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Home > Pilbara negative and digital Albums - Iron Ore > 05-2015

Most viewed - 05-2015
150523 8220127 viewsNelson Point Yard, BHP Billiton diesel fuel tank waggon 0043 with safety slogan 'ASAP - As safe as possible', total capacity of 117 m3 for a nominal capacity of 113 m3 built in China by CNR - QRRS.
150523 8223127 viewsNelson Point Yard, BHP Billiton diesel fuel tank waggon 0037 with safety slogan 'Safety is a core value', total capacity of 117 m3 for a nominal capacity of 113 m3 built in China by CNR - QRRS.
150523 8216125 viewsNelson Point Yard, BHP Billiton diesel fuel tank waggon 0032 with safety slogan 'Start with safety', total capacity of 117 m3 for a nominal capacity of 113 m3 built in China by CNR - QRRS.
150523 8224122 viewsNelson Point Yard, BHP Billiton diesel fuel tank waggon 0033 with safety slogan 'Don't drive tired', total capacity of 117 m3 for a nominal capacity of 113 m3 built in China by CNR - QRRS.
150523 8214121 viewsNelson Point Yard, BHP Billiton diesel fuel tank waggon 0034, view of B End, built in China by CNR - QRRS.
150523 8221118 viewsNelson Point Yard, BHP Billiton diesel fuel tank waggon 0037 with safety slogan 'Safety is a core value', total capacity of 117 m3 for a nominal capacity of 113 m3 built in China by CNR - QRRS.
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