Most viewed - BHP_Rolling_Stock_-_Non_Ore |

060429 3746104 viewsFlash Butt yard, Pony relaying flat waggon #6? in service on the Pony re-laying train as a transport waggon for a gantry car as pictured. Originally in service with Goldsworthy Mining as a BC or BCV box van, built by Comeng WA in 1966.

081217 0451104 viewsWoodstock Siding, rail recovery and transport train flat waggon #30, 6702, heavily cut down and modified Magor USA ore waggon by Mt Newman Mining workshops, converted to a 50 tonne flat waggon and designated the winch waggon with generator set to power the winch and the crib car.

130720 1447104 viewsFlash Butt yard, CNR-QRRS of China built 99 tonne ballast waggons 0214 and 0212 loaded awaiting their next duty.

150619 9083104 viewsFlash Butt yard, CNR-QRRS of China built side dump waggons, built and delivered around 2011-12, waggon 0710 loaded with fines for sheeting, B end and bogie detail.

040806 091930103 viewsGoldsworthy Junction, 5666 runs the weighbridge test train with the four orange weighbridge test waggons and two ore waggons to provide braking.

040814 091958103 viewsNelson Point, CFCLA ballast waggon CHQY type 730 just being delivered to BHP Iron Ore as part of the Rail PACE project, 3/4 view from handbrake end.

050518 2073103 viewsFlash Butt yard, CFCLA hire ballast waggon CHQY type CHQY 741.

100717 0654103 viewsFlash Butt yard, new rail stock carrier waggon 6041, built by Gemco Rail in late 2009-10 with Barber bogies.

040814 092238102 viewsNelson Point, CFCLA ballast waggon CHQY type 740 just being delivered to BHP Iron Ore as part of the Rail PACE project.

050319 0138102 viewsNelson Point, cut down Magor USA built former Oroville Dam 91 ton ore waggon 665, seen here being used as the crib waggon on the steel train.

050412 0735102 viewsQuarry 8, Shaw Siding area. A dash 8 locomotive on the point of an empty ballast waggon rake awaiting loading, waggons are modified Magor USA built ore waggons from the Oroville Dam construction.

050412 0737102 viewsQuarry 8, Shaw Siding area. A dash 8 locomotive 5665 on the point of an empty ballast waggon rake awaiting loading, waggon 504 is a modified Magor USA built ore waggon from 1963 and from the Oroville Dam construction.

050315 0235102 viewsRedbank Bridge, elevated view of empty 116 kL fuel tanks all built by Comeng in both NSW and WA, 0015 in the Earth livery and 0017 and others in the BHP blue and white livery.

060429 3725102 viewsFlash Butt yard, Pony waggon #1, modified from a Magor USA built Oroville ore waggon, with a Comeng built gantry carrier.

040805 095752101 viewsNelson Point, CFCLA CHQY type ballast waggon CHQY 741.

050412 0762101 viewsQuarry 8, Shaw Siding area. Side view of 1963 built Magor USA ballast waggon 503.

050518 2097101 viewsFlash Butt yard, CFCLA hire ballast waggon CHQY type CHQY 740.

060429 3750101 viewsFlash Butt yard, Pony re-laying flat waggon, in service as a transport waggon for a gantry car and sleepers. Originally in service with Goldsworthy Mining as a BC or BCV box van, built by Comeng WA in 1966.

071202 1231101 viewsTurner Siding, Jumbo Flat waggon 6004 loaded with a new bridge deck, 6004 is an Ortner Car Company Cincinnati Ohio design, built by Vickers Hoskins in Perth WA 1969.

110411 10022101 viewsNelson Point, fuel tank waggon 0020 82 kL capacity, built by Comeng for BP as RTC 2, last of two such tanks, used on Mt Newman line, unsure when converted to 0020.
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