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Sunshine goods and passenger trains, P, B, N, DRC, G and X class.
04-Feb 1992, second part of the afternoon is 0141-1.

25 files, last one added on Apr 29, 2014
Album viewed 346 times



Seymour and Springhurst stations.
Benalla yard being rationalised, mechanical signalling infrastructure, stabled train, X and T class.
11-Aug 1991

32 files, last one added on Apr 29, 2014
Album viewed 311 times



Wangaratta and Barnawartha yard views.
Wodonga loco depot, N, X and Y class.
11-Aug 1991.

25 files, last one added on Apr 29, 2014
Album viewed 305 times



Albury yard, standard gauge 81 and G class, broad gauge X class, up steel train.
11-Aug 1991.

22 files, last one added on Apr 29, 2014
Album viewed 323 times



Wahgunyah "Stringybark Express" with Y133 from Wangaratta, Springhurst, Rutherglen and Wahgunyah.
31-Mar 1990.

36 files, last one added on Apr 29, 2014
Album viewed 321 times



Wahgunyah "Stringybark Express" with Y133, at Springhurst, Wangaratta, Benalla and Euroa.
Boort station view with RT class.
31-Mar 1990.

25 files, last one added on Apr 29, 2014
Album viewed 302 times



Spencer Street Station A and N class.
01-Jan 1991.
Wallan and Wallan Loop, broad and standard gauge action, G and N class.
19-Jan 1991.

29 files, last one added on Apr 29, 2014
Album viewed 295 times



Seymour yard, loco and SRHC depot, B, X and N class, waggon images.
Tallarook, Broadford, Wandong and Heathcote Junction station buildings.
10-Feb 1991.

32 files, last one added on Apr 29, 2014
Album viewed 321 times



Seymour loco depot, a range of motive power stabled over the weekend, inc. Y133 shunting at B Box.

32 files, last one added on Apr 29, 2014
Album viewed 327 times



Wangaratta yard views of fully interlocked mechanical signalling and signal posts.

37 files, last one added on Apr 29, 2014
Album viewed 286 times



Rockbank station and signal post.
Bacchus Marsh yard views and interlocking and signalling images, N class.
29-Mar 1991.

25 files, last one added on Apr 29, 2014
Album viewed 331 times



Goods train 9169 at Tottenham Yard, Gheringhap and Lismore, C class.
Geelong station, X class on passenger train.
Lismore yard view and cattle and sheep races.
08-May 1991.

34 files, last one added on Apr 29, 2014
Album viewed 312 times



Gheringhap station signal and infrastructure views, gypsum waggons, 9169 goods train, G and C class.
18-May 1991.
Traralgon N class on 8406 up passenger train and G and X class on up 9444 light engine.
20-May 1991.

25 files, last one added on Apr 30, 2014
Album viewed 314 times



Morwell 9444 up light engine and briquette train, up passenger trains.
Trafalgar and Pakenham, 9444 up goods train. G, X, A and N class.
20-May 1991.
Somerville, down passenger and steel train, T and X class.

19 files, last one added on Apr 30, 2014
Album viewed 268 times



Bacchus Marsh X class up Pass.
Bank Box Loop, Ballan infrastructure images.
Warrenheip down Pass.
Ballarat A class with up Pass.
Bacchus Marsh turntable detail images.
6th April, 1991.

25 files, last one added on Apr 30, 2014
Album viewed 330 times



Bacchus Marsh, Bank Box Loop, Ballarat East Loco depot, Trawalla, Beaufort, Ararat turntable and yard infrastructure and detail images.
6th April, 1991.

37 files, last one added on Apr 30, 2014
Album viewed 388 times

101 albums on 7 page(s) 4

Random files - Victorian negative and digital Albums
155-12137 viewsWallan, stored 'OFF REG' waggon awaiting scrapping, bogie Ways and Works workmen's sleeper waggon, WW type 113 WW, side view, other side to 155-10. Originally built as a A type first class fixed six wheel carriage A 114 by Brown & Marshall of England in 1883, recoded to X type X 63 in circa 1910, then in 1946 converted to a workman's sleeper W type at Newport workshops as W 58. And in 1959 at Bendigo workshops fitted to a bogie underframe and converted to WW.
136-31131 viewsSeymour station platform view V/Line broad gauge N class N 457 'City of Mildura' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 85-1225 leading the Sunday evening down combined Albury / Cobram pass talks to the signaller at Seymour platform, this train splits at this location with the rear portion continuing to Cobram.
127-14170 viewsDeer Park West, V/Line N class loco N 456 'City of Colac' with serial 85-1224 a Clyde Engineering Somerton Victoria built EMD model JT22HC-2, N set and D van, down afternoon passenger train.
106-31191 viewsNagambie station yard overview looking north, platform at left.

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