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Home > Pilbara negative and digital Albums - Iron Ore > BHP_Rolling_Stock_-_Non_Ore

Most viewed - BHP_Rolling_Stock_-_Non_Ore
110411 0999875 viewsNelson Point, empty 116 kL Comeng WA built tank waggon 0018 from 1974-5, one of six such tank waggons, wearing the BHP Billiton Earth livery.
110411 1001275 viewsNelson Point, empty 116 kL Comeng WA built tank waggon 0017 from 1974-5, one of six such tank waggons.
110411 1001975 viewsNelson Point, empty 116 kL Comeng WA built tank waggon 0015 from 1974-5, one of six such tank waggons, wearing the BHP Billiton Earth livery.
150523 822275 viewsNelson Point, empty 116 kL CNR-QRRS of China built tank waggons 0037 and 0033, both from a second batch delivered in 2015 with safety slogan 'Safety is a core value' and 'Don't drive tired'.
050518 218674 viewsBing Siding. 3/4 view of 1963 built Magor USA waggon 519, one of twenty waggons originally used on the Oroville Dam construction before coming to the Pilbara in January 1968 as ballast waggons.
050518 218874 viewsBing Siding. 3/4 view of 1963 built Magor USA waggon 508, one of twenty waggons originally used on the Oroville Dam construction before coming to the Pilbara in January 1968 as ballast waggons.
051001 573474 viewsBoodarie, the Steel Train or rail recovery and transport train, flat waggon #28, 2nd lead off waggon 6201, built by Comeng WA in January 1977 under order no. 07-M-282 RY, with the Gemco built straddle crane.
050525 298874 viewsMooka Siding, rail recovery and transport train flat waggon #20, 6010, built by Scotts of Ipswich Qld in 1970.
050724 431374 viewsBing Siding, empty 116 kL Comeng NSW built tank waggon 0012 from 1972, one of three such tank waggons.
060429 373074 viewsFlash Butt yard, Pony re-laying waggon, built for Mt Newman Mining, builders plate for Scotts of Ipswich Qld with a 24th September 1970 build date, one of nine originally numbered 6005-6013.
060501 387774 viewsTabba Siding, originally built by Difco USA for Goldsworthy Mining Ltd in 1967 as a batch of five, prefixed with 870 in BHP service, 8702 side dump waggon loaded with ballast.
060618 621874 viewsFlash Butt yard, modified original Magor USA built Oroville waggon 589, cut down and covered for use as indexing waggon at Finucane Island car dumpers, note the original ODCX marking visible.
110619 188274 viewsSouth of Mooka Siding, the Steel Train or rail recovery and transport train, flat waggon #12, 6209, a Comeng WA built flat waggon from January 1977 under order no. 07-M-282 RY.
150314 774474 viewsBing Siding, empty 116 kL CNR-QRRS of China built tank waggon 0028, one of a batch of ten built in 2014.
150619 908174 viewsFlash Butt yard, CNR-QRRS of China built side dump waggons, built and delivered around 2011-12, waggon 0710 loaded with fines for sheeting, mid-section detail.
050518 219173 viewsBing Siding. Side view of 1963 built Magor USA waggon 513, one of twenty waggons originally used on the Oroville Dam construction before coming to the Pilbara in January 1968 as ballast waggons.
051001 571473 viewsBoodarie, the Steel Train or rail recovery and transport train, flat waggon #24, 6005, a Scotts of Ipswich Qld built flat waggon from September 1970.
051001 571873 viewsBoodarie, the Steel Train or rail recovery and transport train, flat waggon #26, 6015, a Comeng WA built flat waggon from 1971.
060429 376073 viewsFlash Butt yard, Pony waggon 6017, built by Comeng WA in 1971 in a batch of three numbered 6014-6017, view of asset number 6506-017.
100717 067973 viewsFlash Butt yard, new rail stock carrier waggon 6032, built by Gemco Rail in late 2009-10 with Barber bogies.
797 files on 40 page(s) 39

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