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Home > Pilbara negative and digital Albums - Iron Ore > BHP_Rolling_Stock_-_Non_Ore

Most viewed - BHP_Rolling_Stock_-_Non_Ore
100717 067487 viewsFlash Butt yard, new rail stock carrier waggon 6034, built by Gemco Rail in late 2009-10 with Barber bogies.
110411 0998687 viewsNelson Point, empty 82 kL Comeng NSW built tank waggon 0008 one of six such tank waggons built in 1970-71.
110411 1001187 viewsNelson Point, empty 116 kL Comeng WA built tank waggon 0017 from 1974-5, one of six such tank waggons.
110411 1002887 viewsNelson Point, fuel tank waggon 0020 82 kL capacity, built by Comeng for BP as RTC 2, last of two such tanks, used on Mt Newman line, unsure when converted to 0020.
110606 175087 viewsFlash Butt yard, CNR-QRRS of China built side dump waggon, built and delivered in early 2011, waggon 0711 awaits the call to duty.
130720 143787 viewsFlash Butt yard, CFCLA ballast waggon CHTY class CHTY 715, modified from a similar CHQY class with the end framing removed.
150314 775287 viewsBing Siding, empty 82 kL Comeng NSW built tank waggon 0004 one of six such tank waggons built in 1970-71.
150523 821187 viewsNelson Point, empty 116 kL CNR-QRRS of China built tank waggon 0031, class leader of a second batch delivered in 2015 with safety slogan 'Safety - It's your life'.
150523 821987 viewsNelson Point, empty 116 kL CNR-QRRS of China built tank waggon 0024, one of a batch of ten built in 2014.
150523 822087 viewsNelson Point, empty 116 kL CNR-QRRS of China built tank waggon 0043, one of a second batch delivered in 2015 with safety slogan 'ASAP - As safe as possible'.
160128 0033987 viewsMooka Siding, empty 116 kL CNR-QRRS of China built tank waggon 0031, class leader of a second batch delivered in 2015 with safety slogan 'Safety - It's your life'.
040806 09204286 viewsGoldsworthy Junction, 5666 runs the weighbridge test train with the four orange weighbridge test waggons and two ore waggons to provide braking.
050410 054086 viewsNelson Point, tanker filling area, fuel tank waggon 0015, a Comeng NSW built 112 kilolitre tank waggon, one of a batch of four built in 1972 wearing the newer corporate 'Earth' livery of BHP Billiton Iron Ore.
050412 076086 viewsQuarry 8, Shaw Siding area. Side view of 1963 built Magor USA ballast waggon 515.
050412 077586 viewsQuarry 8, Shaw Siding area. 3/4 view of 1963 built Magor USA ballast waggon 502.
050412 077886 viewsQuarry 8 loading area, view from rear of train with Magor USA built ballast rake.
050421 138586 viewsQuarry 8, Magor USA built ballast waggon 516, originally built in 1963 for the Oroville Dam project, before coming to BHP second hand as a ballast waggon in January 1968.
050518 207986 viewsFlash Butt yard, CFCLA hire ballast waggon CHQY type CHQY 744.
050518 208386 viewsFlash Butt yard, CFCLA hire ballast waggon CHRY type CHRY 755.
050518 213686 viewsFlash Butt yard, CFCLA hire ballast waggon CHRY type CHRY 753, defect card holder.
797 files on 40 page(s) 22

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