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Home > Pilbara negative and digital Albums - Iron Ore > BHP_Rolling_Stock_-_Non_Ore

Most viewed - BHP_Rolling_Stock_-_Non_Ore
110208 944184 viewsFlash Butt yard, new rail stock carrier waggon 6033 loaded with strings of rail, built by Gemco Rail in late 2009-10 with Barber bogies.
110411 0997784 viewsNelson Point, empty 116 kL Comeng NSW built tank waggon 0010 from 1972, one of three such tank waggons.
110411 0997984 viewsNelson Point, empty 116 kL Comeng NSW built tank waggon 0010 from 1972, one of three such tank waggons.
110411 0999384 viewsNelson Point, empty 82 kL Comeng NSW built tank waggon 0003 one of six such tank waggons built in 1970-71.
110411 0999784 viewsNelson Point, empty 116 kL Comeng NSW built tank waggon 0012 from 1972, one of three such tank waggons.
110411 1001784 viewsNelson Point, empty 116 kL Comeng WA built tank waggon 0013 from 1974-5, one of six such tank waggons.
150523 820784 viewsNelson Point, empty 116 kL CNR-QRRS of China built tank waggon 0031, class leader of a second batch delivered in 2015 with safety slogan 'Safety - It's your life'.
050412 075983 viewsQuarry 8, Shaw Siding area. 3/4 view of 1963 built Magor USA ballast waggon 520.
050518 208083 viewsFlash Butt yard, CFCLA hire ballast waggon CHQY type CHQY 744.
050518 210483 viewsFlash Butt yard, CFCLA hire ballast waggon CHRY type CHRY 761.
050518 210983 viewsFlash Butt yard, CFCLA hire ballast waggon CHRY type CHRY 750.
050518 212383 viewsFlash Butt yard, CFCLA hire ballast waggon CHRY type CHRY 746, shows bogie detail, Barber S-2 type bogie, with CFCLA id of CQFE 097.
050518 213583 viewsFlash Butt yard, CFCLA hire ballast waggon CHQY type CHQY 740, shows hand brake and shunters step detail.
050518 215683 viewsBing Siding. Side view of 1963 built Magor USA waggon 537, originally in ore service before conversion to a ballast waggon.
050518 216383 viewsBing Siding. 3/4 view of 1963 built Magor USA waggon 535, originally in ore service before conversion to a ballast waggon.
050518 217483 viewsBing Siding. 3/4 view of 1963 built Magor USA waggon 515, one of twenty waggons originally used on the Oroville Dam construction before coming to the Pilbara in January 1968 as ballast waggons.
050518 218183 viewsBing Siding. Side view of 1963 built Magor USA waggon 517, one of twenty waggons originally used on the Oroville Dam construction before coming to the Pilbara in January 1968 as ballast waggons.
050518 220383 viewsBing Siding, view of number plate and original markings on ballast waggon 519.
050801 476483 viewsFlash Butt yard, rail recovery and transport train, cut down by Mt Newman Mining workshops, a Magor USA built former Oroville Dam 91 ton ore waggon 665, seen here being used as the crib waggon on the end of the steel train.
050801 476983 viewsFlash Butt yard, rail recovery and transport train flat waggon #27, third lead off waggon, 6205, built by Comeng WA in January 1977 under order no. 07-M-282 RY.
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