety slogan 'Thank Safe + Work Safe = Go Home Safe', total capacity of 117 m3 for a nominal capacity of 113 m3 built in China by CNR - QRRS.

150523 8247135 viewsNelson Point Yard, loaded ore waggon 0967, a CNR built QRRS style waggon built in 2012 out of T4003 stainless steel which does away with the need to paint the waggon interiors to prevent wear. The white circle around the corner from the number indicates the rotary coupler end, the number for this waggon also indicates it is filling a gap in the original waggon numbers. Capacity 138.4 T, Tare 21.6 T and Volume 62 m3.

150523 8229134 viewsNelson Point Yard, I Area, waggon scrapping by Sims Metal, Goninan rebuild CM40-8M 5665 shunts the waggons, its life also about to come to an end.

150505 7995132 viewsFMG Solomon Line, view looking east from station location board. Geodata: -22.0222833 118.5092267 .

150523 8209131 viewsNelson Point Yard, BHP Billiton diesel fuel tank waggon 0034 with safety slogan 'Thank Safe + Work Safe = Go Home Safe', total capacity of 117 m3 for a nominal capacity of 113 m3 built in China by CNR - QRRS.

150523 8248131 viewsNelson Point Yard, loaded ore waggon 8428, a Golynx style waggon built by Goninan in 05-2005 serial no. 950141-008 and asset number of 2002738 out of 5Cr12Ti stainless steel which does away with the need to paint the waggon interiors to prevent wear. This waggon was originally a bottom discharge hopper for use on the Goldsworthy Line prior to the unloader at Finucane Island being replaced with a rotary cell dumper.

150523 8217130 viewsNelson Point Yard, BHP Billiton diesel fuel tank waggon 0044 with safety slogan 'Don't drive distracted', total capacity of 117 m3 for a nominal capacity of 113 m3 built in China by CNR - QRRS.

150523 8230130 viewsNelson Point Yard, wide view across BI-LO Crossing, a throw back to days that the supermarket was in fact a BI-LO, well before the current Woolworths, and Action before that. Dash 8 units in the yard, on the 5642 with the Steel Train and 5648 with another on a rake of index waggons.

150523 8219128 viewsNelson Point Yard, BHP Billiton diesel fuel tank waggon 0024, total capacity of 117 m3 for a nominal capacity of 113 m3 built in China by CNR - QRRS.

150523 8245128 viewsNelson Point Yard, loaded ore waggon 9040, a Golynx style waggon built by Goninan in 2005 with asset number of 203485 out of 5Cr12Ti stainless steel which does away with the need to paint the waggon interiors to prevent wear.